Rap Star Nicki Minaj Rebels Against Democrat Party Control of Black People: ‘Don’t Tell Me I Can’t Agree with a Republican’

THAT should be the definition of "woke", not promoting bed wetting leftist social justice psychobabble. I'll never understand how parroting insane leftist propaganda makes someone "awake". It means YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT or at least a JABBERING RETARD.
Rock the boat, expand your fanbase, cost the Dems a few voters. Most importantly, cut through party lines and return back to traditional American values of free speech, the Right to Self Determination over ones health decisions and positions in general.

You don't have to be a fan of anyones music to agree with their right to speak freely on an issue. She isn't a health expert, and many of the health experts have been quite off the mark.

So, those saying that some risk making bad decision based on what she says are proving the point many make. YOU made the celebrity more important than they really are, if people are going to make a decision based on a celebrity, be it how to vote or what their own reality is, that's their own fault.
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Well, that ought to do it. Democrats will be shutting down and let the Republicans guide us to peace and prosperity.
Always good to see someone that can think for themselves and do not rely on the MSM for the truth.

Rap Star Nicki Minaj Rebels Against Democrat Party Control of Black People: 'Don't Tell Me I Can't Agree with a Republican'

She is hilarious!


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