Rank the Months of the Year


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
I live in a part of the country where the weather/seasons are always changing, which gives people strong opinions about said weather/seasons. Anyway I was asked recently about my favorite month and realized I never really thought about it. Here's my list from most disliked to most liked. Let's see your list, and explain if you want!

12. January
11. February
10. March
9. April
8. May
7. June
6. December
5. July
4. August
3. September
2. October
1. November

I chose November because I love Thanksgiving, and it's quiet. There's something reflective and cozy about it that I love.
Interesting.... mine

Starting with the worst.....
February - Deep winter, cold, wet and getting tired of winter
January - Same weather as February, but not sol tired of it as Feb
April - Mud season. Sloppy, too cool - wet, wet and more wet
March - promise of spring, but always get a wave of winter - and too muddy wet
August - Hotter than hell
November - Winter is arriving, but holidays are here
May - Now we are getting into best months, warmer and flowers blooming
June - Probably best weather month
October - Fall, some great weather and fall colors
July - summer!!
September - Usually dry, cool nights and not so hot days
December - time with family, and time from work. Celebratory mood
Okay, I rank as the best months - July and August, because the weather is awesome, December because I enjoy Christmas.

Months I hate - September, because that's when things start getting depressing, January and February, which are almost always Miserable in Chi-town.

All the others... I can take them or leave them.
Interesting.... mine

Starting with the worst.....
February - Deep winter, cold, wet and getting tired of winter
January - Same weather as February, but not sol tired of it as Feb
April - Mud season. Sloppy, too cool - wet, wet and more wet
March - promise of spring, but always get a wave of winter - and too muddy wet
August - Hotter than hell
November - Winter is arriving, but holidays are here
May - Now we are getting into best months, warmer and flowers blooming
June - Probably best weather month
October - Fall, some great weather and fall colors
July - summer!!
September - Usually dry, cool nights and not so hot days
December - time with family, and time from work. Celebratory mood

Your climate looks exactly like mine to be honest. April and even May are hit-or-miss as far as spring weather. We share Jan/Feb at the bottom of the list.

I don't love Christmas, but part of that is I always work almost up to the day and it's just so busy and overwhelming--and I already have a busy job. I might feel differently when I retire in at the end of next school year.
12. February
11. January
10. December
9. November
8. March
7. October
6. April
5. September
4. May
3. August
2. June
1. July
Your climate looks exactly like mine to be honest. April and even May are hit-or-miss as far as spring weather. We share Jan/Feb at the bottom of the list.

I don't love Christmas, but part of that is I always work almost up to the day and it's just so busy and overwhelming--and I already have a busy job. I might feel differently when I retire in at the end of next school year.
I also suffer seasonal depression, thankfully not serious. I am at my worst in February.
My wife is a great help to me then. Top shelf care and empathy she gives me then.

Rank the Months of the Year​

  1. January. It is cold out. No bugs, no lawn cutting, everything is quiet, holiday crap is over, the Playoffs are on.
  2. November - Gets dark early, not too cold, no bugs, no grass, football, lots of time to catch up on good movies.
  3. October - Best Fall colors, no humidity, end of yard work, good football.
  4. February - Middle of winter, no yard work, very quiet and still, Superbowl.
  5. September - Relief from summer heat and humidity, start of football season.
  6. March - End of Winter, longer days, no snow, no heat, no grass yet.
  7. May - Nice out, summer like but without too much heat, humidity, longer days, but yard work begins.
  8. December - dark, quiet, no yard work, no snow, holiday specials, but too much holiday crowds and traffic. People crazy.
  9. June - Longest days, light out until 10PM, looking forward to summer, grass but not too hot and humid.
  10. August - end of summer, yard work, school taxes.
  11. April - tax season, no football, no holidays, grass starts growing, but days getting longer.
  12. July - Grass, bugs, traffic, very hot and muggy, but it is middle of summer.

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