Rand Paul : Trump may take executive action to repeal Obama care


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Rand Paul: Trump May Take Executive Action To Repeal Obamacare

Senator Rand Paul is advising President Trump on a potential executive order to repeal and replace Obamacare, a move that he says could help millions of Americans who cannot afford skyrocketing premiums.

Well imagine that the son of a Doctor who wants better standards for we the people. Unlike Obama the little bitch who wanted to rape your every American born rights.
Rand Paul: Trump May Take Executive Action To Repeal Obamacare

Senator Rand Paul is advising President Trump on a potential executive order to repeal and replace Obamacare, a move that he says could help millions of Americans who cannot afford skyrocketing premiums.

Well imagine that the son of a Doctor who wants better standards for we the people. Unlike Obama the little bitch who wanted to rape your every American born rights.

Throughout 2015, pharmaceutical companies spent $240 million on lobbying and the insurance industry spent $157 million on lobbying efforts, according to OpenSecrets.org.

Throughout House Speaker Paul Ryan’s congressional career, his top source of campaign donations after retirees and the financial industry is the insurance industry, from whom he has received over $2 million in contributions.

Ryan has also received over $1.3 million from “Health Professionals,” and nearly $1 million from the pharmaceutical industry, according to OpenSecrets.

From July 2014 to June 2016 alone, Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where the Obamacare replacement bill originated, has received $189,800 from the pharmaceutical industry, according to OpenSecrets. Upton is the third largest recipient of pharmaceutical campaign dollars in that time period, only beaten out by Ryan with $223,050 and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy with $233,850.
Rand Paul: Trump May Take Executive Action To Repeal Obamacare

Senator Rand Paul is advising President Trump on a potential executive order to repeal and replace Obamacare, a move that he says could help millions of Americans who cannot afford skyrocketing premiums.

Well imagine that the son of a Doctor who wants better standards for we the people. Unlike Obama the little bitch who wanted to rape your every American born rights.

Throughout 2015, pharmaceutical companies spent $240 million on lobbying and the insurance industry spent $157 million on lobbying efforts, according to OpenSecrets.org.

Throughout House Speaker Paul Ryan’s congressional career, his top source of campaign donations after retirees and the financial industry is the insurance industry, from whom he has received over $2 million in contributions.

Ryan has also received over $1.3 million from “Health Professionals,” and nearly $1 million from the pharmaceutical industry, according to OpenSecrets.

From July 2014 to June 2016 alone, Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where the Obamacare replacement bill originated, has received $189,800 from the pharmaceutical industry, according to OpenSecrets. Upton is the third largest recipient of pharmaceutical campaign dollars in that time period, only beaten out by Ryan with $223,050 and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy with $233,850.

BUT, but it's all about free speech!!!

Rand Paul: Trump May Take Executive Action To Repeal Obamacare

Senator Rand Paul is advising President Trump on a potential executive order to repeal and replace Obamacare, a move that he says could help millions of Americans who cannot afford skyrocketing premiums.

Well imagine that the son of a Doctor who wants better standards for we the people. Unlike Obama the little bitch who wanted to rape your every American born rights.

Let him. Let him sign his death warrant.:lol:
Odd isn't it, that those who hate government are typically ignorant as a box of rocks, and much less experienced. MIndwars has diarrhea of the keyboard and either echoes pathetic meme's from the extreme right, or calls everyone not on the fringe stupid, dumb or moronic.

The inference taken of those who too often use these three insults, is that these words were the first they understood growing up, and heard all through their childhood: "How can you be so stupid, only morons do dumb stuff like that!"
Rand Paul: Trump May Take Executive Action To Repeal Obamacare

Senator Rand Paul is advising President Trump on a potential executive order to repeal and replace Obamacare, a move that he says could help millions of Americans who cannot afford skyrocketing premiums.

Well imagine that the son of a Doctor who wants better standards for we the people. Unlike Obama the little bitch who wanted to rape your every American born rights.

Well imagine that Rand is also a Doctor.
FFS! The Irony from the Obama days of EO''s.

This Girl is GOOD!

Gee. A fast talker, good points and sounds like real fun
and Cute too.
Gotta love that too.

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The president cannot repeal legislation with an Executive Order
The president cannot repeal legislation with an Executive Order

I think Paul is referring to something like this, not using EOs to repeal the entire law.

The Obama administration was particularly aggressive in asserting the authority to grant waivers, defer burdens and delay implementation of various ACA provisions, even where the law did not authorize such acts. Put in the most charitable terms, the Obama administration took a particularly elastic view of what the executive branch could do under the law. But don’t just take my word for it. Bagley has documented these transgressions at length. (I’ve also discussed these actions in various papers and testimony.)

As Bagley notes with regard to this EO, many of the Obama administration’s actions implementing the ACA will make it easier for the Trump administration to take equivalent actions of questionable legality. The lawfulness of executive action is often evaluated by reference to prior executive practice, so the Obama administration’s success in taking such steps (and the relative silence of the legal commentariat, Bagley excepted) will strengthen the Trump administration’s hand when it begins granting questionable waivers, suspends requirements under the guise of exercising enforcement discretion and opts to place a hold on unpopular provisions.

Opinion | Can President Trump’s executive order unravel the Affordable Care Act?
Kill it.....

Covered California announced this week that its 2018 rates will increase about eight times faster than the rate of inflation, as the Obamacare law and the state’s liberal legislature continue to destroy private insurance in California.

Despite the latest United States Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for the month of June estimating that inflation rose by only 1.6 percent over the last twelve months, Covered California, Obamacare for the state, just announced that the average health insurance premiums on the California insurance exchanges would rise by 12.5 percent, or about 7.81 times faster than the rate of inflation.

Covered California 2018 Premiums to Jump 8x Inflation - Breitbart
He cannot repeal Obamacare with EO. If Rand Paul is telling him this then he clearly is a phony constitutionalist. If Trump throws even more people off of Maybe he can nibble around the edges but if he refuses to enforce the law, Republicans will be punished in 2018.
Well imagine that the son of a Doctor who wants better standards for we the people. Unlike Obama the little bitch who wanted to rape your every American born rights.
You know that Rand Paul is a doctor as well right?

But I'm curious, if you think being in or associated with medicine lends greater weight to the validity of an opinion on ACA, do you know what just about every group representing doctors says? That's right, they all came out strongly against any repeal. We're not talking about an eye doctor like Rand Paul, we're talking physicians representing American Medical Association, American Association of Medical Colleges, American College of Physicians, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc. many others.

If you're going to lean on medical experience to make your case, don't select just the outlier opinion.
a group of R & D;s in the Senate are working on some fixes for O-care right now....he ought to let them do their jobs....
The president cannot repeal legislation with an Executive Order
This president and his red hat wearing Goobers have less understanding of the workings of our govt. than an average 8th grader. Too stupid to know how stupid they really are. Did they really think Mexico was going to buy them a wall to cower behind?

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