Rank the Months of the Year

I am NOT a monthaphobe.

I embrace them all with equal vigor.

There is absolutely something to love about every one of them. I appreciate living in a place where there are only really a few weeks of "stasis" in summer and winter.
It's a silly exercise worthy of a grade school class. In the dark days of December I look forward to spring and in the hot humid days of August I look forward to fall. Human nature.

Dude do you see some of the trash posted here? It's not that serious
  1. January. It is cold out. No bugs, no lawn cutting, everything is quiet, holiday crap is over, the Playoffs are on.
  2. November - Gets dark early, not too cold, no bugs, no grass, football, lots of time to catch up on good movies.
  3. October - Best Fall colors, no humidity, end of yard work, good football.
  4. February - Middle of winter, no yard work, very quiet and still, Superbowl.
  5. September - Relief from summer heat and humidity, start of football season.
  6. March - End of Winter, longer days, no snow, no heat, no grass yet.
  7. May - Nice out, summer like but without too much heat, humidity, longer days, but yard work begins.
  8. December - dark, quiet, no yard work, no snow, holiday specials, but too much holiday crowds and traffic. People crazy.
  9. June - Longest days, light out until 10PM, looking forward to summer, grass but not too hot and humid.
  10. August - end of summer, yard work, school taxes.
  11. April - tax season, no football, no holidays, grass starts growing, but days getting longer.
  12. July - Grass, bugs, traffic, very hot and muggy, but it is middle of summer.

I sense you do not like yard work ha

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