Ransomware infections reported worldwide


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

A massive ransomware campaign appears to have infected a number of organisations around the world.

Computers in thousands of locations have apparently been locked by a program that demands $300 (£230) in Bitcoin.

There have been reports of infections in as many as 74 countries, including the UK, US, China, Russia, Spain, Italy and Taiwan.

Ransomware infections reported worldwide - BBC News


Ransom Reportedly Demanded in Cyberattack on England’s Health-care System


Don't worry if you are one in the sheeple pack just tell yourself you don't like the source so that way you can just say it's fake maybe it will go away then lol.



Ransomware utilizing a leaked NSA exploit is currently infecting countless computers across the globe.

The attack, known as “WannaCry,” encrypts Windows users’ computer files before demanding a $300 payment in Bitcoin. Although Microsoft issued a patch for the vulnerability in March, thousands of users have either failed to apply the update or are running outdated operating systems.

Ransomware Based Off of Leaked NSA Exploit Infects Computers Worldwide
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my wife is a school teacher & I work for a company that does website work with just over 1800 high schools nation-wide

there was a BIG phishing expedition last week - same email nationally sent from teacher & school administrator accounts suggesting that you open up something in google docs
my wife is a school teacher & I work for a company that does website work with just over 1800 high schools nation-wide

there was a BIG phishing expedition last week - same email nationally sent from teacher & school administrator accounts suggesting that you open up something in google docs

We had our servers infected today by I believe what they were saying wcnj virus and shut them down. Tech has been working all day on them.
My sister's computer had ransomware on it a couple years ago. A page comes up that you can't get rid of saying that ICE will arrest you if you don't pay $300. I have removed a lot of spyware programs in my time but that one was a pain in the ass.
I have to clarify, called my boss to see if our server's were back and asked him if that was the ransomware and it is. The tech said it might take a while to get off.
I have to clarify, called my boss to see if our server's were back and asked him if that was the ransomware and it is. The tech said it might take a while to get off.

It took a bit of time for me to get rid of the ransomware on my sister's computer. Lots of back and forth between the infected machine and one that wasn't infected.
Shadow Brokers? That's odd... they don't usually black hat groups they're like maleware sales people. They cracked the NSA not to long ago and ran off with all their toys.

In other news, now we know where the NSA's been snooping hahaha
I have to clarify, called my boss to see if our server's were back and asked him if that was the ransomware and it is. The tech said it might take a while to get off.

It took a bit of time for me to get rid of the ransomware on my sister's computer. Lots of back and forth between the infected machine and one that wasn't infected.

I don't know what they're doing, I came home a couple hours ago although I had internet I could not use the company email. They now have no internet. The tech checked my computer for any viruses since I told them I opened my email this morning between 5 and 6 AM. From what he could tell I had none and it looked as though it came in sometime around 4AM. We use one of largest security firms for our email and they didn't catch it or maybe it was in the email I delete every morning with not opening that has all the spam. We all get similar emails with the held emails overnight, must be someone opened theirs and then proceeded to open an email with an attachment.
I have to clarify, called my boss to see if our server's were back and asked him if that was the ransomware and it is. The tech said it might take a while to get off.

It took a bit of time for me to get rid of the ransomware on my sister's computer. Lots of back and forth between the infected machine and one that wasn't infected.

I don't know what they're doing, I came home a couple hours ago although I had internet I could not use the company email. They now have no internet. The tech checked my computer for any viruses since I told them I opened my email this morning between 5 and 6 AM. From what he could tell I had none and it looked as though it came in sometime around 4AM. We use one of largest security firms for our email and they didn't catch it or maybe it was in the email I delete every morning with not opening that has all the spam. We all get similar emails with the held emails overnight, must be someone opened theirs and then proceeded to open an email with an attachment.

It's unlikely it originated from an email. It's spreading through your company's network. As long as your home computer isn't directly connected to the network you should be fine.
I guess on the plus side, if it counts as a plus side, stealing data isn't really something that's been in Shadow Broker's wheel house. I suspect the just used the NSA's inlets to plant this money scheme - cause that's what they're all about black hatting for bitcoin. I think they're a member of the capitalist anarchy camp - thinking gov money is a means of control so they'd like it abolished for a global currency that is controlled by no one.
Ransomware utilizing a leaked NSA exploit is currently infecting countless computers across the globe.

The attack, known as “WannaCry,” encrypts Windows users’ computer files before demanding a $300 payment in Bitcoin. Although Microsoft issued a patch for the vulnerability in March, thousands of users have either failed to apply the update or are running outdated operating systems.

The ransomware is spreading at an alarming rate given its use of “EternalBlue,” a powerful NSA SMB exploit recently leaked online by the mysterious Shadow Brokers hacking group.

PlayNierAutomata @dodicin

A ransomware spreading in the lab at the university

4:24 AM - 12 May 2017

Can always go here to see how nice and FAKE IT IS , not everything is BS
I guess on the plus side, if it counts as a plus side, stealing data isn't really something that's been in Shadow Broker's wheel house. I suspect the just used the NSA's inlets to plant this money scheme - cause that's what they're all about black hatting for bitcoin. I think they're a member of the capitalist anarchy camp - thinking gov money is a means of control so they'd like it abolished for a global currency that is controlled by no one.

It doesn't sound like they are accusing the Shadow Brokers of planting the ransomware. It sounds as if others are just taking advantage of the vulnerabilities that the Shadow Brokers leaked.
Cybersecurity experts say the hackers are collecting the payment in multiple Bitcoin wallets used to collect ransoms say the hacker(s) have already been paid “6 figures.”

Kevin Beaumont


WannaCry SMB worm BitCoin wallets just crossed over to 6 figures (!) in BitCoins (converted to $)

12:07 PM - 12 May 2017

Shad @_sh4d

Wallet 1: https://blockchain.info/address/13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94 …

Wallet 2: https://blockchain.info/address/115p7UMMngoj1pMvkpHijcRdfJNXj6LrLn …#nhscyberattack

11:01 AM - 12 May 2017

Windows users are being urged to either upgrade their operating systems or to apply security patches immediately.

Lauri Love


IF YOU HAVE NOT APPLIED THESE SECURITY PATCHES FROM MICROSOFT https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx …. DO SO NOW OR GET OFF THE INTERNET PLEASE.

10:46 AM - 12 May 2017

Kevin Beaumont

✔ @GossiTheDog

You can combat SMB worms by making a Group Policy for Windows firewall. Block SMB between all endpoint PCs. Limit between servers that need

Kevin Beaumont


Then even if you fall behind, a patch doesn't get applied, antivirus doesn't work - it makes it very difficult to spread.

11:14 AM - 12 May 2017

Hacker Fantastic @hackerfantastic

How not to be hit by WCry 2.0: Apply MS17-010 immediately, remove NT4, 2000, XP-2003 from production, Firewall ports 445/139 & 3389. Simple.

9:35 AM - 12 May 2017

Cybersecurity companies are also attempting to create a decryption tool that would allow users to retrieve their files without being forced to pay the ransom.

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