Rational and logical observations why there can be NO god....

I can't argue with dumbasses over the existence of God. God exists for believers, by virtue of their faith in Him. If an atheist denies the existence of God, or if an agnostic denies the knowledge of God, then there is no God in their beliefs.
Yet you come on here and argue with dumbasses about all other sorts of things. You would think if this god were true that this would be the number one thing we all talk about rather than it being an after thought.
Yet you come on here and argue with dumbasses about all other sorts of things. You would think if this god were true that this would be the number one thing we all talk about rather than it being an after thought.
There's a God and people argue for "abortion rights" and have the doctors torture, maim, mutilate, and murder their own children.

You think any of these doctors are going to cease inflicting such damage on the human body, shortening the lives of the innocent ones, and running up fraudulent bills against our credit, and placing us for late night debt collection, let alone repair any of the damage they have done to us?

Perhaps it is better not to believe in God at all, than to believe in a false God, and to countenance the false works of those unbelievers of the Communist Party-affiliated public health district community.
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There's a God and people argue for "abortion rights" and have the doctors torture, maim, mutilate, and murder their own children.

You think any of these doctors are going to cease inflicting such damage on the human body, shortening the lives of the innocent ones, and running up fraudulent bills against our credit, and placing us for late night debt collection, let alone repair any of the damage they have done to us?

Perhaps it is better not to believe in God at all, than to believe in a false God, and to countenance the false works of those unbelievers of the Communist Party-affiliated public health district community.
Well how's your capitalistic healthcare working out for you? Good as long as you are working for a place that provides good benefits. What happens when you don't?

Your capitalistic approach says let them die. And if Republicans had their way, insurance companies wouldn't have to cover pre existing conditions. Because they are for profit companies and that's not good for profits. Sick people are bad for profits.

Capitalism unregulated is just another ism. But you guys act like Capitalism goes hand in hand with Christianity. Weird.
Truth is always waiting to be discovered. It is what it is regardless of what we believe. Truth is absolute. Perception of truth is subjective.
And yet still we may never know it, in any given case. That's a flaw of religion: it makes people think they have answers they do not have.
And yet still we may never know it, in any given case. That's a flaw of religion: it makes people think they have answers they do not have.
Who are you to say what the answers are? By your own admission you have excluded yourself from knowing, right? So if you don't know what is then you don't know what isn't.

As near as I can tell the virtues taught by religion are beneficial. Not only for the practitioner but for society as a whole. You can't pretend the existence of religion defies natural selection. You can't pick and choose. In for a penny in for a pound so to speak.
You misunderstand. I don't have to know the answers to know we don't know the answer to something. Like how the universe came to be.
Again your not knowing precludes you from knowing if others are right or wrong yet you post as if you do.

Given that you can't even name all of the phenomenon that the universe being created from nothing resolves, I'm not sure you are qualified to apply your ignorance to others. You should at least know all of the reasons for a belief before you condemn others from having a belief. No one should have to tell you the reasons. You should be able to figure that out for yourself.
ar Again your not knowing precludes you from knowing if others are right or wrong yet you post as if you do.
Because you are wrong, and sometimes it does. Yes there are things we don't know. And the people who do claim to know these things are mistaken or lying.
Because you are wrong, and sometimes it does. Yes there are things we don't know. And the people who do claim to know these things are mistaken or lying.
You have already admitted that you can't know I am wrong.

And you are equivocating. We know a great deal about the origin of the universe. Maybe if you took the time to study what we do know you wouldn't be so dismissive of what we know and falsely equate it with knowing nothing.
As Lynyrd Skynyrd said...

I know a little about love
And baby I can guess the rest
God as some dude who sit upstairs and judges people by what they do everyday is retarded. Y'all can see that, right?
God as some dude who sit upstairs and judges people by what they do everyday is retarded. Y'all can see that, right?
yes, takes something to even have an appointment.

speaking of retarded ...

halloween must be your favorite day.
r YouYou have already admitted that you can't I am are wrong.
You are mistaken or lying to claim you know you are right. Please try to follow what i am saying. This isn't 2nd grade. You don't get partial credit for being accidentally right.
You are mistaken or lying to claim you know you are right. Please try to follow what i am saying. This isn't 2nd grade. You don't get partial credit for being accidentally right.
Again... you are the one who has admitted he doesn't know. So how would you know if I were right or wrong?

I'm not disputing that I know. The fact that the universe started in the space of single proton (which we do know) is all one needs to know that it did not begin from pre-existing matter. Not to mention the myriad of other reasons you should know it.

I submit that you have not studied the origin of the universe and that is why you are taking this position. But I have studied it enough and do know.
Again... you are the one who has admitted he doesn't know. So how would you know if I were right or wrong
You're not following very well. I didn't say i would know if you are right are wrong. I said i would know that you are delusional or lying to say you know you are right.
You're not following very well. I didn't say i would know if you are right are wrong. I said i would know that you are delusional or lying to say you know you are right.
It would be delusional for you to even make that argument. You don't know. You aren't educated enough on the subject.
There's a God and people argue for "abortion rights" and have the doctors torture, maim, mutilate, and murder their own children.

You think any of these doctors are going to cease inflicting such damage on the human body, shortening the lives of the innocent ones, and running up fraudulent bills against our credit, and placing us for late night debt collection, let alone repair any of the damage they have done to us?

Perhaps it is better not to believe in God at all, than to believe in a false God, and to countenance the false works of those unbelievers of the Communist Party-affiliated public health district community.
Hun, most abortions are done well before the fetus has any higher brain function---ergo, it can not feel.
Hun, most abortions are done well before the fetus has any higher brain function---ergo, it can not feel.
No. It's the liberal parents, dumbass Christian-In-Name-Only preachers, dishonest medical shysters, quacks, charlatans, and crooked doctors.

If god is all knowing, then god knows the future and what will happen to each of us.
Therefore, there is no free will, as everything has been planned out.

If god has to PLAN everything out, then god is NOT omniscient, and therefore cannot BE a god.

God couldn't stop a murder of "his children" when there were supposedly only 4 people on earth.

If earthlings are supposed to be "god's special creatures", then the rest of the universe is wasted space.

If god wants nothing but praise from his creations, then why isn't the universe cram packed with planets of people worshiping??

Virgins cannot get pregnant. That would throw out all logistical concepts of science as we know it.

Isn't it weird how your god seems to agree with everything YOU say. And is it coincidental that all Christians claim their god disagrees with you, when THEY also disagree with you?

If you wrote a book with THAT many contradictions in it, filled with hypocrisy and double-dealing........the publisher would never publish it.

If humans are made in gods image, then why are we physical beings that all have different physical traits, colors, and emotions? We should be invisible entities that live forever and do as we please.

Most all of the lifeforms on this planet that have existed, have been wiped out for a very long time. How many "do overs" does god need?

"God does not exist because I SAID SO".
Don't like that? It's the SAME reasoning parents and preachers/priests give their kids that god does exist.

War. The Holocaust. (which should be enough in itself)

Reasons for god's existence given by believers are always based on personal opinions, never fact.

People who read the bible and practice what it "preaches", makes life WORSE for everyone else.

God worshipers screaming at the top of their lungs "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" if you don't do EXACTLY as they SAY, EXACTLY as they DO, and believe in EXACTLY what they TELL you to believe in.
No civilized human being with a grain of humanity or sentience would ever do this to a fellow human being. This is something akin to what Hitler did.....and we all know how THAT turned out!!

Science vs Religion
So far:
Science facts - MILLIONS
Religious facts - 0

If god wants to talk to me, WHY the middleman? Why not just come down and talk to me in person? Why all the 'cloak and

God worshipers have been claiming "Jesus is coming back" in their lifetime.........for centuries. It has never happened. Not once. To anybody. Anywhere.

"God works in mysterious ways" means
"shut up and go away, I don't have any answers for you".

When someone dies in an accident or is murdered, or suffers a death by disease.......the religious claim it is the will of their god. Not one single word about the devil....the one who is supposedly evil enough to kill, maim, and destroy for pleasure. But yet they claim their god did these dastardly deeds.....to his own "children" he supposedly loves?
Uh huh. Try again.

There sure seem to be a LOT of natural disasters happening in places that god's followers claim he loves.

When non-believer speaks to a believer, the supposed "Christian" spouts hate, animosity, bigotry, racism, and a dangerous psychotic

Christians pretend to be virtuous and noble inside the church.....but when outside the church, they are sanctimonious liars, cheats, frauds, and murderers.

There are more than 2500 different bibles on this planet, giving homage to 28,000,000 different gods.
If there is only ONE god, then WHY isn't there only ONE bible?
And WHY aren't all religious people worshiping this ONE god?
WHY is it that YOUR god is the only one that exists???

Will the REAL "slim shady" please stand up!!!!

Why do you care? If you want to be an atheist. Good. If they want to be religious, equally good.

Extremists who demand people believe like them....not good.

You, are an extremist.

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