"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?"

AGAIN That doesnt counter what I am saying you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck :rofl:
Goddamn dude, does everyone have to repeat themselves to your retarded ass?

More vulgarity???

More proof of your ire at being schooled.
Ignoring more science i see.
You are such a joke :lol:
Good day, dumbfuck.

What science have I ignored?

Not this:

Nature, or whatever you choose to call it, has shown an 'enlightened' explanation of the moment that life begins.

The most recent scientific discovery has 'highlighted' the moment at which the organism is a living human being....hence, any disruption beyond that moment is murder.

Practice what the pro-abortion fanatics will say: they will attach no significance to the discovery, and continue to claim that life does not begin until the developing human being is out of the womb and able to survive on its own. Of course, the same definition would allow the slaughter of year old infants.

Any rationalization aside, this discovery 'lights' the way to the only civilized way to deal with abortion.

..... we now must recognize that life begins at the moment sperm joins with egg...and any abortion should only be permitted prior to said event.

Here are the details.

“Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg​

Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.

An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.

Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans.

“To see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking.”

Professor Teresa Woodruff, Northwestern University

Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilised egg.

Researchers from Northwestern University, in Chicago, noticed that some of the eggs burn brighter than others, showing that they are more likely to produce a healthy baby.

“It’s a way of sorting egg quality in a way we’ve never been able to assess before. “All of biology starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human.”

The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters and egg it triggers calcium to increase which releases zinc from the egg. As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up my camera microscopes.

Over the last six years this team has shown that zinc controls the decision to grow and change into a completely new genetic organism.

In the experiment, scientists use sperm enzyme rather than actual sperm to show what happens at the moment of conception.

In a companion paper published in Scientific Reports on March 18, a zinc spark is shown at the precise time a sperm enters a mouse egg.

This discovery was made by Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern. Little is known about the events that occur at the time of fertilization, because it is difficult to capture the precise time of sperm entry.

The study will be published April 26 in Scientific Reports."
Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg
What science have I ignored?

Not this:

Nature, or whatever you choose to call it, has shown an 'enlightened' explanation of the moment that life begins.

The most recent scientific discovery has 'highlighted' the moment at which the organism is a living human being....hence, any disruption beyond that moment is murder.

Practice what the pro-abortion fanatics will say: they will attach no significance to the discovery, and continue to claim that life does not begin until the developing human being is out of the womb and able to survive on its own. Of course, the same definition would allow the slaughter of year old infants.

Any rationalization aside, this discovery 'lights' the way to the only civilized way to deal with abortion.

..... we now must recognize that life begins at the moment sperm joins with egg...and any abortion should only be permitted prior to said event.

Here are the details.

“Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg​

Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.

An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.

Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans.

“To see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking.”

Professor Teresa Woodruff, Northwestern University

Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilised egg.

Researchers from Northwestern University, in Chicago, noticed that some of the eggs burn brighter than others, showing that they are more likely to produce a healthy baby.

“It’s a way of sorting egg quality in a way we’ve never been able to assess before. “All of biology starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human.”

The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters and egg it triggers calcium to increase which releases zinc from the egg. As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up my camera microscopes.

Over the last six years this team has shown that zinc controls the decision to grow and change into a completely new genetic organism.

In the experiment, scientists use sperm enzyme rather than actual sperm to show what happens at the moment of conception.

In a companion paper published in Scientific Reports on March 18, a zinc spark is shown at the precise time a sperm enters a mouse egg.

This discovery was made by Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern. Little is known about the events that occur at the time of fertilization, because it is difficult to capture the precise time of sperm entry.

The study will be published April 26 in Scientific Reports."
Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg
Find something relevant or shut the fuck up. You are trolling your own thread.
Find something relevant or shut the fuck up. You are trolling your own thread.

"Im just saying a fetus isnt a human being."
"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" post 136

"They arent human beings."
"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" post 131

See.....that's what happens when you refuse to admit you're wrong: I bury you.

" A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

The zygote, the fetus, the infant, the baby......all human beings, all living things.
"Im just saying a fetus isnt a human being."
"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" post 136

"They arent human beings."
"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" post 131

See.....that's what happens when you refuse to admit you're wrong: I bury you.

" A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

The zygote, the fetus, the infant, the baby......all human beings, all living things.
yeah if you ignore what a human being actually is. Jesus Christ.
Your god hates liars. You know that right?
yeah if you ignore what a human being actually is. Jesus Christ.
Your god hates liars. You know that right?

BTW.....is a fetus carried by a human being, a human being???

Take your time.
yeah if you ignore what a human being actually is. Jesus Christ.
Your god hates liars. You know that right?

An assumption?

I've never stated what my religion is.

I could be a Druid....I look good in blue.....
Because you do not understand the issue at all and keep insisting that there is a separate species of fetus.
Im not claiming that. Not even close.
A human being isnt a species. A human being is a male, female or child homo sapien. Homo Sapien is a species.
Again, I am arguing with biology. Not emotion.
Do you understand now?
Some folks will do and say anything rather than lose face.
This absurd belief is mystifying. Don't they bother teaching biology any more. Human beings are mammals. They give birth to live young like all other mammals. An unborn elephant is still an elephant. An unborn whale is still a whale. There is no separate subspecies of elephant fetus, whale fetus or puppy fetus. Nor a human fetus. Fetus is a stage of development. Snake eggs are a stage of development of snakes.

It is saddening to know that there are such maleducated people.
This absurd belief is mystifying. Don't they bother teaching biology any more. Human beings are mammals. They give birth to live young like all other mammals. An unborn elephant is still an elephant. An unborn whale is still a whale. There is no separate subspecies of elephant fetus, whale fetus or puppy fetus. Nor a human fetus. Fetus is a stage of development. Snake eggs are a stage of development of snakes.

It is saddening to know that there are such maleducated people.
I dont guess either one of you have read what I have actually typed. IDK why that is so hard for you 2.
Im not claiming that. Not even close.
A human being isnt a species. A human being is a male, female or child homo sapien. Homo Sapien is a species.
Again, I am arguing with biology. Not emotion.
Do you understand now?
If this is your understanding then you are hopeless. Simply hopeless.
Im not claiming that. Not even close.
A human being isnt a species. A human being is a male, female or child homo sapien. Homo Sapien is a species.
Again, I am arguing with biology. Not emotion.
Do you understand now?

No, you're lying.

Can you provide any authorities, biologists, who say this sort of nonsense?

"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" Post 101

"Fetuses arent human beings. Period."

"Im just saying a fetus isnt a human being."

"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" post 136

"They arent human beings."

"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?" post 131

You're looking worse and worse.

Perhaps you should wait until high school before you post again.
MMMMMMM I love grilled chicken :D
This absurd belief is mystifying. Don't they bother teaching biology any more. Human beings are mammals. They give birth to live young like all other mammals. An unborn elephant is still an elephant. An unborn whale is still a whale. There is no separate subspecies of elephant fetus, whale fetus or puppy fetus. Nor a human fetus. Fetus is a stage of development. Snake eggs are a stage of development of snakes.

It is saddening to know that there are such maleducated people.

I love to blame the government school system, but this guy is showing a political attempt at sitting on the fence.

Lots of folks, sadly, are too cowardly to confront the Left.

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