Rand Paul VanDaminators Mcain!Off the top ropes he takes out the old bastard <used to be a war hero>

It's the same old McStain he's always been. Riding that war hero horse to death all the while campaigning like a conservative but actually spending the rest of his time as a staunch democrat progressive. Look at everything that jack ass say's and seperate it into time frames. Running for election? Pro-border enforcement. Not running? Pro-amnesty. Running? Anti-obiecare. Not running? Pro-government healthcare.

I had hoped Arizona was over this turd but he got back in anyway. Maybe next time even though I don't get to vote any more over there.
The treasonous, traitor McCain should be arrested or voluntarily resign. If not, him should switch to the democrat party so he can stop pretending.
Arrested? So that's what you want to do to people who oppose the president? Wow
It's what you do with a fraud.
If that were the case trump would be in a cell under the prison.
Alongside obie, reid, pelosi, the entire clinton family etc etc.
He goes to Munich and says America is the doppleganger of pre WWII Germany and you think that's okey dokey?

Oh Camp you have gone to far.
I'm not sure what game Rand Paul is playing, but I don't trust him. He leans on his father's libertarian legacy, but he seems so compromised at this point I have no idea which side of his mouth he's talking out of at any given point. He reminds me of my favorite scene from Lawrence of Arabia :
McCain is chairman of the Armed Forces Committee. Why in the world the decided to demean the Seal raid in Yemen is anybody's guess. Something ain't right with the old Vietnam Vet and somebody should call him out on it or suggest a CAT scan.
He goes to Munich and says America is the doppleganger of pre WWII Germany and you think that's okey dokey?

Oh Camp you have gone to far.
I don't remember him saying that. Got a link?

Wanna start using facts instead of fake quotes that you make up? I thought you all are on a quest to end fake news... might help if you start being honest yourself
One is on Soro's payroll, the other isn't.

Soros expects return for his money.

Soros is committed to the destruction of the American free market.

Soros is committed to one world government and the new world order.

Soros is an enemy to human liberty and he guises his efforts as concerns for the poor.

Like the kids that follow the pied piper.

I am glad that John McCain spoke up. He was 100% right. The Republican Party used to be a party of ideas when Reagan was President. Now Trump has nothing to offer but fear so he can gain more power. Too many people are comfortable with authoritarianism instead of freedom.

Rand Paul is a punk who puts party ahead of country and he even admits it. He is also a isolationist who believes that if the US withdraws from the world, the bad guys will leave us alone.
The treasonous, traitor McCain should be arrested or voluntarily resign. If not, him should switch to the democrat party so he can stop pretending.
Arrested? So that's what you want to do to people who oppose the president? Wow
It's what you do with a fraud.
Uh no it's not... it's what you do when people Break laws
God forbid we enforce fraud laws, there won't be any dems left.
McCain needs to be thrown PUT of the republican party.

And with his side kick. Look its not a matter of we don't like them These two bozos were flying over to Egypt at Obama's request to free FUCKING MORSI. Who killed so many Christians.

I want all these men to be investigated.
But you don't want Trump investigated into his ties to Russia?
The treasonous, traitor McCain should be arrested or voluntarily resign. If not, him should switch to the democrat party so he can stop pretending.
Arrested? So that's what you want to do to people who oppose the president? Wow
It's what you do with a fraud.
Uh no it's not... it's what you do when people Break laws
God forbid we enforce fraud laws, there won't be any dems left.
What fraud laws did McCain commit to warrant arrest?
I am glad that John McCain spoke up. He was 100% right. The Republican Party used to be a party of ideas when Reagan was President. Now Trump has nothing to offer but fear so he can gain more power. Too many people are comfortable with authoritarianism instead of freedom.

Rand Paul is a punk who puts party ahead of country and he even admits it. He is also a isolationist who believes that if the US withdraws from the world, the bad guys will leave us alone.
I have a couple idea's. First of all let's not do anything the dems want. Those are always bad ideas It's not like we don't have a history of their failures around the globe to learn from and several cities here in the US as examples.

My second idea is to just ignore you people. Rant and rave, burn shit down riot and put on all the marches you want. You're idiots and no matter how much noise you make you deserve no response. You aren't capable of debate anyway so why bother. Which I believe is the most brutal of arrows you know you're getting. Your puppets tell you people don't like Trump and he's losing support but you don't feel that do you? You know it's not true. Celebrities making asses of themselves and you cheer them on but you know you're alone in that outside your own bubble. Your failure has even brought you to the point of supporting McStain. The guy you said back in 2012 was satan himself. You've lost. Biggly. Hugely. And it hurts.
I am glad that John McCain spoke up. He was 100% right. The Republican Party used to be a party of ideas when Reagan was President. Now Trump has nothing to offer but fear so he can gain more power. Too many people are comfortable with authoritarianism instead of freedom.

Rand Paul is a punk who puts party ahead of country and he even admits it. He is also a isolationist who believes that if the US withdraws from the world, the bad guys will leave us alone.
I have a couple idea's. First of all let's not do anything the dems want. Those are always bad ideas It's not like we don't have a history of their failures around the globe to learn from and several cities here in the US as examples.

My second idea is to just ignore you people. Rant and rave, burn shit down riot and put on all the marches you want. You're idiots and no matter how much noise you make you deserve no response. You aren't capable of debate anyway so why bother. Which I believe is the most brutal of arrows you know you're getting. Your puppets tell you people don't like Trump and he's losing support but you don't feel that do you? You know it's not true. Celebrities making asses of themselves and you cheer them on but you know you're alone in that outside your own bubble. Your failure has even brought you to the point of supporting McStain. The guy you said back in 2012 was satan himself. You've lost. Biggly. Hugely. And it hurts.
I've got two ideas....
First, how about we find the best solution to each problem and not be a thoughtless partisan drone.

Second, how about you ignore the wingnuts and learn how to talk to moderate thinkers. Re read your post and maybe you'll see that you are taking the same approach as those who you are trying to insult. How about you stick to substance and the sharing of ideas
I am glad that John McCain spoke up. He was 100% right. The Republican Party used to be a party of ideas when Reagan was President. Now Trump has nothing to offer but fear so he can gain more power. Too many people are comfortable with authoritarianism instead of freedom.

Rand Paul is a punk who puts party ahead of country and he even admits it. He is also a isolationist who believes that if the US withdraws from the world, the bad guys will leave us alone.
I have a couple idea's. First of all let's not do anything the dems want. Those are always bad ideas It's not like we don't have a history of their failures around the globe to learn from and several cities here in the US as examples.

My second idea is to just ignore you people. Rant and rave, burn shit down riot and put on all the marches you want. You're idiots and no matter how much noise you make you deserve no response. You aren't capable of debate anyway so why bother. Which I believe is the most brutal of arrows you know you're getting. Your puppets tell you people don't like Trump and he's losing support but you don't feel that do you? You know it's not true. Celebrities making asses of themselves and you cheer them on but you know you're alone in that outside your own bubble. Your failure has even brought you to the point of supporting McStain. The guy you said back in 2012 was satan himself. You've lost. Biggly. Hugely. And it hurts.

Your idea of being a conservative is being against Democrats. Trump is not offering any new ideas. He parrots Bernie Sanders on trade and liberal Democrats when he talks about infrastructure.

You people is anyone who disagrees with Trump. CPAC was 1 huge journey into paranoia and hate. This is not the conservatism of Ronald Reagan who was not afraid to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner. Republicans are talking about raising taxes on ordinary people. That is what passes for ideas. I wish the liberals and Trump conservatives would tear each other to pieces. Then we could get something done. Democrats hate business. When businesses tell Republicans to jump they ask how high. A pox on both houses.
I am glad that John McCain spoke up. He was 100% right. The Republican Party used to be a party of ideas when Reagan was President. Now Trump has nothing to offer but fear so he can gain more power. Too many people are comfortable with authoritarianism instead of freedom.

Rand Paul is a punk who puts party ahead of country and he even admits it. He is also a isolationist who believes that if the US withdraws from the world, the bad guys will leave us alone.
I have a couple idea's. First of all let's not do anything the dems want. Those are always bad ideas It's not like we don't have a history of their failures around the globe to learn from and several cities here in the US as examples.

My second idea is to just ignore you people. Rant and rave, burn shit down riot and put on all the marches you want. You're idiots and no matter how much noise you make you deserve no response. You aren't capable of debate anyway so why bother. Which I believe is the most brutal of arrows you know you're getting. Your puppets tell you people don't like Trump and he's losing support but you don't feel that do you? You know it's not true. Celebrities making asses of themselves and you cheer them on but you know you're alone in that outside your own bubble. Your failure has even brought you to the point of supporting McStain. The guy you said back in 2012 was satan himself. You've lost. Biggly. Hugely. And it hurts.
I've got two ideas....
First, how about we find the best solution to each problem and not be a thoughtless partisan drone.

Second, how about you ignore the wingnuts and learn how to talk to moderate thinkers. Re read your post and maybe you'll see that you are taking the same approach as those who you are trying to insult. How about you stick to substance and the sharing of ideas

If Trump supporters want to throw a few high hard ones then I have no qualms about throwing high hard ones. I don't care whether you like it or not.

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