Rate Israel's response to Hezbollah

What do you think of Israel's response to Hezbollah?

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jillian said:
As opposed to California? Texas?

I think it's you who needs the history lesson. Israel always agreed to a two-state solution and defended itself against attacks by ALL of its surrounding neighbors, winning land in the process.

Again, what if Mexican terrorists were firing missiles into Texas?

Sure they agreed to it, but in practice............well thats another thing altogether, now isn't it?

I would not support the leveling of Mexico City to stop some rocket launches into Texas.
jillian said:
OK. Let me rephrase, since I, apparently didn't make myself clear.

I know what you're getting at and Iraq wasn't a terrorist stronghold under Saddam. That only occurred after we destabilized the country.

Afghanistan on the other hand......

Syria and Iran are Israels REAL enemy--why isn't Israel bombing them to stop them from suppying Hezbollah?
jillian said:
For the same reason we didn't bomb Saudi Arabia for funding al queda, perhaps?

Israels' relationship with Iran and Syria is comparable to the United States relationship with Saudi Arabia??:rotflmao:
OCA said:
Sure they agreed to it, but in practice............well thats another thing altogether, now isn't it?

I would not support the leveling of Mexico City to stop some rocket launches into Texas.

But you would support the leveling of wherever those rockets were coming from no?? What if they were in buildings in Mexico City??
jillian said:
If Israel had hit Iran or Syria you would have been shrieking about the Israeli aggressors.

Exactly what makes you think that? You're erroneous conclusion that I'm anti-semitic? I would LOVE for Israel to take out Syria with the US pinching back from the east.
Bonnie said:
But you would support the leveling of wherever those rockets were coming from no?? What if they were in buildings in Mexico City??

Sure, but you realize the missles aren't coming from Beirut, right?
dilloduck said:
Exactly what makes you think that? You're erroneous conclusion that I'm anti-semitic? I would LOVE for Israel to take out Syria with the US pinching back from the east.

I don't think you're anti-semitic. I think you're misguided. ;)
OCA said:
Sure, but you realize the missles aren't coming from Beirut, right?

They may not be launched from Beirut, but they may be stored there. I'm not in a position to question Israeli intelligence. Are they fighting too broad of a war, maybe?
jillian said:
I don't think you're anti-semitic. I think you're misguided. ;)

Then why do you assume I would be against Israel attacking Syria ? Go ahead--just say you misjudged me real quickly and maybe nobody will notice.
I now think the Israelis' response has been far more than "disproportionate." Sure they can win the battle, but they risk losing the greater war. They've bombed their targets, but now it's time to get out. They're destablizing the region, and we don't need to be pulled into this right now.
Mr.Conley said:
I now think the Israelis' response has been far more than "disproportionate." Sure they can win the battle, but they risk losing the greater war. They've bombed their targets, but now it's time to get out. They're destablizing the region, and we don't need to be pulled into this right now.

Apparently they haven't got all thier targets---missels are still falling in Israel.
Mr.Conley said:
By targets I mean infastructure. They've started hitting the same locations.

Once you attack a country you just never know how that country might respond. It might be a good idea just not to attack if you value thigs and people in your country----ohhhhhhh--thats right--Hizbollah doesnt give a shit. Lebanon isn't thier country--it's just a place to hide and shoot from.
What exactly is Israel retaliating for? Because one or two of their soldiers were taken? This happens on the West Bank and in other territories on a regular basis. Israel is merely using the opportunity to punish Lebanon for its implied support of Hizbollah. Which is hardly the case. Lebanon has little military power and virtually no influence. Hizbollah goes where it wants and does what it wants.
As Mr. OCA so brilliantly stated, the people of Lebanon have not attacked Israel. A terrorist group has attacked Israel. This is merely Israel's normal manner of doing things. These actions only antagonize matters and give more credence to the theory of the bombers. Which another good point brought up by Mr. OCA.
I would think that a country with the intelligence of Israel would be able to pinpoint where the missiles are coming from. Instead, they choose to attack and bomb indiscriminately. Israel deserves as much punishment as the terrorist groups do.
KatarinaZ said:
What exactly is Israel retaliating for? Because one or two of their soldiers were taken? This happens on the West Bank and in other territories on a regular basis. Israel is merely using the opportunity to punish Lebanon for its implied support of Hizbollah. Which is hardly the case. Lebanon has little military power and virtually no influence. Hizbollah goes where it wants and does what it wants.
As Mr. OCA so brilliantly stated, the people of Lebanon have not attacked Israel. A terrorist group has attacked Israel. This is merely Israel's normal manner of doing things. These actions only antagonize matters and give more credence to the theory of the bombers. Which another good point brought up by Mr. OCA.
I would think that a country with the intelligence of Israel would be able to pinpoint where the missiles are coming from. Instead, they choose to attack and bomb indiscriminately. Israel deserves as much punishment as the terrorist groups do.

Hizbollah ( the same group that has taken over Syria ) is hiding and shooting from Lebanon. Israel is retaliating for rocket attacks. Israel acknowledges the right of every country in the region to exist. The countries that acknolwdge Israels' right to exist live peacefully with Israel.
KatarinaZ said:
What exactly is Israel retaliating for? Because one or two of their soldiers were taken? This happens on the West Bank and in other territories on a regular basis. Israel is merely using the opportunity to punish Lebanon for its implied support of Hizbollah. Which is hardly the case. Lebanon has little military power and virtually no influence. Hizbollah goes where it wants and does what it wants.
As Mr. OCA so brilliantly stated, the people of Lebanon have not attacked Israel. A terrorist group has attacked Israel. This is merely Israel's normal manner of doing things. These actions only antagonize matters and give more credence to the theory of the bombers. Which another good point brought up by Mr. OCA.
I would think that a country with the intelligence of Israel would be able to pinpoint where the missiles are coming from. Instead, they choose to attack and bomb indiscriminately. Israel deserves as much punishment as the terrorist groups do.

Here's a good example of TRUE anti-zionist---TAKE NOTE !:slap:

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