Rather Accuses CBS of "Dumbing Down" and "Tarting Up" News Program


Sep 14, 2004
It is no surprise that this report of Dan Rather criticizing CBS News appeared in the entertainment section of CNN’s website. Certainly Rather’s criticism is justified. What person who really wants to get news watches any of the network evening news programs? At least Rather did not have the nerve to criticize CBS News for lack of integrity. He has already set one of journalism’s record low-water marks on that measure: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/01/10/national/main665727.shtml.

Dan Rather, CBS Chief in Feud Over News, Couric
June 13, 2007

Complete article: http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/06/13/cbs.couric.ap/index.html?eref=rss_topstories

NEW YORK (AP) -- Former CBS news anchor Dan Rather escalated a feud with the network Tuesday, saying CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves "doesn't know about news."

Moonves had said earlier Rather's remarks that CBS was "tarting" up its newscast with Katie Couric, Rather's successor, were "sexist."

The spat started Monday when Rather, speaking by phone on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program with Joe Scarborough, said CBS had made the mistake of taking the evening news broadcast and "dumbing it down, tarting it up," and playing up topics such as celebrities over war coverage.

While referring to Couric as a "nice person," Rather said "the mistake was to try to bring the 'Today' show ethos to the 'Evening News,' and to dumb it down, tart it up in hopes of attracting a younger audience."

Moonves, speaking at an event in New York Tuesday morning sponsored by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, called the remarks "sexist" and said he was surprised at the amount of negative coverage Couric was receiving.

"She's been on the air for nine months," Moonves said. "Let's give her a break."

Couric started strong but has settled into a distant third in the evening news ratings race. Last month her "CBS Evening News" set a record for its least-watched broadcast for at least two decades, then broke it the very next week.
It is no surprise that this report of Dan Rather criticizing CBS News appeared in the entertainment section of CNN’s website. Certainly Rather’s criticism is justified. What person who really wants to get news watches any of the network evening news programs? At least Rather did not have the nerve to criticize CBS News for lack of integrity. He has already set one of journalism’s record low-water marks on that measure: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/01/10/national/main665727.shtml.

it's great when they eat their own...:lol: sour grapes anyone?
And - in other news - Ashlee Simpson and Milli Vanilli have issued a joint statement decrying the state of modern-day music performance. "Enough with all these production gimmicks, pitch correctors, and pre-recorded tracks", the statement reads. "Whatever happened to the good, old-fashioned, 'working without a net' aspect of live shows?"

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