Raw Footage Of Michael Hastings Car Exploding Caught On Surveillance Cameras.

Cars don't explode on impact unless you're playing grand theft auto.
Thanks for your expertise.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5JbtGs5hvE]Car Explodes After Crash - YouTube[/ame]

That was plainly a g as fire flash, but the Michael Hastings crash had a much larger and almost instantaneous explosion. Very different.

Not sure why you want to ignore what seems plainly true. Hastings was murdered.
Many people, like GT and others in here are unwittingly immersed in the matrix......and care not to venture into any other reality no matter what. These people buy the official story of everything as a matter of self-preservation.


Everything guys like GT believe is ALWAYS going to conform with consensus opinion........which is why people like this desperately cling to the PC line.

No, I make my decisions based on verifiable facts, not based on what ifs.

If yours were the verifiable facts, and not the "what ifs" and hyperbole and anecdotal half truths, you'd have a leg to stand on.

The only concrete evidence that alludes to this being a murder is the guy's profession. So, not believing the conspiracy theory is not bending over and conforming, it's being a rational human being capable of thought, even if said thought isn't the "fun" story line like it is for immature conspiracy enthusiasts.
No, I make my decisions based on verifiable facts, not based on what ifs.

If yours were the verifiable facts, and not the "what ifs" and hyperbole and anecdotal half truths, you'd have a leg to stand on.

The only concrete evidence that alludes to this being a murder is the guy's profession. So, not believing the conspiracy theory is not bending over and conforming, it's being a rational human being capable of thought, even if said thought isn't the "fun" story line like it is for immature conspiracy enthusiasts.

A few things GT. You’re entitled to your opinion and I think it’s a 100% rational one too, as your just going by the official story that they’ve given to you.

However, I think it’s totally unfair to call folks who think there’s more to this “immature conspiracy enthusiasts”.

When you have a well-known, rebellious reporter who tells his wife that he’s working on one of his biggest stories ever, and can’t divulge information in fear for her life, and then dies under rather uncommon circumstances just DAYS later (fireball crash), and you have the police rule “no foul play” instantaneously, and cremate his body almost instantaneously (despite the wishes of his family), and decide to keep all records secret from the public and Mercedes Benz (who wanted to investigate their brand new model that just exploded like a stick of dynamite), it’s fair to ask some questions – right?

If you recall, our Gov’t perpetuated the killings of a few HUNDRED thousand Iraqis just a few years ago over a false premise. $700 billion dollars a year are spent on weapons of death.

You think they’d blink over the assassination of some measly reporter?

I don’t.

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No, I make my decisions based on verifiable facts, not based on what ifs.

If yours were the verifiable facts, and not the "what ifs" and hyperbole and anecdotal half truths, you'd have a leg to stand on.

The only concrete evidence that alludes to this being a murder is the guy's profession. So, not believing the conspiracy theory is not bending over and conforming, it's being a rational human being capable of thought, even if said thought isn't the "fun" story line like it is for immature conspiracy enthusiasts.

A few things GT. You’re entitled to your opinion and I think it’s a 100% rational one too, as your just going by the official story that they’ve given to you.

However, I think it’s totally unfair to call folks who think there’s more to this “immature conspiracy enthusiasts”.

When you have a well-known, rebellious reporter who tells his wife that he’s working on one of his biggest stories ever, and can’t divulge information in fear for her life, and then dies under rather uncommon circumstances just DAYS later (fireball crash), and you have the police rule “no foul play” instantaneously, and cremate his body almost instantaneously (despite the wishes of his family), and decide to keep all records secret from the public and Mercedes Benz (who wanted to investigate their brand new model that just exploded like a stick of dynamite), it’s fair to ask some questions – right?

If you recall, our Gov’t perpetuated the killings of a few HUNDRED thousand Iraqis just a few years ago over a false premise under the direction of a former Haliburton CEO.

You think they’d blink over the assassination of a reporter who’s been giving them trouble?

I don’t.


I think that there needs to be more evidence than "the government is shady" and "this guy had a breaking blockbuster story" for anyone to draw these conclusions.

First - I'd like to see it from the HORSE'S MOUTH that his wife is even saying that stuff, and not just take a blogger's word for it.

Next - the cremation thing is sop for an already charred body.

Next - I'd like to see the actual conversations between the police and Mercedes before drawing any conclusions.

The Government stands to lose a LOT, they risk a great deal ever outright murdering someone. That you think these really really loose pieces of evidence are good enough to run with does, in fact, show a fast and loose hand with indictments, rationale, and logic.

The car was going at an incredible speed for that road. -fact
The car hit the fire hydrant and a tree. - fact
Accidents in the past have caused cards to blow up. - fact
Fire hydrants are heavy metal. - fact
Gas is highly flammable. - fact
The driver was a self admitted drunk driver, at least in the past. - fact
There are probably hundreds of people out there who would love nothing more than to pin this on the Government, as a huge career making breaking story. - fact
They've been unable to do so. - fact

^ none of that laundry list of facts is conjecture. They are hard irrefutable facts.

When you have that, versus hyperbole and anecdotes, it seems a bit amateurish in logic and responsibility to tow the line that it is in fact a hit job.

I'm going to always err on the side of the hard facts, not conjecture, not here-say, etc.

The wife story and things like that could also be made up. I haven't checked, but I've not seen any hard sources in front of me corroborating those things. And even if they did, it's still not enough to be convincing that it was a hit job.

The wife thing could have been made up simply because of the infamous rolling stone article that caused a military man to lose his job, thus giving the appearance that he is (Hastings) some sort of big balls no bullshit journalist who is seeking to take the Government down with a groundbreaking story. Give me a break, until there's concrete evidence there is nothing there but loosely based theories. And that to me is immature.

Last note:

It's worth noting that not everyone who believes in a conspiracy theory is immature and irrational, always. It's more of an indictment on those who are enthusiasts, and seem to follow the line of EVERY conspiracy theory out there that comes out, new and old. It's too convenient that they actually believe every little conspiracy, it can't be that. It's that their brains do not function properly and they've probably got some sort of paranoid delusions thing going on with their brains.
Last note:

It's worth noting that not everyone who believes in a conspiracy theory is immature and irrational, always. It's more of an indictment on those who are enthusiasts, and seem to follow the line of EVERY conspiracy theory out there that comes out, new and old. It's too convenient that they actually believe every little conspiracy, it can't be that. It's that their brains do not function properly and they've probably got some sort of paranoid delusions thing going on with their brains.

Again, I think you're taking a rational approach to the issue, and you bring up some excellent positions, indeed.

At this point, we are only a month out from his death and many details have yet to emerge. Just today some folks have filed suit against the FBI for failing to disclose information around his death (via the Freedom of Information Act):

FBI sued for keeping secret their file on journalist Michael Hastings ? RT USA

Perhaps we should just give this one a breather and let it play out. That's certainly what I'm going to do.

Fact. Michael Hastings was working on a big story.
Fact. Michael Hastings was in panic mode after he found out that he was being targeted.
Fact. Hastings e-mailed his friends warning them that they were going to be targeted.
Fact. Hours before his death, Hastings e-mailed the attorney for Wikileaks asking for help
Associated Fact: Hastings may reveal to Wikileaks the details of his story.
Fact. Hastings had not had a drink in over ten years.
Fact. Hastings had a reputation of driving like a Grandma, and had no history of speeding.
Fact. It is not SOP for authorities to cremate an already charred body. There is nothing about charring of remains that removes a deceased from the authority of the family.
Fact: The authorities at LAPD said that they would perform a toxicology report and never did so.
Fact: It is relatively easy to hack into a cars on board computer and control it's speed and disable its brakes.

Fact: Too many questions and zero answers.
Fact. Michael Hastings was working on a big story.
Fact. Michael Hastings was in panic mode after he found out that he was being targeted.
Fact. Hastings e-mailed his friends warning them that they were going to be targeted.
Fact. Hours before his death, Hastings e-mailed the attorney for Wikileaks asking for help
Associated Fact: Hastings may reveal to Wikileaks the details of his story.
Fact. Hastings had not had a drink in over ten years.
Fact. Hastings had a reputation of driving like a Grandma, and had no history of speeding.
Fact. It is not SOP for authorities to cremate an already charred body. There is nothing about charring of remains that removes a deceased from the authority of the family.
Fact: The authorities at LAPD said that they would perform a toxicology report and never did so.
Fact: It is relatively easy to hack into a cars on board computer and control it's speed and disable its brakes.

Fact: Too many questions and zero answers.

"May reveal" is not a fact.

That he was working on a big story is hear-say. We do not have the big story, we don't know that for a fact except that he simply said so. It may be true, but it is not a FACT.

That he hadn't had a drink is also hear-say. Not a fact. Do you not know what fact means? It may be true, but it's not a FACT.

Seems you just take people at their word.

He didn't have a reputation for driving like a grandma. One guy said that, and again, that's hear-say, not fact. He owns a benz sports car for fuck's sake. It MAY BE TRUE that he drives like a grandma, but it is not a FACT.

The body was autopsied. That is a fact. Things like those <-- are facts.

That they "never did so," on the toxicology report? Not a fact. It takes ten weeks to release the results. Ten weeks would be somewhere around....now.

"Relatively easy?" You sure about that? (no)

You really have a loose barometer for what a "Fact" is. That is why your brain functions as a conspiracy theorist. It is apparent.
(printed jULY 17TH) On Wednesday, Los Angeles Department of Coroner Captain John Kades said that his office has not closed its investigation because it is awaiting the results of a range of autopsy tests&#8212;which will take another four to six weeks to complete. Hastings&#8217; body was delivered at his family&#8217;s request to a funeral home, he said, where it was subsequently cremated. This procedure for transferring remains was routine, he said.

&#8220;We did a complete autopsy,&#8221; Kades said, saying the Coroner&#8217;s first task was to identify the body, which it did from fingerprints. &#8220;We still got a fingerprint ID; I can&#8217;t say how badly the body was burned.&#8221;

&#8220;The LAPD did their own investigation of the cause of the crash,&#8221; Kades said, distinguishing between the LAPD traffic accident investigation and the medical examiner&#8217;s investigation. &#8220;We&#8217;re awaiting lab test results&#8221; from the autopsy. &#8220;We can still do toxicology, detect internal injuries, thermal damage. That process has to run its course.&#8221;

The autopsy tests are likely to reveal if Hastings might have been drinking or consuming any drugs that could have played a role in the crash. It would also describe the physical injuries that killed him.

Kades said there was nothing unusual or out of the ordinary about his office&#8217;s ongoing investigation.
The cremated against his family wishes thing was a rumor, started by a man name Biggs who works for Alex Jones. Conspiracy theorist, extraordinaire. He eats off you guys.
Last note:

It's worth noting that not everyone who believes in a conspiracy theory is immature and irrational, always. It's more of an indictment on those who are enthusiasts, and seem to follow the line of EVERY conspiracy theory out there that comes out, new and old. It's too convenient that they actually believe every little conspiracy, it can't be that. It's that their brains do not function properly and they've probably got some sort of paranoid delusions thing going on with their brains.

Again, I think you're taking a rational approach to the issue, and you bring up some excellent positions, indeed.

At this point, we are only a month out from his death and many details have yet to emerge. Just today some folks have filed suit against the FBI for failing to disclose information around his death (via the Freedom of Information Act):

FBI sued for keeping secret their file on journalist Michael Hastings ? RT USA

Perhaps we should just give this one a breather and let it play out. That's certainly what I'm going to do.


As soon as some hard facts come out that allude to foul play, and not coincidences and here-say based rumors and all of that sort of stuff, I'll lend the theory that he was murdered credence.

It's a waste of time, as of current.
Just some quick things.

There are probably hundreds of people out there who would love nothing more than to pin this on the Government, as a huge career making breaking story. - fact
They've been unable to do so. - fact

To hold you to the same standard, these aren&#8217;t facts.

Also, it&#8217;s standard practice for your local gov&#8217;t to decide whether or not you are to be cremated? What happens if it&#8217;s against your religion (for instance, I believe Hastings was a Jew)?

Not sure I like that practice, despite whether or not the body is badly burned.

Just some quick things.

There are probably hundreds of people out there who would love nothing more than to pin this on the Government, as a huge career making breaking story. - fact
They've been unable to do so. - fact

To hold you to the same standard, these aren’t facts.

Also, it’s standard practice for your local gov’t to decide whether or not you are to be cremated? What happens if it’s against your religion (for instance, I believe Hastings was a Jew)?

Not sure I like that practice, despite whether or not the body is badly burned.


The body was released to the family, who had it cremated.

That it was cremated against their wishes was a rumor.

also - there are hundreds of reporters looking for groundbreaking stories to make there career. I don't think it's beyond the realm to call that a fact.

If you scan the internet about this, it is abuzz. Who is writing all of the links?
The cremated against his family wishes thing was a rumor, started by a man name Biggs who works for Alex Jones. Conspiracy theorist, extraordinaire. He eats off you guys.

To correct you, it wasn't started by Alex Jones. It was via a local TV news reporter.

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She was wrong, and the Biggs guy from Alex Jones has been going around saying he's a close family friend.
She was wrong, and the Biggs guy from Alex Jones has been going around saying he's a close family friend.

Got a link to some backup? Haven't heard that.

Have searched the internet and can't find anything (really from anywhere.. news outlets, forums, etc) that backs up that claim.

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It's more of an indictment on those who are enthusiasts, and seem to follow the line of EVERY conspiracy theory out there that comes out, new and old.

You got it, and interestingly these nuts are usually the ones most often throwing about the "sheeple" term at others. They don't realize how much subscribing to every conspiracy theory that comes down the pipeline shows who the true sheep is.
No, I make my decisions based on verifiable facts, not based on what ifs.

If yours were the verifiable facts, and not the "what ifs" and hyperbole and anecdotal half truths, you'd have a leg to stand on.

The only concrete evidence that alludes to this being a murder is the guy's profession. So, not believing the conspiracy theory is not bending over and conforming, it's being a rational human being capable of thought, even if said thought isn't the "fun" story line like it is for immature conspiracy enthusiasts.
There were no verifiable facts to conclude that Oswald killed Kennedy.

There are no verifiable facts to conclude that the 9/11 hijackers weren't hired by U.S. interests.

Verifiable facts are not the determining factor in a lot of conclusions.
I don't know why everyone jumps to the conclusion that if he was murdered it was the government who did it.

There are plenty of corporations with the resources and connections to do this easily.
I don't know why everyone jumps to the conclusion that if he was murdered it was the government who did it.

There are plenty of corporations with the resources and connections to do this easily.


Are plenty of corporations into the murder for hire business, too? lol

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