Raw Footage Of Michael Hastings Car Exploding Caught On Surveillance Cameras.

Hey GT......gotta check these out. Keeps the bad guys away in the middle of the night.......the glow scares 'em off!!!

Its like $10 and they throw in a second one for free if you act now!!!:rock::rock::rock:

s0n.....you buy into all the fables.......:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Designing the mind: a fable « Jon Rappoport's Blog

The overnight cable TV "As Seen On TV" industry would be out of business without guys like you!!:2up:

Shit....even fucking Plato wrote about how easy it is to dupe the public!!!!

"the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality"

Allegory of the Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do me a favor s0n.....when somebody knocks on the door of your home and says he's stranded and needs to use a phone, for the love of Christ, don't let him in!!:up:

No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered. Whatever he knew, he died for it. He should have done what Edward Snowden did and leave the country before he released his information.
Spoken like a woman who wants to avoid a tragic accident of her own.
Ahh the convenience of being a tin hat conspiracy nutter... anything that doesn't suit your argument is part of the conspiracy. If his wife said it was murder you'd be all over it, but since she isn't a paranoid freak like you she's just too scared to tell the truth.

No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered.
Sorry dude after you claimed you saw the tree he hit in person and it had no marks on it you are dismissed from being allowed to speculate on anything since your opinions are so strong you are able to easily detach yourself from reality.

Spoken like a woman who wants to avoid a tragic accident of her own.
Ahh the convenience of being a tin hat conspiracy nutter... anything that doesn't suit your argument is part of the conspiracy. If his wife said it was murder you'd be all over it, but since she isn't a paranoid freak like you she's just too scared to tell the truth.

No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered.
Sorry dude after you claimed you saw the tree he hit in person and it had no marks on it you are dismissed from being allowed to speculate on anything since your opinions are so strong you are able to easily detach yourself from reality.


Yeah, cause posting a pic of a random tree with burn marks proves everything.


Man today is a good day for libtard antics!
Im sure the eyewitness video with the car on fire up against the tree is a fake......or the business surveilance video of the car actually striking the tree....my gosh you guys prolly still watch cartoons and believe in the easter bunny
Post the geotags proving that's the tree.
Hah hah that's great, after being busted lying your ass off saying the tree had no marks you are now reduced to pretending tree pictures are fake.

You got me detective! I can't sneak anything past you. I photoshopped these flowers in front of the fake tree:


I even took the time to photoshop in the exact same short square gate posts and trees in the background they had in the accident pictures:

Can you be any more of a tin hat dumbass? What gets in your head to be able to suspend reality like that when you need to?
Everyone give skooker a break, he thought the Boston Marathon bombings were government staged. He's just that dumb.

Hey.......what can I say?

Not every day you see a guy who, 5 minutes after his legs were blown off, hes getting pushed in a wheelchair, only his expression says, "Get me the fuck to the bar for a beer!!!"

Both legs torn off and he is looking as fit as a fiddle!!!!:eusa_dance::happy-1::eusa_dance:

And at the scene just after the bombing......no blood.......no blood anywhere around the guy, but shit......his legs were just blown off!!! Id post the pics but last time, the mods threatened to ban my ass.......goggle them for those who like a good laugh.

Clearly legit.......

Pictures That Prove Double Amputee Was An Actor at Boston Bombings | Alternative

I know I'm a little late to this, but god damn, you're a fucking idiot.
No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered. Whatever he knew, he died for it. He should have done what Edward Snowden did and leave the country before he released his information.

The only known fact here is that you're a psychotic twat. Seek help. By 'help' I mean, step in front of a bus. Please.
No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered. Whatever he knew, he died for it. He should have done what Edward Snowden did and leave the country before he released his information.

The only known fact here is that you're a psychotic twat. Seek help. By 'help' I mean, step in front of a bus. Please.

I'm waiting for some coward like yourself to show up and push me.
No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered. Whatever he knew, he died for it. He should have done what Edward Snowden did and leave the country before he released his information.

The only known fact here is that you're a psychotic twat. Seek help. By 'help' I mean, step in front of a bus. Please.

I'm waiting for some coward like yourself to show up and push me.
Give me an address!
No matter how debated Hastings' death is, the fact is, he was murdered. Whatever he knew, he died for it. He should have done what Edward Snowden did and leave the country before he released his information.

The only known fact here is that you're a psychotic twat. Seek help. By 'help' I mean, step in front of a bus. Please.

I'm waiting for some coward like yourself to show up and push me.

I'm guessing you'll be drunk enough to to stumble into its path without my help.

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