Rauf's ASMA society promotes "radical monotheism" per website


Oct 2, 2007
Let's hear it for reaching out:

"Understanding the Abrahamic Ethic
The Abrahamic ethic embodies the fullest and most balanced individual and social institutional expression of these two commandments whose core ideas are:
A radical monotheism
, expressed in loving the one God with all of one's being
Human liberty, equality, and fraternity, expressed in loving for others what we love for ourselves (that is, social justice) and in ensuring and protecting these principles."

Nah, he doesn't want sharia, or jihad!

ASMA SOCIETY | American Society for Muslim Advancement
"The signature of modern leftist rhetoric is the deployment of terminology that simply cannot fail to command assent. As Orwell himself recognized, even slavery could be sold if labeled "freedom." In this vein, who could ever conscientiously oppose the pursuit of "social justice," -- i.e., a just society?"

"Karl Marx formed and detailed the popular concept of "social justice," (which has become a kind of "new and improved" substitute for a storeful of other terms -- Marxism, socialism, collectivism -- that, in the wake of Communism's history and collapse, are now unsellable)."

Social Justice: Code for Communism

Which is exactly what I say every day I post on this site. The left labels oppression as "liberty" and declares that "liberty" is now oppression. And I think they sometimes buy what they're saying. At least on this site, I think a few of you are just well-meaning idiots.

Universally, however, it's more deliberate. Obama deliberately obfuscates and divides. Then goes on vacation, leaving his stalwart followers to scratch their heads and try to figure out how he could make such a huge mistake.

It's not a mistake, duckies.
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