Rasputin, like the TSA, said he needed to penetrate your wife to "save" her


Jan 23, 2010
Another pilot stands up to TSA: Ann Poe, a pilot for Continental Airlines, refused to be groped or seen naked and did not make it to work on Nov. 4th. Says, "TSA is now affecting my livelihood." - informationliberation

Ann Poe has been in the airline industry for 37 years. She is a 777 pilot at Continental Airlines and was one of the first 100 female airline pilots in the United States.

"Subjecting ourselves to additional radiation with the body scanner and its invasion of medical privacy, or being sexually molested should not be part of our job. TSA is now actively groping the breasts, butt, pelvic and groin area, and running hands up thighs until they stop. It is a huge stressor, contributes to fatigue and safety of flight. Now it is costing me my livelihood."

Grigori Rasputin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When he was around the age of eighteen Rasputin spent three months in the Verkhoturye Monastery, possibly as a penance for theft. His experience there, combined with a reported vision of the Mother of God on his return, turned him towards the life of a religious mystic and wanderer. It also appears that he came into contact with the banned Christian sect known as the khlysty (flagellants), whose impassioned services, ending in physical exhaustion, led to rumors that religious and sexual ecstasy were combined in these rituals.
Another pilot stands up to TSA: Ann Poe, a pilot for Continental Airlines, refused to be groped or seen naked and did not make it to work on Nov. 4th. Says, "TSA is now affecting my livelihood." - informationliberation

Ann Poe has been in the airline industry for 37 years. She is a 777 pilot at Continental Airlines and was one of the first 100 female airline pilots in the United States.

"Subjecting ourselves to additional radiation with the body scanner and its invasion of medical privacy, or being sexually molested should not be part of our job. TSA is now actively groping the breasts, butt, pelvic and groin area, and running hands up thighs until they stop. It is a huge stressor, contributes to fatigue and safety of flight. Now it is costing me my livelihood."

Grigori Rasputin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When he was around the age of eighteen Rasputin spent three months in the Verkhoturye Monastery, possibly as a penance for theft. His experience there, combined with a reported vision of the Mother of God on his return, turned him towards the life of a religious mystic and wanderer. It also appears that he came into contact with the banned Christian sect known as the khlysty (flagellants), whose impassioned services, ending in physical exhaustion, led to rumors that religious and sexual ecstasy were combined in these rituals.

Yeah, sounds like the females need to have more practice runs on their thighs and breasts to loosen them up a little before the flight. Eventually they will get used to it, and stop screaming in massive orgasms.................:lol: Where is Clinton when TSA needs him?
Do these peeps actually think that some TSA agent is taking their SUPPOSED n00dz home to diddle themselves off?

You know what?

Let's see some pix of these put-upon folks, eh?

I'm really betwixt and between about this whole Invasion Of Privacy thang.

If I have nothing to hide?

Why do I even care?

(That's a real question, btw.)

I just don't see the horror of being seen, while I'm out in public.

In fact, I sort of think it protects me, since I don't do things to be ashamed of,

nor that I'd need/want/HAVE to hide from anyone.

You want to PROGRESS to the next level? Get HONEST.

IN our homes/castles? THERE is where we can expect total privacy.

ANYWHERE up to our front doors?

If you have nothing to hide, you should give up all your rights and civil liberties in order not to "offend", Islam. Ha, Ha.

One fact of radiation, it destroys cells that are dividing, that is why its used for Cancer, that is why females who are going to have children, or as liberals say, develop a fetus, are advised against radiation.

Children should not be exposed to radiation.
Come look at my life, asshat.

It's been up and it's been down,

but there NEVER was anything I couldn't HONESTLY answer you about.

Want to know about my drug use?

My sex life?

My criminality? (I actually WAS a criminal, but either I was SO good at it, or the police were so bad at investigation, that I was never apprehended. I could still do it, if I choose to, but WHY? For all that I risked myself and my life? I have NOTHING to show for it, except for some heart thumping scenes that I recorded in my mind, as they happened.)

If you want to know me? Ask. For all that folks think lies can cover them?

The truth is ALWAYS the end-all, be-all.

Perhaps it's just that I don't see any Beauty to any of it, anymore.

Perhaps it's that I see that, for all I profited? I'm no better off than I ever was.

Perhaps it's that the TRUTH is our Only Means of Communication, and if I have to lie about ME? I'm as much of a nothing/spur-of-the-moment thought as the lie I told.

It's THAT real, to me.
These body scanners expose us to a rather large amount of radiation.

Now for the occassional flyer that's probably no big deal.

But for those who fly often, for the pilots and flying staff, for those business people who fly weekly, and for those with auto immune deficiences, pregnant women, young children, the feeble, this does, I suspect, represent a real threat to their health.

I'm rather dubious this technology is actually needed, but assuming it is, then, personally, I'd rather strip down than be X-rayed.

And that ought to be an option available to us, I think.
These body scanners expose us to a rather large amount of radiation.

Now for the occassional flyer that's probably no big deal.

But for those who fly often, for the pilots and flying staff, for those business people who fly weekly, and for those with auto immune deficiences, pregnant women, young children, the feeble, this does, I suspect, represent a real threat to their health.

I'm rather dubious this technology is actually needed, but assuming it is, then, personally, I'd rather strip down than be X-rayed.

And that ought to be an option available to us, I think.

Those who fly are also exposed to cosmic radiation. To ad body scanning radiation is not good.

My kids will be flying soon, I am going to most likely make them go through the pat down. After I get patted down.

I believe its a choice. It should be for children, full radiation body scan, is that what they do to children.
Is RADIATION what we're "worried" about?

Guess the fuck WHAT?

The SUN irradiates us.

If I'm going to die from something other that what I KNOW is coming for me?

RADIATION seems like a decent alternative.

THAT, coming from someone who has ever flown ONCE in her entire 56 year life.

Homie don't Play That DAT.

IF I simp-flutely, abso-dutely HAVE to be there?

I'll drive, hitchhike or walk.

When I FLY?

I'll be hang-gliding.
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