Rand Paul wants Susan Rice before Congress and under oath:he's going for the jugular


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Yes! Be still my heart. :) This is going to really heat up. Bottom line the bitch and others were spying on the Trump team.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told reporters Monday afternoon that former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice “ought to testify under oath” after Bloomberg News’s Eli Lake revealed that, during the presidential transition, she deliberately sought to “unmask” President Donald Trump’s associates from intelligence surveillance.

Paul called the reports that Rice made dozens of requests to learn more about the identities of anonymous people thought to be close to the Trump transition team, inadvertently caught on tape during investigations into foreign persons of intelligence interest, “enormous news.”

“If it is allowed, we shouldn’t be allowing it. I don’t think we should discount how big a deal it is that Susan rice was looking at these,” Paul told the assembled reporters.

The Kentucky Senator then cut to the heart of the growing political fight behind what President Trump has called “wiretapping.”

“She needs to be asked, ‘did President Obama ask her to do this?’ I think she ought to testify under oath on this,” Paul opined.

Paul also tried to tie Monday’s revelations about Rice to the slew of leaks on the topic around the time of the handover of the White House. “I think she should be asked under oath, did she reveal it to the Washington Post?” he asked."

More at link:

Rand Paul Wants Susan Rice Before Congress - Breitbart
These thugs leftovers from the Barack Hussein years think they are untouchable.

Got news for those thugs.....they are not!
This scenario just shickles me tit-less...

Drain the swamp President Trump

Give justice to the people.

Send these scum to jail. :thup:
If I was Ted Cruz or any other primary candidate, I'd want the Obama administration investigated to find out if they were spying on all of them. It's most disturbing if true that they started spying on Trump a year before the election.
I wanted Rand Paul before the primaries began, he has been a fairly consistent representative of Libertarianism. Done a fine job selling it's natural virtues, especially natural to the American system as envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Didn't you Trump losers learn, after you got humiliated with your "Hillary is going to jail" babble? You're being played, morons.

Rice was a national security advisor. It's her job to ask intelligence agencies for more details when they give her intelligence. Those agencies are required to start out giving the bare minimum, and then the advisors ask for more if they need it.It's totally legal, and she'd be ethically remiss if she didn't ask.

So, the thread summary is that Rand Paul is a shockingly corrupt partisan hack. This stunt on his part may rises to Obstruction of Justice. That's what several Republican congressmen will need to be charged with.
Didn't you Trump losers learn, after you got humiliated with your "Hillary is going to jail" babble? You're being played, morons.

Rice was a national security advisor. It's her job to ask intelligence agencies for more details when they give her intelligence. Those agencies are required to start out giving the bare minimum, and then the advisors ask for more if they need it.It's totally legal, and she'd be ethically remiss if she didn't ask.

So, the thread summary is that Rand Paul is a shockingly corrupt partisan hack. This stunt on his part may rises to Obstruction of Justice. That's what several Republican congressmen will need to be charged with.
Where is Schiff's evidence of collusion, dumbfuck?

THAT is obstruction of justice, dumbfuck.
Yes! Be still my heart. :) This is going to really heat up. Bottom line the bitch and others were spying on the Trump team.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told reporters Monday afternoon that former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice “ought to testify under oath” after Bloomberg News’s Eli Lake revealed that, during the presidential transition, she deliberately sought to “unmask” President Donald Trump’s associates from intelligence surveillance.

Paul called the reports that Rice made dozens of requests to learn more about the identities of anonymous people thought to be close to the Trump transition team, inadvertently caught on tape during investigations into foreign persons of intelligence interest, “enormous news.”

“If it is allowed, we shouldn’t be allowing it. I don’t think we should discount how big a deal it is that Susan rice was looking at these,” Paul told the assembled reporters.

The Kentucky Senator then cut to the heart of the growing political fight behind what President Trump has called “wiretapping.”

“She needs to be asked, ‘did President Obama ask her to do this?’ I think she ought to testify under oath on this,” Paul opined.

Paul also tried to tie Monday’s revelations about Rice to the slew of leaks on the topic around the time of the handover of the White House. “I think she should be asked under oath, did she reveal it to the Washington Post?” he asked."

More at link:

Rand Paul Wants Susan Rice Before Congress - Breitbart
This of course assumes that they will be interrogating someone who cares about truthful testimony under oath. Does anyone really expect such a criminal honor her oath? Really?
If I was Ted Cruz or any other primary candidate, I'd want the Obama administration investigated to find out if they were spying on all of them. It's most disturbing if true that they started spying on Trump a year before the election.
'Cause you know they were running the same operation on any potential opposition.

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