Ravens, Jaguars players kneel during national anthem after Trump's attacks on NFL

one of the all time great rope a dopes.......thanks Trump
This is why liberals will always lose: They are too stupid to see what is happening. Trump hasn't done this, the players and owners have done it to themselves, but like the imbeciles who blame Trump for hurricanes and Trump for Korea, these modern imbeciles cannot help but keep going over the falls in a barrel.
I disagree with the players who are kneeling.

I don't think politics should be in sports.

If players want to get involved in their free time, fine. But it's best left off the field.

You are correct sir. Politics should not be in sports. Therefore get the fucking national anthems out of it, and there won't be any.

Not rocket surgery.
The Star Spangled Banner sucks anyways.
BTW the Jags are absolutely destroying Baltimore.
Are the black players rioting and looting the town?
See? That's the thing....this has been a peaceful protest all along....something that the Right, the Alt-Right, the trumpanzees keep whining that minorities and the Left are incapable of doing. Yet here it is.....and you still whine.
I never watch sports, so i don't know the answer to this. Maybe some Trump supporter can answer this. Do they play the National Anthem before Wide World of Wrestling events? I can't help but wonder if they stand up to honor the Anthem before they start bashing each other over the head with folding metal chairs.
Trump has once again blundered into yet another political minefield, the consequence of his incompetence and lack of political acumen.
I disagree with the players who are kneeling.

I don't think politics should be in sports.

If players want to get involved in their free time, fine. But it's best left off the field.
In a free and democratic society it’s naïve and unwarranted to believe that free expression should be relegated solely to specific venues, or excluded from others.
I saw a picture of the owner of the Minnesota Vikings, and he was NOT wearing a flag lapel pin! Run the SOB out of the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As CIC Pres. Trump needs to pull all military appearances and stop flyovers from all major sports now.
I never watch sports, so i don't know the answer to this. Maybe some Trump supporter can answer this. Do they play the National Anthem before Wide World of Wrestling events? I can't help but wonder if they stand up to honor the Anthem before they start bashing each other over the head with folding metal chairs.

I'm still waiting for a valid explanation of why a baseball field full of Cuban, Venezuelan, Dominican, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Colombian, Australian, Russian, Curaçaoan, South African, Mexican and Panamanian players can't start until we run a national anthem.

Or why we're not also running the national anthems of Cuba, Venezuela The DR, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Colombia, Australia, Russia, Curaçao, South Africa, Mexico and Panama.
As CIC Pres. Trump needs to pull all military appearances and stop flyovers from all major sports now.
Good...because the NFL was charging the military/government for those patriotic presentations anyways.
I never watch sports, so i don't know the answer to this. Maybe some Trump supporter can answer this. Do they play the National Anthem before Wide World of Wrestling events? I can't help but wonder if they stand up to honor the Anthem before they start bashing each other over the head with folding metal chairs.

I'm still waiting for a valid explanation of why a baseball field full of Cuban, Venezuelan, Dominican, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Colombian, Australian, Russian, Curaçaoan, South African, Mexican and Panamanian players can't start until we run a national anthem.

Or why we're not also running the national anthems of Cuba, Venezuela The DR, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Colombia, Australia, Russia, Curaçao, South Africa, Mexico and Panama.
Well,if we play Toronto or Montreal, we play the Canadian anthem....which is better, btw.
Trump has really stepped into it this time. I thought that he had run out of groups to insult, but he surprised us once again! I am sure that before he leaves office, he will find a way to insult his Christian base, probably by comparing himself favorably to christ.
What's funny to me is that kneeling is the traditional posture of subservience. Those that kneel are promoting plantation thinking IMO. That's why the Democrats like their blacks takin' the knee because its the same as saying 'yessa massa.'
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I never watch sports, so i don't know the answer to this. Maybe some Trump supporter can answer this. Do they play the National Anthem before Wide World of Wrestling events? I can't help but wonder if they stand up to honor the Anthem before they start bashing each other over the head with folding metal chairs.

I'm still waiting for a valid explanation of why a baseball field full of Cuban, Venezuelan, Dominican, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Colombian, Australian, Russian, Curaçaoan, South African, Mexican and Panamanian players can't start until we run a national anthem.

Or why we're not also running the national anthems of Cuba, Venezuela The DR, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Colombia, Australia, Russia, Curaçao, South Africa, Mexico and Panama.
Because this is the United States of America. Our ball field, our homeland, our anthem.

I didn't know Inspector Clouseau was at the game!
This just in. Trump tweets that he will utterly destroy the NFL, right after he nukes N. Korea!
Impossible. The owner's have already destroyed the NFL. Before long the stadiums will be so empty they will resort to photo shop pics. It's likely some have already resorted to such tactics. President Trump is right. The owner's should fire these players but it would probably be too little too late. Too much baggage with the NFL. Cheating, backroom deals, crooked owners, out of control players - horrible role models for our youth, disgraceful selection of Super Bowl entertainers. The American people have had enough - it does appear. Thank God. Looks like Americans are coming to their senses about this - finally.

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