Rational and logical observations why there can be NO god....

No. Like I said, I'm sick of you. Like that other guy ran off because of frustration and bordom, so would I. I don't care as much as you. And I don't have bullshit reasons why I KNOW a god exists. That's you. You're boring.

What you prove is with some people, no amount of logic/evidence or reasoning is going to shake their faith which is rooted in wishful thinking.

The thought of going into a debate bullring with you makes me cringe. Fuck no! I've already gone 100 rounds with you. Where has it gotten us? What have you said that was convincing? Nothing.

But to address your comment yesterday that you are smarter than me. Here is my reply to that bullshit

Smart person X believes in god or ‘You are not qualified’.

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

Invisible pink unicorns exist. You’re not an expert in them, so you can’t say they don’t.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
You are scared.
You are scared.
I don't have the time or energy. I've already heard everything you've had to say. Why are you always in the religious forum?

It's like playing tennis with someone who says out when the ball was clearly in.
and you are the zealot that doesn't know a thing about Garden Earth and the senseless disregard for living beings they needlessly are destroying -
View attachment 530496
the christian church of bing.
I'm still waiting for you explain to me where, who and when you got your beliefs from.

It's not surprising that sealybobo agrees with you when you attack a rival religion like he does. It's just funny that he doesn't ask any questions about your nebulous beliefs which are shrouded in secrecy and deceit.

Where did you get your beliefs from?

Who did you get your beliefs from?

How did you discover what you believe?

It's not like I am even asking you to justify your beliefs. I just want to know why you are so secretive about your beliefs.
I don't have the time or energy. I've already heard everything you've had to say. Why are you always in the religious forum?

It's like playing tennis with someone who says out when the ball was clearly in.
I'll call you out and you can puss out. That way you will be on record as running away. Sound good?
I'm still waiting for you explain tome where, who and when you got your beliefs.

It's not surprising that sealybobo agrees with you when you attack a rival religion like he does. It's just funny that he doesn't ask any questions about your nebulous beliefs which are shrouded in secrecy and deceit.

Where did you get your beliefs from?

Who did you get your beliefs from?

How did you discover what you believe?

It's not like I am even asking you to justify your beliefs. I just want to know why you are so secretive about your beliefs.
I always had my doubts but one wake up moment was when I watched the Cosmos with Neil DeGrass Tyson then I watched the one with Carl Sagen.

The internet has helped a lot of doubters come to the conclusion there is no god. Before the internet I would have never seen these 46 reasons why there is no god.

We would have never seen the UTUBE videos of great atheists explaining why there is no god.

Sure occasionally we ran across people who didn't believe but it was rare. With the internet we see there are a lot more athiests out there than theists like to believe.

In 2019, Christians represent 65% of the total adult population

So theists make up about 70% of the population when you add muslims, mormons and jews to the list. But remember, they don't believe in your messiah either. They have their own fairytales that you don't believe.

So 30% of Americans don't believe.

And a lot of those Christians don't take the bible literally. A lot of them were just born into it. And haven't given it much thought. And they don't want to. They want to believe they are going to heaven, even if deep down honestly they know there religion is made up.
I'm still waiting for you explain to me where, who and when you got your beliefs from.

It's not surprising that sealybobo agrees with you when you attack a rival religion like he does. It's just funny that he doesn't ask any questions about your nebulous beliefs which are shrouded in secrecy and deceit.

Where did you get your beliefs from?

Who did you get your beliefs from?

How did you discover what you believe?

It's not like I am even asking you to justify your beliefs. I just want to know why you are so secretive about your beliefs.

Thank God for the internet. LOL It allows people to dig and look into their feelings that religions are all man made. Confirms we are not alone.
I always had my doubts but one wake up moment was when I watched the Cosmos with Neil DeGrass Tyson then I watched the one with Carl Sagen.

The internet has helped a lot of doubters come to the conclusion there is no god. Before the internet I would have never seen these 46 reasons why there is no god.

We would have never seen the UTUBE videos of great atheists explaining why there is no god.

Sure occasionally we ran across people who didn't believe but it was rare. With the internet we see there are a lot more athiests out there than theists like to believe.

In 2019, Christians represent 65% of the total adult population

So theists make up about 70% of the population when you add muslims, mormons and jews to the list. But remember, they don't believe in your messiah either. They have their own fairytales that you don't believe.

So 30% of Americans don't believe.

And a lot of those Christians don't take the bible literally. A lot of them were just born into it. And haven't given it much thought. And they don't want to. They want to believe they are going to heaven, even if deep down honestly they know there religion is made up.
Again... good for you. I couldn't care less that you don't believe in God. It doesn't change the fact that you have elevated your atheism to a religion which can be seen in your attacks against rival religions like Christianity which is the dominant religion of the land.
Just the ones who believe the science is settled. Science is never settled. It is always open to investigation.
The problems:

1. Science is a wide-ranging spectrum, not a unified front. Scientists can disagree, such as on COVID issues. So, if a pro-masking authoritarian claims the scientific high-ground but yet is disagreeing with the multitude of scientists who they are at odds with, by your quote they are wrong.

2. When scientists don't provide data or justification for their claims, such as with Fauci, then they cease to be scientists and are merely politicians trying to influence.

3. When it comes to Christianity, this smells of an attempt at a common fallacy which tries to pit Science and Christianity as at odds, when in fact they are partners.
Then you shouldn't be afraid to debate me in the bull ring, right?
Yawn. Not if I want to stay awake. Yes, you run us atheists out of the religious thread. You're the religous thread troll. LOL House troll resident. How many have joined your cult? Are you popular with other theists? I think they think you are fos too. Especially after learning you're a catholic. Heck. The mormon religion was created because God told Joseph Smith your religion lost it's way back in the dark ages. You lost your moral authority.

Funny thing is that's a slick new angle on your lie. You claim God sent his only begotten. Mormons don't deny that. They just say that god told Joseph that your church has become morally corrupt. You do not have gods approval anymore. Hence all the pedophilia and homosexuality in the Vatican.

You sure you're smart? I think you are a cherry picking bullshitter.

If god is all knowing, then god knows the future and what will happen to each of us.
Therefore, there is no free will, as everything has been planned out.

If god has to PLAN everything out, then god is NOT omniscient, and therefore cannot BE a god.

God couldn't stop a murder of "his children" when there were supposedly only 4 people on earth.

If earthlings are supposed to be "god's special creatures", then the rest of the universe is wasted space.

If god wants nothing but praise from his creations, then why isn't the universe cram packed with planets of people worshiping??

Virgins cannot get pregnant. That would throw out all logistical concepts of science as we know it.

Isn't it weird how your god seems to agree with everything YOU say. And is it coincidental that all Christians claim their god disagrees with you, when THEY also disagree with you?

If you wrote a book with THAT many contradictions in it, filled with hypocrisy and double-dealing........the publisher would never publish it.

If humans are made in gods image, then why are we physical beings that all have different physical traits, colors, and emotions? We should be invisible entities that live forever and do as we please.

Most all of the lifeforms on this planet that have existed, have been wiped out for a very long time. How many "do overs" does god need?

"God does not exist because I SAID SO".
Don't like that? It's the SAME reasoning parents and preachers/priests give their kids that god does exist.

War. The Holocaust. (which should be enough in itself)

Reasons for god's existence given by believers are always based on personal opinions, never fact.

People who read the bible and practice what it "preaches", makes life WORSE for everyone else.

God worshipers screaming at the top of their lungs "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" if you don't do EXACTLY as they SAY, EXACTLY as they DO, and believe in EXACTLY what they TELL you to believe in.
No civilized human being with a grain of humanity or sentience would ever do this to a fellow human being. This is something akin to what Hitler did.....and we all know how THAT turned out!!

Science vs Religion
So far:
Science facts - MILLIONS
Religious facts - 0

If god wants to talk to me, WHY the middleman? Why not just come down and talk to me in person? Why all the 'cloak and

God worshipers have been claiming "Jesus is coming back" in their lifetime.........for centuries. It has never happened. Not once. To anybody. Anywhere.

"God works in mysterious ways" means
"shut up and go away, I don't have any answers for you".

When someone dies in an accident or is murdered, or suffers a death by disease.......the religious claim it is the will of their god. Not one single word about the devil....the one who is supposedly evil enough to kill, maim, and destroy for pleasure. But yet they claim their god did these dastardly deeds.....to his own "children" he supposedly loves?
Uh huh. Try again.

There sure seem to be a LOT of natural disasters happening in places that god's followers claim he loves.

When non-believer speaks to a believer, the supposed "Christian" spouts hate, animosity, bigotry, racism, and a dangerous psychotic

Christians pretend to be virtuous and noble inside the church.....but when outside the church, they are sanctimonious liars, cheats, frauds, and murderers.

There are more than 2500 different bibles on this planet, giving homage to 28,000,000 different gods.
If there is only ONE god, then WHY isn't there only ONE bible?
And WHY aren't all religious people worshiping this ONE god?
WHY is it that YOUR god is the only one that exists???

Will the REAL "slim shady" please stand up!!!!

I agree with most of it...but technically virgins can get pregnant.
Yawn. Not if I want to stay awake. Yes, you run us atheists out of the religious thread. You're the religous thread troll. LOL House troll resident. How many have joined your cult? Are you popular with other theists? I think they think you are fos too. Especially after learning you're a catholic. Heck. The mormon religion was created because God told Joseph Smith your religion lost it's way back in the dark ages. You lost your moral authority.

Funny thing is that's a slick new angle on your lie. You claim God sent his only begotten. Mormons don't deny that. They just say that god told Joseph that your church has become morally corrupt. You do not have gods approval anymore. Hence all the pedophilia and homosexuality in the Vatican.

You sure you're smart? I think you are a cherry picking bullshitter.
Are you trying to convince me that your religion is the true religion?

I'll make the call out thread, chicken little.
the corrupt churches of America
Satanic Lutheran denominations and the Pope isn't God either.
a soft agnostic not at atheist
Oh, I get it now. Agnostics are supposed to be soft and feminine whereas atheists are hard and masculine — people are having sex, but they aren't willing to get married because there's no God — and then they have abortions and they murder their own children.
Satanic Lutheran denominations and the Pope isn't God either.

Oh, I get it now. Agnostics are supposed to be soft and feminine whereas atheists are hard and masculine — people are having sex, but they aren't willing to get married because there's no God — and then they have abortions and they murder their own children.
The only rational position is to say you are an agnostic atheist. You don't know for sure, but you're pretty sure there is no god.
The only rational position is to say you are an agnostic atheist. You don't know for sure, but you're pretty sure there is no god.
I can't argue with dumbasses over the existence of God. God exists for believers, by virtue of their faith in Him. If an atheist denies the existence of God, or if an agnostic denies the knowledge of God, then there is no God in their beliefs.

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