Rational and logical observations why there can be NO god....


If god is all knowing, then god knows the future and what will happen to each of us.
Therefore, there is no free will, as everything has been planned out.

If god has to PLAN everything out, then god is NOT omniscient, and therefore cannot BE a god.

God couldn't stop a murder of "his children" when there were supposedly only 4 people on earth.

If earthlings are supposed to be "god's special creatures", then the rest of the universe is wasted space.

If god wants nothing but praise from his creations, then why isn't the universe cram packed with planets of people worshiping??

Virgins cannot get pregnant. That would throw out all logistical concepts of science as we know it.

Isn't it weird how your god seems to agree with everything YOU say. And is it coincidental that all Christians claim their god disagrees with you, when THEY also disagree with you?

If you wrote a book with THAT many contradictions in it, filled with hypocrisy and double-dealing........the publisher would never publish it.

If humans are made in gods image, then why are we physical beings that all have different physical traits, colors, and emotions? We should be invisible entities that live forever and do as we please.

Most all of the lifeforms on this planet that have existed, have been wiped out for a very long time. How many "do overs" does god need?

"God does not exist because I SAID SO".
Don't like that? It's the SAME reasoning parents and preachers/priests give their kids that god does exist.

War. The Holocaust. (which should be enough in itself)

Reasons for god's existence given by believers are always based on personal opinions, never fact.

People who read the bible and practice what it "preaches", makes life WORSE for everyone else.

God worshipers screaming at the top of their lungs "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" if you don't do EXACTLY as they SAY, EXACTLY as they DO, and believe in EXACTLY what they TELL you to believe in.
No civilized human being with a grain of humanity or sentience would ever do this to a fellow human being. This is something akin to what Hitler did.....and we all know how THAT turned out!!

Science vs Religion
So far:
Science facts - MILLIONS
Religious facts - 0

If god wants to talk to me, WHY the middleman? Why not just come down and talk to me in person? Why all the 'cloak and

God worshipers have been claiming "Jesus is coming back" in their lifetime.........for centuries. It has never happened. Not once. To anybody. Anywhere.

"God works in mysterious ways" means
"shut up and go away, I don't have any answers for you".

When someone dies in an accident or is murdered, or suffers a death by disease.......the religious claim it is the will of their god. Not one single word about the devil....the one who is supposedly evil enough to kill, maim, and destroy for pleasure. But yet they claim their god did these dastardly deeds.....to his own "children" he supposedly loves?
Uh huh. Try again.

There sure seem to be a LOT of natural disasters happening in places that god's followers claim he loves.

When non-believer speaks to a believer, the supposed "Christian" spouts hate, animosity, bigotry, racism, and a dangerous psychotic

Christians pretend to be virtuous and noble inside the church.....but when outside the church, they are sanctimonious liars, cheats, frauds, and murderers.

There are more than 2500 different bibles on this planet, giving homage to 28,000,000 different gods.
If there is only ONE god, then WHY isn't there only ONE bible?
And WHY aren't all religious people worshiping this ONE god?
WHY is it that YOUR god is the only one that exists???

Will the REAL "slim shady" please stand up!!!!

Your supposed LOGIC is nothing but a shopping list of "LOGICAL FALLACIES". Why is there always a "shopping list" of accusations from the supposed men of science? It is the hope to overwhelm and prevent someone from addressing this shopping list. I always demonstrate how one of these charges if false........and leave the rest as dominos to fall with the first logical fallacy. Why waste time? :popcorn:

Dismiss "one" as a logical fallacy and the rest deserve no further discussion. Examine the very first false premise concerning time, free will and the omniscience of the God of creation....... Time is an invention of man, not God. Even an all powerful God of creation cannot look into a future that is yet to play out. There is only NOW. The God of creation explains in unambiguous detail just how free will and God's omnipotence determines fate.

If God actually had knowledge (being all knowing) of future events. Then just how could the God of creation be sorrowed that He created man on earth? In Genesis 6:5-7 we learn that God repented that He had made man. Logically........it would not be possible for God to be sorry for creating anything "IF" all of fate was predetermined before it played out.....thus, your false premise is not based upon the revelations found in scripture but came from between the ears of man.

Why did God repent? Did God know the freewill choices of man before man made them? Hardly....the scriptures inform us that SIN comes from the mind of men......not God. (James 1:13-15)

Man in his wickedness will invent things that God would never approve (Jer. 19:5, 32:35). While these passages show the wickedness that man is capable of.....they also demonstrate that man has freewill.

If the destination of man is predetermined how can 2 Peter 3:9 be true? :dunno: This passage basically states that God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Proving man can and does direct his own fate.

NOW TO ADDRESS THE FALSE PREMISE THAT MAN'S FATE IS PREDERMINED BY GOD. The God of creation tells everyone just how He makes sure His will is done as He has planned. Yes God makes plans exactly because mankind was given the gift of free will. Man's decisions do not place limits on God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, or Omnipresence. God has the power and authority to plan and carry out those plans at a time of His choosing.

Read be enlightened just how God determines the beginning from the ending. The supposed past, present, and future.

First God makes a plan and then he implements that plan when He pleases......and its always THE PRESENT when He implements a plan form the past, as there is no future when God has placed the laws of physics into place.......God creates and then allows nature to run its course.....unless He plans differently.

"Remember this, and be assured; recall it to mind, you wrongdoers. Remember the former things long past (the past), For I Am God, and there is no other; I am God and there no one like Me, Declaring the end (future) from the beginning (past), And from ancient times which have been done, Saying, My plan will be established (planning), and I will accomplish all My good pleasure (God will enact this plan at a time of His pleasure.....not man's). (Example of God's planning) Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of My purpose from a distant country. Truly I have spoken it; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, I will certainly do it." -- Isaiah 46:8-11

The actual words in scripture make YOUR parroted charges into lies. 1. Man's plans do not limit God's power or Authority. 2. Mankind was made in the image of God, God is a spirit, thus this image must be a spiritual image. 3. God determines not only His fate but can determine man's fate, not due to a lack of free will by mankind but because God is all powerful, all knowing, and always present.......man has no power or authority to limit God, but God can and does limit man's authority when He wishes........whose is to stop him? 4. Man indeed has freewill, and due to the choices made by man........God repented that He had ever made man, proving that man can, just like God ;) plan for his future....but only God has the power and authority to ensure those plans are carried out.
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Besides all of them? I dont see how you gain any understanding from calling nature "god". All of your understanding of nature will come from secular science. Then your faith based deistic beliefs will have to change to account for them. Not the other way around.

The driving force of life is selection. Now, you can say that is as the deity intended and designed. Okay. But if you can sprinkle this magical belief on anything and everything , and it makes no real difference...how meaningful can it be, really?
That IS the point Fort Fun Indiana
Take all the "personified symbolism" out of the way, and just stick to the secular truth and universal content and principles!

We can still work in harmony with the Earth without calling it Gaia or Mother Earth and deifying into goddess worship.

We can restore sustainable relations with Nature without personifying or telling stories about Mother Nature.

Why not mainstream the teachings and process of Justice and Peace that are symbolized in the Bible as Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

For these things to be Universal for all humans, what do Buddhists or Atheists call these things?

Let's get to the true meanings and communicate in ways that will be effective and get us somewhere. We can achieve a lot more good after we agree what principles and rules we will focus on and live by.
Dismiss "one" as a logical fallacy and the rest deserve no further discussion. Examine the very first false premise concerning time, free will and the omniscience of the God of creation....... Time is an invention of man, not God. Even an all powerful God of creation cannot look into a future that is yet to play out. There is only NOW. The God of creation explains in unambiguous detail just how free will and God's omnipotence determines fate.

If God actually had knowledge (being all knowing) of future events. Then just how could the God of creation be sorrowed that He created man on earth? In Genesis 6:5-7 we learn that God repented that He had made man. Logically........it would not be possible for God to be sorry for creating anything "IF" all of fate was predetermined before it played out.....thus, your false premise is not based upon the revelations found in scripture but came from between the ears of man.

Why did God repent? Did God know the freewill choices of man before man made them? Hardly....the scriptures inform us that SIN comes from the mind of men......not God. (James 1:13-15)

Man in his wickedness will invent things that God would never approve (Jer. 19:5, 32:35). While these passages show the wickedness that man is capable of.....they also demonstrate that man has freewill.

If the destination of man is predetermined how can 2 Peter 3:9 be true? :dunno: This passage basically states that God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Proving man can and does direct his own fate.

NOW TO ADDRESS THE FALSE PREMISE THAT MAN'S FATE IS PREDERMINED BY GOD. The God of creation tells everyone just how He makes sure His will is done as He has planned. Yes God makes plans exactly because mankind was given the gift of free will. Man's decisions do not place limits on God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, or Omnipresence. God has the power and authority to plan and carry out those plans at a time of His choosing.

Read be enlightened just how God determines the beginning from the ending. The supposed past, present, and future.

First God makes a plan and then he implements that plan when He pleases......and its always THE PRESENT when He implements a plan form the past, as there is no future when God has placed the laws of physics into place.......God creates and then allows nature to run its course.....unless He plans differently.

"Remember this, and be assured; recall it to mind, you wrongdoers. Remember the former things long past (the past), For I Am God, and there is no other; I am God and there no one like Me, Declaring the end (future) from the beginning (past), And from ancient times which have been done, Saying, My plan will be established (planning), and I will accomplish all My good pleasure (God will enact this plan at a time of His pleasure.....not man's). (Example of God's planning) Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of My purpose from a distant country. Truly I have spoken it; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, I will certainly do it." -- Isaiah 46:8-11

The actual words in scripture make YOUR parroted charges into lies. 1. Man's plans do not limit God's power or Authority. 2. Mankind was made in the image of God, God is a spirit, thus this image must be a spiritual image. 3. God determines not only His fate but can determine man's fate, not due to a lack of free will by mankind but because God is all powerful, all knowing, and always present.......man has no power or authority to limit God, but God can and does limit man's authority when He wishes........whose is to stop him? 4. Man indeed has freewill, and due to the choices made by man........God repented that He had ever made man, proving that man can, just like God plan for his future....but only God has the power and authority to ensure those plans are carried out.
That's the thing about logic: it is a tool. One can argue ANYTHING, using valid logic. I can argue that dogs are larger than blue whales, using valid logic.

This is why concepts like evidence and scientific method are so important. They are the best tools we have for discerning the truth of the first premises to which we apply logic. This is how we separate sound logic from valid logic.
Why not mainstream the teachings and process of Justice and Peace that are symbolized in the Bible as Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
We do, we just dont need the bible -- our first and worst attempt at morality, ethics, philosophy, etc -- to teach or learn them or justify them. We can teach far superior morality and ethics using reason and evidence. In the same way, we dont use alchemy books in chemistry class.
We do, we just dont need the bible -- our first and worst attempt at morality, ethics, philosophy, etc -- to teach or learn them or justify them. We can teach far superior morality and ethics using reason and evidence. In the same way, we dont use alchemy books in chemistry class.
Yes, for secular thinkers and scientists, we need to use this field for the maximum benefits and progress.

As for spiritual teaching and practice, the process of forgiveness to overcome addictive disorders and social ills and break free from patterns of abuse, destruction and oppression, including crime and violence, the spiritual healing taught in Christianity IS unique in restoring health in cases where medicine alone is not enough by itself.

We can use medical science to prove this process works better when applying the methods in Christian spiritual healing to pray for forgiveness in order to restore Nature's mind body connection to maximize self healing.

The two work in harmony.
Internal mind/body health that the spiritual teachings address.
And physical steps, results and benefits from the internalized process which science can measure document and teach from.
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Yes, for secular thinkers and scientists, we need to use this field for the maximum benefits and progress.
It goes for everyone. No matter your beliefs, secular methods are going to discern the truth of things, not spiritual awakenings or meditation. The evidence of this could not be more robust or compelling: the entirety of human history, wherein we flailed in ignorance for 100,000 years, until the scientific enlightenment.

As for a concept like addiction: that is also science. Psychology. 80% of this planet pays no mind to christianity. Are they all doomed not to be healed from addiction? Of course not. We can just replace one magical concept with another and replace their unhealthy drug addiction with a healthier addiction to magical beliefs. If it isnt Christianity, it will be something else. This has nothing to do with morality or ethics, and everything to do with the malleable human mind that is hard wired to be tricked and to accept spurious belief.

Know what works best to cure addiction? Scientific medicine and psychology. Addiction is a physical disease, not a manifesto of belief.
When was the last time a hundred brilliant scientists created biological life from rock and water?
Such a stupid demand. So painfully dumb. A contrived standard arising from unmovable, faith based belief. An attempt to drag scientific knowledge down into the muck where faith based belief resides, performed in lieu of any good way to elevate the faith based beliefs. Vandalizing your neighbor's house to try to make your own house look better.
It goes for everyone. No matter your beliefs, secular methods are going to discern the truth of things, not spiritual awakenings or meditation. The evidence of this could not be more robust or compelling: the entirety of human history, wherein we flailed in ignorance for 100,000 years, until the scientific enlightenment.

As for a concept like addiction: that is also science. Psychology. 80% of this planet pays no mind to christianity. Are they all doomed not to be healed from addiction? Of course not. We can just replace one magical concept with another and replace their unhealthy drug addiction with a healthier addiction to magical beliefs. If it isnt Christianity, it will be something else. This has nothing to do with morality or ethics, and everything to do with the malleable human mind that is hard wired to be tricked and to accept spurious belief.

Know what works best to cure addiction? Scientific medicine and psychology. Addiction is a physical disease, not a manifesto of belief.
Well, it SHOULD work that way Fort Fun Indiana

But humans have perceptual biases to overcome as part of that INTERNAL process connecting the mind to physical relations in the real world of science.

Look at the personal and political fights over (1) environmental theories of climate change (2) virus and vaccine science as well as fights over studies on masks and hydrochloroquine treatments (3) personal beliefs about gender ID and sexual orientation (4) abortion, euthanasia and decisions about termination (5) roles of govt and the biases in policy and if these are politically driven to favor some while disparging others unequally

You get the picture. We ought to agree on the science but personal beliefs, agenda and politics get in the way

Again some of the spiritual teachings in Buddhism and Christianity can help restore either objectivity or restore healthy normal relations so we can communicate clearly about the science instead of fighting.

Humans need both. Both the science and the emotional/mental connection.

The point of forgiveness in Christianity is to save human relations from self destruction.
We could show this pattern using science, but the personal choice to reform and correct our ways comes internally from each person.

Science cannot make that happen.

People need to agree to correct our own problems and conflicts out of motivation for truth and benefits for our relations with others. That has to come from within, which spiritual guidance is for.
But humans have perceptual biases to overcome as part of that INTERNAL process connecting the mind to physical relations in the real world of science.
Right, but even those are scientific. The brain is a sack of chemicals that follows all the same deterministic laws as any other physical system. When someone believes in some sort of spiritual connection or fundamental "truth", this is still just the physical action of chemicals and electrical potentials operating.
Again some of the spiritual teachings in Buddhism and Christianity can help restore either objectivity or restore healthy normal relations so we can communicate clearly about the science instead of fighting.
True, but that is a pretty primitive method. Like using leeches instead of an IV line. Sure, it can work, but there are better ways.
The point of forgiveness in Christianity is to save human relations from self destruction.
A point that can be made without Christianity. And thank goodness for that, since the vast majority of humans that ever have lived or will ever live pay no mind to Christianity
Humans need both. Both the science and the emotional/mental connection.

We could show this pattern using science, but the personal choice to reform and correct our ways comes internally from each person.

Science cannot make that happen.
Sure it can. Science can inform us and allow us to make arguments for morality and ethics from more well founded premises. And silly religious belief (and its accompanying tendency to believe utter nonsense, which bleeds outside religious belief) does plenty to stand in the way of that.

"Spiritual Guidance".... nah, this is a con. This is a way to trick people into thinking they need or have to accept magical belief in order to affect their own emotional state. We can reason through these things and have these experiences without accepting higher powers or gods or fairies, etc. "Spiritual" is code for "magical belief". Else we would not have to reference insubstantial magic right in the word.
That's the thing about logic: it is a tool. One can argue ANYTHING, using valid logic. I can argue that dogs are larger than blue whales, using valid logic.

This is why concepts like evidence and scientific method are so important. They are the best tools we have for discerning the truth of the first premises to which we apply logic. This is how we separate sound logic from valid logic.
Apparently there is no first law of logic called the "Law of the Excluded Middle"? As I said....what was presented is not based upon LOGIC.........but a logical fallacy, as the first law of logic states clearly that nothing can hold the logical position of being both true and false...logic dictates that any position is either true or its "negation" (opposing viewpoint) is true.

One can present the appearance of logic and attempt to claim something as truth based upon some supposed point of logic, but again, that is nothing but a logical fallacy. Example: attempting to claim certain things presented as truth in the holy scriptures are not true because there is no evidence found to support them as truth.....i.e., Santa Clause does not exist because you can't prove that he does. Or your dog of a certain breed attacked someone, thus......by logic, all dogs of that bread must be put down as viscous. "LOGICAL FALLICES".

I simply demonstrated by the actual content found in the Holy Scriptures that God does not make any claim of pre-destination other than His predetermined plans. This objective fact in evidence demonstrated any position other than that found in the word of God to be a logical fallacy. In other words......the logical law of the excluded middle negated a position of predestination. :popcorn:

Simply because God created a plan........even before time began, to make a path for man's salvation (even with free will granted), through the planned, birth, life, death (sacrifice), and resurrection of Jesus Christ.....does not place limits upon Man's free will choices. We are told of God's plan and how it existed even before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20) or as Paul stated, before time itself began (2 Tim. 1:9)

We are further told that God chose to hide this plan from man for a predetermined amount of time (Eph. 3:5-6), even from the prophets of old who foretold of this plan without the knowledge of what it even meant (1 Peter 1:10-12)

We are told in the scriptures that God finally revealed His plan for man's salvation through the inspired power of His Holy Spirit.....at the appropriate time of God's choosing.....to the apostles of Christ (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12).

We are also told that when we read from the Holy Scriptures what is written that we can comprehend/understand God's will (Eph. 3:4). Not only are we capable of understanding God's will we are COMMANDED TO UNDERSTAND THE WILL OF GOD. (Eph. 5:17)

We are told that God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth in order to find eternal salvation (1 Tim. 2:3,4)

If God desires that we come to that knowledge to understand His will........God will make it possible, and since God said that we can understand the word of God, most assuredly.........WE CAN. Some apparently can't see the forest because the trees are blocking their view. :dev3:
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logic dictates that any position is either true or its false.
Only when performing one argument. Each premise must be considered true or false. That's the method. And we need scientific method to determine the turh of premises, for many arguments.
One can present the appearance of logic and attempt to claim something as truth based upon some supposed point of logic, but again, that is nothing but a logical fallacy.

100% incorrect. Observe:

P) All dogs have 8 legs.
P) My dog's name is Steve

C) Therefore, Steve has 8 legs

Perfectly valid logic. No fallacy, in the pure sense of the word, which is to mean errors in logic..
Only when performing one argument. Each premise must be considered true or false. That's the method. And we need scientific method to determine the turh of premises, for many arguments.

100% incorrect. Observe:

P) All dogs have 8 legs.
P) My dog's name is Steve

C) Therefore, Steve has 8 legs

Perfectly valid logic. No fallacy, in the pure sense of the word, which is to mean errors in logic..
Truth is not always determined by SCIENCE in an objective evidential based observation. Truth can be determined based upon the prima facie evidence as determined by the Law of Probability. People go to prison every day based upon TRUTH derived via prima facie evidence, unless Objective Facts can be presented to give a reasonable doubt that the prima facie evidence submitted is found doubtful.

Its TRUE that the Universe exists........yet science has no evidence as to what force created the energy required for the purpose of creating, mass and matter. If so present the scientific experiment that proves the Cause of the Effect known as the physical universe. Yet we know the TRUTH. The UNIVERSE still exists even though science nor the laws of physics can explain its origins.....how do we know? Look around...... can anyone logically have doubt that the Universe does exist?

You have just submitted another logical fallacy in order to claim a false premise as truth. You stated as a matter of logic that TRUTH must be proven via the scientific method.......that is a false premise. Most atheists or agnostics believe evolution is TRUE...........yet there is no Scientific Law of Evolution. Why? Because Science lacks the objective evidence to present evolution as anything other than a philosophy established upon conjecture, opinion, and unprovable assumptions...i.e., theories that lack the information required to become a Law of Physics.

Science indeed can "search" for truth and sometimes present the objective evidence required to call that truth a FACT.....but such is not always the case. Science is constructed upon trial and error. Truth never changes........or it was never truth in the beginning. Example: When I was a child going to elementary and middle school Science taught us that the earth was 3 billion years old. Today.......in Science classes today the age of the earth is presented to be about 4.5 Billions years. Someone lied to me or they are teaching lies today, the earth did not magically age 1.5 billion years in a span of few decades. Both positions can be WRONG or False but both cannot via logic and reason be considered TRUE. And the prima facie evidence that suggested both ages.......has just been given a logical reason to doubt either date as being true. Why? Because the earth could not possibly via the laws of physics age 1.5 billion years in a matter of years, months and days.

Prima Facie Truth exists as obvious truth until objective evidence is presented to negate the prima faice observation when all the facts are not attainable. As Pappy said, "If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, and swims like a duck.........its not an eagle."
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If god is all knowing, then god knows the future and what will happen to each of us.
Therefore, there is no free will, as everything has been planned out.

If god has to PLAN everything out, then god is NOT omniscient, and therefore cannot BE a god.

God couldn't stop a murder of "his children" when there were supposedly only 4 people on earth.

If earthlings are supposed to be "god's special creatures", then the rest of the universe is wasted space.

If god wants nothing but praise from his creations, then why isn't the universe cram packed with planets of people worshiping??

Virgins cannot get pregnant. That would throw out all logistical concepts of science as we know it.

Isn't it weird how your god seems to agree with everything YOU say. And is it coincidental that all Christians claim their god disagrees with you, when THEY also disagree with you?

If you wrote a book with THAT many contradictions in it, filled with hypocrisy and double-dealing........the publisher would never publish it.

If humans are made in gods image, then why are we physical beings that all have different physical traits, colors, and emotions? We should be invisible entities that live forever and do as we please.

Most all of the lifeforms on this planet that have existed, have been wiped out for a very long time. How many "do overs" does god need?

"God does not exist because I SAID SO".
Don't like that? It's the SAME reasoning parents and preachers/priests give their kids that god does exist.

War. The Holocaust. (which should be enough in itself)

Reasons for god's existence given by believers are always based on personal opinions, never fact.

People who read the bible and practice what it "preaches", makes life WORSE for everyone else.

God worshipers screaming at the top of their lungs "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" if you don't do EXACTLY as they SAY, EXACTLY as they DO, and believe in EXACTLY what they TELL you to believe in.
No civilized human being with a grain of humanity or sentience would ever do this to a fellow human being. This is something akin to what Hitler did.....and we all know how THAT turned out!!

Science vs Religion
So far:
Science facts - MILLIONS
Religious facts - 0

If god wants to talk to me, WHY the middleman? Why not just come down and talk to me in person? Why all the 'cloak and

God worshipers have been claiming "Jesus is coming back" in their lifetime.........for centuries. It has never happened. Not once. To anybody. Anywhere.

"God works in mysterious ways" means
"shut up and go away, I don't have any answers for you".

When someone dies in an accident or is murdered, or suffers a death by disease.......the religious claim it is the will of their god. Not one single word about the devil....the one who is supposedly evil enough to kill, maim, and destroy for pleasure. But yet they claim their god did these dastardly deeds.....to his own "children" he supposedly loves?
Uh huh. Try again.

There sure seem to be a LOT of natural disasters happening in places that god's followers claim he loves.

When non-believer speaks to a believer, the supposed "Christian" spouts hate, animosity, bigotry, racism, and a dangerous psychotic

Christians pretend to be virtuous and noble inside the church.....but when outside the church, they are sanctimonious liars, cheats, frauds, and murderers.

There are more than 2500 different bibles on this planet, giving homage to 28,000,000 different gods.
If there is only ONE god, then WHY isn't there only ONE bible?
And WHY aren't all religious people worshiping this ONE god?
WHY is it that YOUR god is the only one that exists???

Will the REAL "slim shady" please stand up!!!!

Got any death threats yet ?, you will !
Truth is not always determined by SCIENCE in an objective evidential based observation. Truth can be determined based upon the prima facie evidence as determined by the Law of Probability
That would still be science. Else you would not know what is probable and what is not.
You have just submitted another logical fallacy in order to claim a false premise as truth.
Claiming a false premise as true is not a fallacy. And the only reason we know it is false is because of evidence based determination.

We know the universe exists. But we can't Define the word Universe without science. So without science is a virtually meaningless statement. Not useful in any way whatsoever.
My task is to bear witness to the truth. I couldn't care less about effective inducement.

Did you really think that I was trying to sweet talk 'save' or convert ding or anyone?


Yes, I do think you were trying to change people's beliefs. You seem to be very narcissistic.
95% of the Christians I've ever met are friendly, loving, kind, compassionate, and will pray for the non-believing. 95% of the 5% who are not are in online chat rooms.

My point is, if you're a non-believer who has a bone to pick with Christianity, you're going to only find what you wanted in the first place... as online is mostly occupied by the prideful, ego-driven, keyboard warrior types.

The majority of Christians aren't on websites, Twitter, Facebook, etc. They're busy living, giving, sacrificing, providing, etc. for the community.

They don't announce themselves, but most live in a world that doesn't seek beneath anyone who doesn't announce themselves.

So, I don't blame ignorant non-believers who don't realize this. It's the ones who refuse to look and yet continue to attack that are the issue. They become mere trolls of religion, angrily typing in their basement, not providing any sort of support, happiness, or goodness in life to the needy and damaged. They are supreme beings on their chair in front of their computer.
95% of the Christians I've ever met are friendly, loving, kind, compassionate, and will pray for the non-believing. 95% of the 5% who are not are in online chat rooms.

My point is, if you're a non-believer who has a bone to pick with Christianity, you're going to only find what you wanted in the first place... as online is mostly occupied by the prideful, ego-driven, keyboard warrior types.

The majority of Christians aren't on websites, Twitter, Facebook, etc. They're busy living, giving, sacrificing, providing, etc. for the community.

They don't announce themselves, but most live in a world that doesn't seek beneath anyone who doesn't announce themselves.

So, I don't blame ignorant non-believers who don't realize this. It's the ones who refuse to look and yet continue to attack that are the issue. They become mere trolls of religion, angrily typing in their basement, not providing any sort of support, happiness, or goodness in life to the needy and damaged. They are supreme beings on their chair in front of their computer.
I think that, should we try to break down the quality of people that are christians, say, in the US, we would find the same results as if we would in such a study without any respect to religion. Its basically an ubiquitous part of society, and i think a lot of (most?) US Christians are essentially secular anyway.
Yes, I do think you were trying to change people's beliefs. You seem to be very narcissistic.

If someone handed everyone the bible and asked them to read it and then make a book report, all of these religious actors and lying frauds, sanctimonious pricks and assholes, including many atheists, would have failed miserably.

I read it, understand the language of the prophets, homonyms, metaphors, analogies, hyperbole, etc., comprehend the instruction, and so I am just paying back these people in their own coin.

If what is written in the bible is true then they are all accursed, damned by God, in hell, and on their way to permanent destruction. I rather enjoy being a sanctimonious prick to them so kill me.

It's not like they listen to the voice of reason. You know this. Most are taking this shit to the grave.

I really don't care if they take me seriously, think I'm narcissistic, say I'm delusional, eat Jesus for the rest of their lives, pray to a block of wood, or accuse me of trying to change people's beliefs, but if they all threw their ridiculous beliefs in the trash bin of history, the world would become a better place instantly.

Whether what I say is the truth or not, and since it doesn't apply to you, why would it bother you at all if I taunt these people with their own professed beliefs about whats right and wrong, the real meaning of the words and subjects in scripture about which they are so dogmatic, who's going to hell, etc., people who fucked up billions of lives for thousands of years with unspeakable cruelty and suffering with their superstitious and ignorant reality denying interpretations of the bible?
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If someone handed everyone the bible and asked them to read it and then make a book report, all of these religious actors and lying frauds, sanctimonious pricks and assholes, including many atheists, would have failed miserably.

I read it, understand the language of the prophets, homonyms, metaphors, analogies, hyperbole, etc., comprehend the instruction, and so I am just paying back these people in their own coin.

If what is written in the bible is true then they are all accursed, damned by God, in hell, and on their way to permanent destruction. I rather enjoy being a sanctimonious prick to them so kill me.

It's not like they listen to the voice of reason. You know this. Most are taking this shit to the grave.

I really don't care if they take me seriously, think I'm narcissistic, say I'm delusional, eat Jesus for the rest of their lives, pray to a block of wood, or accuse me of trying to change people's beliefs, but if they all threw their ridiculous beliefs in the trash bin of history, the world would become a better place instantly.

Whether what I say is the truth or not, and since it doesn't apply to you, why would it bother you at all if I taunt these people with their own professed beliefs about whats right and wrong, the real meaning of the words and subjects in scripture about which they are so dogmatic, who's going to hell, etc., people who fucked up billions of lives for thousands of years with unspeakable cruelty and suffering with their superstitious and ignorant reality denying interpretations of the bible?
You do you.

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