rasputin: was he evil?

Was Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin really an evil man?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • I'm not sure, but I'll bet that if he was, it was probably George W. Bush's fault.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jan 6, 2014
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENWGwMUrJqw]Biography: Grigori Rasputin, The Mad Monk[/ame]

Was Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin "The Dissolute" really evil?

Did he really use black magic to heal people?

From what source did he get his power?

Has he been slandered by both Western and Eastern media?

Just want to gauge some opinions, and see what you know.

It sounds like you know your Russian history.
Bolshevick. WelfareQueen knows Russian dressing. Look at "her" avatar.

I know everything on the whole damn buffet. :lol:

So you know then that Rasputin's ancestral line was Jewish, then, yes?

I kinda wonder if that has a li'l sumin'-sumin' to do with why his name has been been so disturbingly vilified over the course of the past century.
Biography: Grigori Rasputin, The Mad Monk

Was Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin "The Dissolute" really evil?

Did he really use black magic to heal people?

From what source did he get his power?

Has he been slandered by both Western and Eastern media?

Just want to gauge some opinions, and see what you know.

From what I've read of Rasputin , he had a personna similar to Charles Manson and was able to mesmerize people -women in particular.

When the Tsar was called away into battle during World War 1, Rasputin began to exert great influence upon the Empress. He began replacing ministers of the court with his followers. Fear and hatred of him began to develop among the nobility. They credited him with supernatural powers that he was using to control the Empress and the Tsar.

Some of prophecies never came to pass , a few did.


Grigory Rasputin
Bolshevick. WelfareQueen knows Russian dressing. Look at "her" avatar.

I know everything on the whole damn buffet. :lol:

So you know then that Rasputin's ancestral line was Jewish, then, yes?

I kinda wonder if that has a li'l sumin'-sumin' to do with why his name has been been so disturbingly vilified over the course of the past century.

An aurora of mystique is still conjured up when Rasputin's name is mentioned. I don't see him as being evil since he aided the natural healing process of a child, a member of the royal family. Through that gesture, he was able to manipulate the mother of that child, who was also the queen. He then began to wield considerable power and influence by proxy, much to the chagrin of faithful subjects.
Bolshevick. WelfareQueen knows Russian dressing. Look at "her" avatar.

I know everything on the whole damn buffet. :lol:

So you know then that Rasputin's ancestral line was Jewish, then, yes?

I kinda wonder if that has a li'l sumin'-sumin' to do with why his name has been been so disturbingly vilified over the course of the past century.

I had thought he was of siberian descent - no documented Jewish ancestry, allthough the book "Rasputin and The Jews: A Reversal of History" makes a strong case for him having aided the Jewish minority who were the "*******" of Russia in his time.
I know everything on the whole damn buffet. :lol:

So you know then that Rasputin's ancestral line was Jewish, then, yes?

I kinda wonder if that has a li'l sumin'-sumin' to do with why his name has been been so disturbingly vilified over the course of the past century.

I had thought he was of siberian descent - no documented Jewish ancestry, allthough the book "Rasputin and The Jews: A Reversal of History" makes a strong case for him having aided the Jewish minority who were the "*******" of Russia in his time.

This, too, is a very good book about him, with numerous firsthand anecdotal accounts of his life — and death.

It is from this book that I learned of Rasputin's ancestral line.

Check it out online, free:

Rasputin: The Holy Devil - René Fülöp-Miller - Google Books
perhaps a form of hypnotist .... the ability to make the child's body heal it's self....remember the bleeding is not from cuts and such but bleeding into the joints.....but then how does one explain his death or his will to live?

The Death of Grigory Rasputin - Damn Interesting

Will hafta read that. Thanks.

He was absolutely IMHO by far one of the most interesting personalities of both the 19th and 20th centuries.

I'd love to go study Rasputin—his boyhood home, the churches and schools he attended, the place where he saw the Virgin Mary, and a whole host of other places with more allegedly sordid details—if I weren't kinda sorta utterly frick'n scared to death of Vladimir Putin.

Everything I've read about Rasputin indicates that only a few personalities—among them Jesus Christ (and no, I am not equating him with Jesus Christ)—in the entirety of world history were more vilified than he was.

God bless Rasputin.

I do not believe he was such a bad guy. We know that it's not the losers who write the history books, but the victors.

I do believe very much that I will see good ol' Raspy in heaven one day.
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but then again i am speaking as a mother.....what would i give to save my child....all i have...and she was willing to put up with all the negatives for one reason....he saved her child
strollingbones said:
a villain...he was a manipulator but hardly a villain

When I think of Rasputin, I have a tendency to think of the "Masked Ball" scene in the 1999 Stanley Kubrick film Eyes Wide Shut.

(I can't give the YouTube link to the scene here because there is wanton nudity in it; just go to YouTube and search "Eyes Wide Shut Masked Ball" if you want to see it.)

Everything I've read about Rasputin suggests that his only crime was his lasciviousness, not that he claimed to be some kind of prophet that he really was not.

There is a great line he says to a floozy passing him on the streets of early 20th-Century Imperial Russia in the 1996 film about him (in which Alan Rickman plays him; it's worth watching, if you've not seen it):

"From the days of my youth I have been tormented by lust, Lord Jesus Christ: Do not condemn me therefore."

I think that line pretty much says in a nutshell all one needs to know about how evil Rasputin allegedly was.

strollingbones said:
but then again i am speaking as a mother.....what would i give to save my child....all i have...and she was willing to put up with all the negatives for one reason....he saved her child

God saved her child.

He merely used Rasputin as his emissary.

Even Rasputin himself said that very thing.

He did not take the credit for his visions or healings. And that's another reason I think he's been terribly slandered.

Connery said:
He was an opportunist and a showman.

Everyone is a salesperson.

What's wrong with that?
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And thankfully he was ultimately taken care of as the Bolsheviks took care of the tzar once and for all.
And thankfully he was ultimately taken care of as the Bolsheviks took care of the tzar once and for all.

Nicholas II, the last of the Romanovs whose incompetence and inflexibility helped bring about the Russian Revolution. The new Czar had to cope with the mess left behind by his father and he did so badly.

During his reign one of the most famous pogroms took place—in Kishinev, on Easter (April 6-7), 1903.

The Kishinev pogrom happened when there was a lot of tension in Russia (two years before the first, unsuccessful revolution). Wanting to dispel the tension, the Czarist government once again organized a pogrom against the Jews.

Strange as it may sound, the Kishinev pogrom received a lot of international attention. This was because by this time pogroms were something that the “enlightened” Western World no longer found acceptable. (If only they knew what they themselves would do to the Jews 40 years later!)

Here is an excerpt from a description of the pogrom printed in the New York Times:

“It is impossible to account the amounts of goods destroyed in a few hours. The hurrahs of the rioting. The pitiful cries of the victims filled the air. Wherever a Jew was met he was savagely beaten into insensibility. One Jew was dragged from a streetcar and beaten until the mob thought he was dead. The air was filled with feathers and torn bedding. Every Jewish household was broken into and the unfortunate Jews in their terror endeavored to hide in cellars and under roofs. The mob entered the synagogue, desecrated the biggest house of worship and defiled the Scrolls of the Law.

“The conduct of the intelligent Christians was disgraceful. They made no attempt to check the rioting. They simply walked around enjoying the frightful sport. On Tuesday, the third day, when it became known that the troops had received orders to shoot, the rioters ceased.”

After two days of mayhem, the Czar said, “Okay enough—mission accomplished. Now it’s time to stop it.” And it stopped. 118 Jewish men, women and children were murdered, 1,200 were wounded and 4,000 families were rendered homeless and destitute. There were also 12,000 Russian soldier in the city who did nothing for two days.

Until the next time.

Between 1903 and 1907 was a period of great internal unrest in Russia. Nicholas’s incompetence coupled with excessive taxation and the humiliating defeat of Russia during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) let to the first Russian Revolution in 1905 which led to a few short-lived reforms in the government. This period also proved disastrous for the Jewish community there were 284 pogroms with over 50,000 casualties. The level of violence was unbelievable.

There was only so much of this kind of thing that people could take. The Jewish community was being devastated and people were looking for a way out. Jews were running out of the shtetls and joining all of the anarchist, communist, socialist, bundist movements that they could find in the hopes that they would be able to change the situation in Russia. Jews have been history’s great idealists
guno said:
And thankfully he was ultimately taken care of as the Bolsheviks took care of the tzar once and for all.

Who — Rasputin???

Nicholas II, the last of the Romanovs whose incompetence and inflexibility helped bring about the Russian Revolution. The new Czar had to cope with the mess left behind by his father and he did so badly.

During his reign one of the most famous pogroms took place—in Kishinev, on Easter (April 6-7), 1903.

The Kishinev pogrom happened when there was a lot of tension in Russia (two years before the first, unsuccessful revolution). Wanting to dispel the tension, the Czarist government once again organized a pogrom against the Jews.

Strange as it may sound, the Kishinev pogrom received a lot of international attention. This was because by this time pogroms were something that the “enlightened” Western World no longer found acceptable. (If only they knew what they themselves would do to the Jews 40 years later!)

Here is an excerpt from a description of the pogrom printed in the New York Times:

“It is impossible to account the amounts of goods destroyed in a few hours. The hurrahs of the rioting. The pitiful cries of the victims filled the air. Wherever a Jew was met he was savagely beaten into insensibility. One Jew was dragged from a streetcar and beaten until the mob thought he was dead. The air was filled with feathers and torn bedding. Every Jewish household was broken into and the unfortunate Jews in their terror endeavored to hide in cellars and under roofs. The mob entered the synagogue, desecrated the biggest house of worship and defiled the Scrolls of the Law.

“The conduct of the intelligent Christians was disgraceful. They made no attempt to check the rioting. They simply walked around enjoying the frightful sport. On Tuesday, the third day, when it became known that the troops had received orders to shoot, the rioters ceased.”

After two days of mayhem, the Czar said, “Okay enough—mission accomplished. Now it’s time to stop it.” And it stopped. 118 Jewish men, women and children were murdered, 1,200 were wounded and 4,000 families were rendered homeless and destitute. There were also 12,000 Russian soldier in the city who did nothing for two days.

Until the next time.

Between 1903 and 1907 was a period of great internal unrest in Russia. Nicholas’s incompetence coupled with excessive taxation and the humiliating defeat of Russia during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) let to the first Russian Revolution in 1905 which led to a few short-lived reforms in the government. This period also proved disastrous for the Jewish community there were 284 pogroms with over 50,000 casualties. The level of violence was unbelievable.

There was only so much of this kind of thing that people could take. The Jewish community was being devastated and people were looking for a way out. Jews were running out of the shtetls and joining all of the anarchist, communist, socialist, bundist movements that they could find in the hopes that they would be able to change the situation in Russia. Jews have been history’s great idealists

Now you're not even making sense.

In your first post on this thread, you're apparently thankful that Rasputin (???) was killed by the Bolsheviks.

But the Bolsheviks weren't even the ones who killed Rasputin. He drowned in the Neva River after having been shot repeatedly by some of Nicholas' assassins.

Rasputin had nothing whatsoever to do with the persecution of the Jews. He was in fact their best friend in St. Petersburg.

Read any of the books suggested on this thread, and they will tell you that.
Biography: Grigori Rasputin, The Mad Monk

Was Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin "The Dissolute" really evil?

Did he really use black magic to heal people?

From what source did he get his power?

Has he been slandered by both Western and Eastern media?

Just want to gauge some opinions, and see what you know.
The Russian people thought Rasputin was getting too much attention from the Czar and Czarina and were angry that their best confidantes were not from among the rank and file of Russian dignitaries. That's all that I gathered from reading about Rasputin and the Czar's family years ago.

It must be easy to hate someone who seems to monopolize all the boss' time in a corporate situation, but in a monarchy, it's a bitter pill for the regular favorites to be upstaged by an outsider on a constant and permanent basis.

The Czar was eventually murdered by the Bolshevik along with his wife and all their children. Russians tolerate no weakness in their leadership, if that's one person's insight on Putin's showmanship of strength and power in his peer-perceived domain.

A good leader has to play the field in such a diverse society as Russia.

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