Rational and logical observations why there can be NO god....

Or maybe it never is, and we just have to keep admitting we don't know.
Truth is always waiting to be discovered. It is what it is regardless of what we believe. Truth is absolute. Perception of truth is subjective.
You really should consider not speaking for God.

Are you kidding?
Believers continually hate abortion while God has never mentioned it. During an debate atheists get threatened with eternal fire but still they have no contact with God. It's the person who claims to speak on behalf of God.

Beyond the laws of physics, everything is just opinion.
It's not about a show of hands.
It's about facts that the godbotherers will not accept.
In a democratic society, all people have to be catered for. It's coincidental that those who believe that rubbish are
Usually low IQ.
They have a right to believe it but they don't have evidence.
You are the guy who doesn't understand one thing about the earth's climate but you are 100% convinced that man is affecting it because you were told to believe that. Do you really think you should be commenting on others having a low IQ?
Are you kidding?
Believers continually hate abortion while God has never mentioned it. During an debate atheists get threatened with eternal fire but still they have no contact with God. It's the person who claims to speak on behalf of God.

Beyond the laws of physics, everything is just opinion.
You most likely don't know the first thing about the laws of physics or thermodynamics.

No... I'm not kidding.
Correction... What Maimonides gave the world.

But I believe you are misstating that... it's not so much truth contradicted the Torah as much as it is what is the truth that was trying to be conveyed by the author which often times cannot be discerned from a literal reading.
Yea you’re probably smarter than me. Not! You’re a global warming denier. The pope says it’s real stupid.
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You are the guy who doesn't understand one thing about the earth's climate but you are 100% convinced that man is affecting it because you were told to believe that. Do you really think you should be commenting on others having a low IQ?
Everyone knows man made climate change is real. Now I’m realizing you’re dumb.
You are the guy who doesn't understand one thing about the earth's climate but you are 100% convinced that man is affecting it because you were told to believe that. Do you really think you should be commenting on others having a low IQ?
and you are the zealot that doesn't know a thing about Garden Earth and the senseless disregard for living beings they needlessly are destroying -

the christian church of bing.
I have no doubts at all

and one day neither will you, though it may be one day too late
Just because I don't believe Christians, Muslims, Jews and Mormons I'm in trouble? I think not.

Maybe you picked the wrong religion? One day maybe you'll find out you were wrong when it's too late.

Just silly. First of all, generic god doesn't care if you believe in him or not. Only your religions god cares. It's so obvious. When you die, you won't find anything out because you'll be dead. Enjoy the time you have here because it's all you are ever going to get.

And if there is a god and heaven, and I'm going to become a god after I die and live forever and never be sad or sick.....Do you hear how stupid it sounds? You literally think you are a god. Right now you are a caterpillar but when you die you think you are going to turn into a butterfly/god? Go to a different rhelm? Wow are you delusional.
Would you care to debate that in the bull ring?
No. Like I said, I'm sick of you. Like that other guy ran off because of frustration and bordom, so would I. I don't care as much as you. And I don't have bullshit reasons why I KNOW a god exists. That's you. You're boring.

What you prove is with some people, no amount of logic/evidence or reasoning is going to shake their faith which is rooted in wishful thinking.

The thought of going into a debate bullring with you makes me cringe. Fuck no! I've already gone 100 rounds with you. Where has it gotten us? What have you said that was convincing? Nothing.

But to address your comment yesterday that you are smarter than me. Here is my reply to that bullshit

Smart person X believes in god or ‘You are not qualified’.

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

Invisible pink unicorns exist. You’re not an expert in them, so you can’t say they don’t.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
You don't know the first thing about the earth's climate.
And you claim to know more than the scientists. So clearly you only know what you want to know.

Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.

Just because I don't believe Christians, Muslims, Jews and Mormons I'm in trouble? I think not.

Maybe you picked the wrong religion? One day maybe you'll find out you were wrong when it's too late.

Just silly. First of all, generic god doesn't care if you believe in him or not. Only your religions god cares. It's so obvious. When you die, you won't find anything out because you'll be dead. Enjoy the time you have here because it's all you are ever going to get.

And if there is a god and heaven, and I'm going to become a god after I die and live forever and never be sad or sick.....Do you hear how stupid it sounds? You literally think you are a god. Right now you are a caterpillar but when you die you think you are going to turn into a butterfly/god? Go to a different rhelm? Wow are you delusional.
Couldn't care less what your beliefs are. I'm not a religious zealot attacking the faith of a rival religion like you do.
And you claim to know more than the scientists. So clearly you only know what you want to know.

Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.

So you believe it because you were told to believe it like a religious nut who was told to believe. Shocking.

Did you attend Westboro too?

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