Rand Paul's revealing letter from 2002

.........We are not talking about freedom of speech, we are talking about racial discrimination in commerce and employment. I am not a fan of affirmative action, but I am 1000% for disallowing discrimination in employment, housing, restaurants or hotels. ..............................

Why???? If your trade is declined by one business what have you actually lost? Its not like someone owes you services, goods or a job. Go earn/spend somewhere else. The Right to decline association is an absolute bedrock of Freedom and Property. That a person/group NEEDS the strongarm of the State to compel business people to let them in the door is proof positive that said person/group is in some basic way objectively flawed. Business people are in it to make money. If they don't want yours go look in the mirror to figure out why. YOU have the problem requiring work, not them.

EXACTLY right! :clap2:

Freedom OF Association and Freedom of Assembly are Constitutionally protected RIGHTS.
Not according to those who decide constitutionality.
Why???? If your trade is declined by one business what have you actually lost? Its not like someone owes you services, goods or a job. Go earn/spend somewhere else. The Right to decline association is an absolute bedrock of Freedom and Property. That a person/group NEEDS the strongarm of the State to compel business people to let them in the door is proof positive that said person/group is in some basic way objectively flawed. Business people are in it to make money. If they don't want yours go look in the mirror to figure out why. YOU have the problem requiring work, not them.

EXACTLY right! :clap2:

Freedom OF Association and Freedom of Assembly are Constitutionally protected RIGHTS.
Not according to those who decide constitutionality.

And thankfully that is NOT you. Dumbass! :rolleyes:
Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

Right Now - Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

So, in Rand Paul's mind, a Free Society has seperate lunch counters, seperate bathrooms, and an eatery can deny a person based on race. :clap2:

If I wanted to become a racist, I would have joined the Democrat Party.

The Democrat party has always been a bastion of racists. Always.

Yep. Their Party Platform supports Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to people based on the color of their skin. That's State-sanctioned racism.
Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

Right Now - Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

So, in Rand Paul's mind, a Free Society has seperate lunch counters, seperate bathrooms, and an eatery can deny a person based on race. :clap2:

All Alinsky, all the time, another allsome thread .......
Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

Right Now - Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

So, in Rand Paul's mind, a Free Society has seperate lunch counters, seperate bathrooms, and an eatery can deny a person based on race. :clap2:

In free societies hate filled groups can also pass out literture, have websites, and even not befriend people that they don't like. Do you want to change that?

NO one is threatening that. NO ONE. You can have racist thoughts, write racist things and even teach racist ideologies, but when you try to use that racism to stop someone else from doing something, you stepped over the line and that is why the big ol goverment had to step up back in 64.

Why are we having this argument...what fucking year does this Rand live in anyway?
Democrats: "We got nothing to counter Rand Paul...let's brand him a racist...that worked for us in 2008 in the Obama campaign."

And I have no doubt that the Democrats sincerely appreciate all of the ammunition Rand Paul is freely giving them.

When you choose to adopt race card playing as a campaign strategy it just shows the utter, desperate nature of the Democrat Party. They have swung left and will be voted out in November...even if it means voting in peope like Rand Paul to counter socialism.

I have seen the race card being played. This is not one of those times...Rand paul said he thinks businesses should have the right to have "whites only" signs.

How is this not racist?
i get all ruffled up over stupid posts that detract from the topic. I have talked about my ron paul vote for months here and supported him and his son for as long

I am with you in your support for the Pauls. Unless the Republicans learn what the people want, I will stay with the Rands.

its not good for the Rs down the road. college kids are fired up over him. when he came to one of the local colleges here you had to get there 3 hours early to even get in the same building as him. I had to watch the talk on a screen from another building

Funny, I waited with a bunch of college kids from asu for 5 hours to see Obama. :lol: By the way, was this 3 hour wait before or after teh Maddow interview? LOL
And I have no doubt that the Democrats sincerely appreciate all of the ammunition Rand Paul is freely giving them.

When you choose to adopt race card playing as a campaign strategy it just shows the utter, desperate nature of the Democrat Party. They have swung left and will be voted out in November...even if it means voting in peope like Rand Paul to counter socialism.

I have seen the race card being played. This is not one of those times...Rand paul said he thinks businesses should have the right to have "whites only" signs.

How is this not racist?

because the fed government has no right or legal power to control who businesses can or cannot hire
Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

Right Now - Rand Paul in '02: I may not like it, but 'a free society' will allow 'hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin'

So, in Rand Paul's mind, a Free Society has seperate lunch counters, seperate bathrooms, and an eatery can deny a person based on race. :clap2:

Yup. Of course, a free society ALSO allows others in that community to refuse to patronize such a business and close it down, which is much more effective and a much more pointed lesson than government intervention.

I don't support the government telling people what to think and believe. Do you? :eusa_angel:
...................What a bizarre analogy.

spot on actually
Comparing whether a black man or a Jewish woman should be disallowed from eating at a lunch counter to your right to turn off the TV switch...

Yeah. That's a spot on analogy. :rolleyes:


The principal is absolutely the same- The Property Owner has 100% of the Natural Right to regulate association on his/her Property INCLUDING a Property used to conduct business.

What your sort is demanding is a 'right' for certain folks never to be offended by having their presence/trade declined. BUT......just HOW does being refused a seat at the lunch counter do physical harm to or deprive/damage of said negro man or jew woman. BTW I have never heard of a jew woman being denied restaurant service (they tip well on average) except at a Nation of Islime joint. Black men on the other hand might find themselves more welcome IF they would lean to not be such cheapskate tippers.

How is this not racist?

'Racism' requires both intent and ability to do harm. In a town of say 2000 whites and 1000 'minorities' with a dozen restaurants and maybe 3 of which have WHITES ONLY SIGNS how is anybody harmed........REALLY HARMED........not just made to Feel Bad or Be Indignant????
And I have no doubt that the Democrats sincerely appreciate all of the ammunition Rand Paul is freely giving them.

When you choose to adopt race card playing as a campaign strategy it just shows the utter, desperate nature of the Democrat Party. They have swung left and will be voted out in November...even if it means voting in peope like Rand Paul to counter socialism.

Uh yeah....how's that whole fear mongering thing been working for you asshats as of late?
LOL, not so well, apparently.
spot on actually
Comparing whether a black man or a Jewish woman should be disallowed from eating at a lunch counter to your right to turn off the TV switch...

Yeah. That's a spot on analogy. :rolleyes:


The principal is absolutely the same- The Property Owner has 100% of the Natural Right to regulate association on his/her Property INCLUDING a Property used to conduct business.

What your sort is demanding is a 'right' for certain folks never to be offended by having their presence/trade declined. BUT......just HOW does being refused a seat at the lunch counter do physical harm to or deprive/damage of said negro man or jew woman. BTW I have never heard of a jew woman being denied restaurant service (they tip well on average) except at a Nation of Islime joint. Black men on the other hand might find themselves more welcome IF they would lean to not be such cheapskate tippers.
The 1950's called and they want their argument back.
I have seen the race card being played. This is not one of those times...Rand paul said he thinks businesses should have the right to have "whites only" signs.

How is this not racist?

And you believe that through government violence and threats that you can curb racism. Some people choose knowledge and education, some choose government guns. Whatever floats your boat I guess...
I never liked William F. Buckley Jr., but he had the decency to apologize for his comments against Civil Rights.
Whites Only signs are just the beginning of what Ron..I mean Rand Paul needs to explain.

If Rand Paul had his way, the federal government would no longer hand out subsidies to support farmers. The retirement age would be raised to make Social Security solvent. Senators could only serve 12 years in office. Congress would have to delay voting one day for every 20 pages of text in a bill so the public would have time to read and understand it. A section of every law passed would have to include an explanation of what part of the Constitution empowers Congress to act on the issue.

Members of Congress could not pick out parks or roads in their districts to fund, according to Paul's platform. Congress would have to balance its budget every year, a move that could result in billions of dollars in cuts to politically popular programs. Lawmakers would simply send money to states for education, instead of imposing a variety of rules on schools through the U.S. Department of Education, which Paul wants to eliminate.

The voters of Kentucky are going to want to know more about his cuts to farmers. Ron...I mean Rand Paul has ALOT of explaining to do.
If Rand Paul had his way, the federal government would no longer hand out subsidies to support farmers.

why should they subsidize them?

he retirement age would be raised to make Social Security solvent.

anything to remove people from SS is good. the whole program should be dropped and the stolen money given back to people who paid it.

Senators could only serve 12 years in office.


ICongress would have to delay voting one day for every 20 pages of text in a bill so the public would have time to read and understand it.

this is a good thing.

IA section of every law passed would have to include an explanation of what part of the Constitution empowers Congress to act on the issue.


Members of Congress could not pick out parks or roads in their districts to fund, according to Paul's platform.

this is good. less bribes and wasteful contractor spending

Congress would have to balance its budget every year, a move that could result in billions of dollars in cuts to politically popular programs.

good, all welfare and handout programs should be ended ASAP.

Lawmakers would simply send money to states for education, instead of imposing a variety of rules on schools through the U.S. Department of Education, which Paul wants to eliminate.

the federal gov has no constituional power to dictate education to states

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