Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness starts to gain acceptance


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
Posted the beginning of the article. There is a lot more. Long story short - the link between the vax and serious side effects is starting to get mainstream coverage.

From Science journal -
COVID-19 vaccines have saved millions of lives, and the world is gearing up for a new round of boosters. But like all vaccines, those targeting the coronavirus can cause side effects in some people, including rare cases of abnormal blood clotting and heart inflammation. Another apparent complication, a debilitating suite of symptoms that resembles Long Covid, has been more elusive, its link to vaccination unclear and its diagnostic features ill-defined. But in recent months, what some call Long Vax has gained wider acceptance among doctors and scientists, and some are now working to better understand and treat its symptoms.

“You see one or two patients and you wonder if it’s a coincidence,” says Anne Louise Oaklander, a neurologist and researcher at Harvard Medical School. “But by the time you’ve seen 10, 20,” she continues, trailing off. “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

Cases seem very rare—far less common than Long Covid after infection. Symptoms can include persistent headaches, severe fatigue, and abnormal heart rate and blood pressure. They appear hours, days, or weeks after vaccination and are difficult to study. But researchers and clinicians are increasingly finding some alignment with known medical conditions. One is small fiber neuropathy, a condition Oaklander studies, in which nerve damage can cause tingling or electric shock–like sensations, burning pain, and blood circulation problems. The second is a more nebulous syndrome, with symptoms sometimes triggered by small fiber neuropathy, called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). It can involve muscle weakness, swings in heart rate and blood pressure, fatigue, and brain fog.
Just more disinformation and lies, for political reasons associated with Trump's agenda.

And already costing more liver per capita in America to Covid than any other modern country.
Long covid is not just related to the vaccine I bet. Unless I have a serious ilness, which is possible due to all the stress I have experienced, I am very lethargic of late.
Long covid is not just related to the vaccine I bet. Unless I have a serious ilness, which is possible due to all the stress I have experienced, I am very lethargic of late.
What stress have you suffered that could have made you lethargic?
a debilitating suite of symptoms that resembles Long Covid, has been more elusive, its link to vaccination unclear and its diagnostic features ill-defined.

The article includes its own disclaimer to the nonsense! Understand what you read and then the mentally sane can move on to reality.
Yes Virginia thier is a Santa clause


Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness still fails to gain acceptance by reputable authorities.​


Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness still fails to gain acceptance by reputable authorities.​

"Reputable authorities" is a dubious term when Twitter has silenced the high-IQ opposition by making it so that the reader has to subscribe to be able to see what they post. Thus fascism and nazism are also authoritarian.
My doctor strongly believes that the COVID virus causes long term health problems. I think those that have had it are in for a rough future.

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