Raw Footage Of Michael Hastings Car Exploding Caught On Surveillance Cameras.

While it is certainly possible for a car to hit a tree and explode. That doesn't mean it happened in this case. If someone were to plan the death of another, they would pick something at least plausible. Why was he going that fast? He was not known to drive fast? No one was following him. Something happened and all the surmising in the world won't answer the questions. There are too many of them.
If I were a reporter digging into the NSA and CIA and felt I had something big on them, as Hastings believed he did, I'd make damn sure that I backed up (as in copied) my findings, distributed them out to trusted sources, put copies in secure boxes, etc. ... especially if my gut was telling me I had to go 'off the grid'.

Did Hastings do any of this? Has anything turned up?

Ed Snowden did, so he's got some insurance. Journalists guard their exclusive stuff pretty rigorously. He had to have had notes, research results all his work someplace.

Bush advisor: Hastings crash ?consistent with a car cyberattack? ? RT USA

Richard Clarke, a State Department official-turned-special advisor to several United States presidents, said the early morning auto crash last Tuesday was "consistent with a car cyberattack,” raising new questions about the death of the award-winning journalist.

Hastings died last week when his 2013 Mercedes C250 coupe collided with a tree in Los Angeles, California on the morning of June 18. He was reportedly traveling at a high rate of speed and failed to stop at a red light moments before the single-car crash. He was only 33.

Speaking to Huffington Post this week, Clarke said that a cyberattack waged at the vehicle could have caused the fatal collision.

"What has been revealed as a result of some research at universities is that it's relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn't want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn't want the brakes on, to launch an air bag," Clarke told The Huffington Post. "You can do some really highly destructive things now, through hacking a car, and it's not that hard."

One of the questions that should be answered is what happened to Hastings' laptop. As paranoid as he had become, he probably had it with him in the car. Yet, there's been no mention of it anywhere.

Where is Hastings'? Why wouldn't he protect what he'd found? Anyone who feels they need to go off the grid isn't going to do so lightly ... they'd do it because they were afraid. He sounded rather savvy, not the type to just leave everything on a laptop ... or maybe he did. Where's the info he uncovered on the CIA?

I don't know ... I don't put anything past the government, at all ... but more proof is needed to know if Hastings was killed or not. And if he was? Don't you think that they covered their asses thoroughly so we'd never really know?
While it is certainly possible for a car to hit a tree and explode. That doesn't mean it happened in this case.
Given his car did hit a tree at a high rate of speed it isn't an unreasonable conclusion. I know it is hard for conspiracy theory types to accept but something the most likely and obvious answer is what happened.
If your gas tank runs over a fire hydrant, what do you suppose happens?

Not sure, but I wouldn't expect the entire car to explode into a gigantic fireball. This really does not happen very often.


If you watch the video, you can see the big spark as it rolls over the hydrant.
If you watch the second video, not the surveillance one but the first private citizen on the scene, you can see the water spouting up from the decapitated hydrant.

I understand that the guy's profession and what he was involved in leads to the suspicion, but the crash itself seems pretty plausible and so hanging your hat on a conspiracy theory, here in this case, is irresponsible and it doesn't speak to the facts on the ground.

-he's a self admitted drunk driver, who has crashed before.
-he ran over a giant metal fire hydrant at a high rate of speed.
-he wrapped his car around a tree at a high rate of speed.

That is "what we know," for certain. Everything else is hyperbole.

for once, Im agreeing with you GT.......I think you are right on the accident. Still.....the circumstances leading up to the hit on the fire hydrant are very suspicious by anybody's standard. If its a coincidence, if is indeed far fetched.

I think it is also compelling that two detectives from the same precinct were hit in an assassination attempt last week.......right outside the police station.:eek:

2 LA detectives ambushed returning to station

When does that happen? Nobody can find evidence at this point putting those two detectives at the scene of Hastings death, but.........the risk-reward is HUGE right out in front of a police station.
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For those thinking that explosion was unnatural, a fire hydrant was run over. Metal on metal in a car full of gas. Sounds natural, to me.

I don't know if this was a hit or not, but the evidence is a bit circumstantial. CT's always use the lowest standards as "proof," it's completely ridiculous.

I would believe something was an actual conspiracy when otherwise NON conspiracy theorists have to pause and raise an eyebrow. Until then, CT's should be beaten back like a fire in Colorado.

As you will notice, skooks will not retract his statement about the front end not being damaged. That's because he's a dishonest sycophant. Ignored.
GT, explain how it is possible for the engine to end up 60+ feet behind the point of impact.
For those thinking that explosion was unnatural, a fire hydrant was run over. Metal on metal in a car full of gas. Sounds natural, to me.

I don't know if this was a hit or not, but the evidence is a bit circumstantial. CT's always use the lowest standards as "proof," it's completely ridiculous.

I would believe something was an actual conspiracy when otherwise NON conspiracy theorists have to pause and raise an eyebrow. Until then, CT's should be beaten back like a fire in Colorado.

As you will notice, skooks will not retract his statement about the front end not being damaged. That's because he's a dishonest sycophant. Ignored.

Well of course all of the far left k00ks are going to advocate for the "official" story.......they don't want any dog doo possibly pointing back to Chicago because the bubble can burst and we can have the bubble bursting!!

I thought you considered me a 'far left kook'?

I also don't know why you insist that if it was an assassination, Obama would have had to know about it.
While it is certainly possible for a car to hit a tree and explode. That doesn't mean it happened in this case.
Given his car did hit a tree at a high rate of speed it isn't an unreasonable conclusion. I know it is hard for conspiracy theory types to accept but something the most likely and obvious answer is what happened.

From what I discover through some quick research (if you have other data please share) is that 99% of the time cars don't explode on impact (even at high speeds). Many catch fire, but even that is supposed to be somewhat of a rarity.

Mercedes seems to take great pride in making vehicles that are not death trap bomb-boxes, and design their cars specifically not to blow up on impact.

Not saying that it's impossible and that this couldn't have occurred naturally, just saying that it's rather suspect for a rare event (car explosion) to occur directly after Michael Hastings was posting notes about the gov't following him and that he has a huge story, and that he's going into hiding, etc.

It's those two factors together that spark my interest in the case...

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A firefighter wrote on another website that it was definitely a bomb. He notes that Hastings has applied his breaks as the break lights can be seen as he speeds through the intersection. Then you see a flash of light under his car milliseconds before a massive explosion. He states the mini flash was the bomb detonating. So it's apparent that Hastings had a car out of control as he was trying to apply the breaks to stop to no avail because there were no skid marks from trying to stop.

Footage from Pizzeria Mozza, which is located at Melrose and Highland shows the final moments before journalist Michael Hastings' Mercedes Benz exploded into flames...
Michael Hastings Crash Caught On Surveillance Camera - New Footage - YouTube

Wow, last time I take a ride in a Mercedes Benz; that thing exploded like a car in a 1986 action movie.

Or a Ford Pinto. :)
If your gas tank runs over a fire hydrant, what do you suppose happens?

Not sure, but I wouldn't expect the entire car to explode into a gigantic fireball. This really does not happen very often.


I would also suppose that a car hitting one at that rate of speed is few and far between as well. And I would also think that the fullness of the tank would also be a factor as to how large the resulting explosion is.
For all we know, he was sitting on 'Empty'.
I was a tow jockey. I worked crashes for a living for almost ten years. Quite simply: trees are TOUGH! When a tree was hit, it was usually either knocked down, or just had scuffed bark. There wasn't much middle ground.

I can't say I have the range of experience you do, but I have seen a full size SUV that went of the road in the branches of a tree it hit. I have also seen a car wrapped almost completely around a tree that it hit in the midst of a high speed spin through the medium.

Yep, it can happen. As I said: trees are TOUGH. Honestly, I'd rather hit a K-rail than a tree!
Handheld recording of the Pizza Mozza security camera!

No car explodes like this .... ever ... obviously there was an explosive device. No engine lands 65 yards from the crash (especially in the direction opposite of which the car was traveling!)

IMG 0090[1] on Vimeo

Dramatic Video Shows Michael Hastings' Fiery Crash: LAist

It's rare, but yes, cars CAN AND DO explode after a crash. Yes, major components (including engines) CAN AND DO end up far away from the car!
A firefighter wrote on another website that it was definitely a bomb. He notes that Hastings has applied his breaks as the break lights can be seen as he speeds through the intersection. Then you see a flash of light under his car milliseconds before a massive explosion. He states the mini flash was the bomb detonating. So it's apparent that Hastings had a car out of control as he was trying to apply the breaks to stop to no avail because there were no skid marks from trying to stop.

Footage from Pizzeria Mozza, which is located at Melrose and Highland shows the final moments before journalist Michael Hastings' Mercedes Benz exploded into flames...
Michael Hastings Crash Caught On Surveillance Camera - New Footage - YouTube

Wow, last time I take a ride in a Mercedes Benz; that thing exploded like a car in a 1986 action movie.

If your gas tank runs over a fire hydrant, what do you suppose happens?

Nothing...I have a metal skid plate protecting it. :)
I think that a car exploding from running over a hydrant would be rare, at all. How many accidents where the car ran over the fire hydrant, have you compared? It's time to hold CT's low-bar-for-evidence-needing feet to the fire.

GT - I'm no car or collision expert, but from what I've read through some research on google is that car explosions are extremely rare and uncommon. I'm sure cars hit fire hydrants all of the time; they are all over the place and car accidents are very common.

I've tried searching and cannot find one other case of a car exploding after hitting a fire hydrant. Not saying it's not possible, just saying that I can't find anything except for the Hasting's accident.

Perhaps you could provide...

Yes, they hit hydrants. But they generally do NOT...
...do so at 100MPH.
...slam into a tree immediately after hitting the hydrant.
While it is certainly possible for a car to hit a tree and explode. That doesn't mean it happened in this case. If someone were to plan the death of another, they would pick something at least plausible. Why was he going that fast? He was not known to drive fast? No one was following him. Something happened and all the surmising in the world won't answer the questions. There are too many of them.

Honestly, were I to decide to take out Hastings, I'd do it differently: get an old Suburban or F-350, put a big brushguard on the front of it. Have a couple guys tailing him for a few days...when he's on the highway, use said large truck to reduce his C250 to scrap metal at high speed.
Not sure, but I wouldn't expect the entire car to explode into a gigantic fireball. This really does not happen very often.


I would also suppose that a car hitting one at that rate of speed is few and far between as well. And I would also think that the fullness of the tank would also be a factor as to how large the resulting explosion is.
For all we know, he was sitting on 'Empty'.

That would be the WORST case. Gasoline VAPOR is much more dangerous than liquid gasoline!
For those thinking that explosion was unnatural, a fire hydrant was run over. Metal on metal in a car full of gas. Sounds natural, to me.

I don't know if this was a hit or not, but the evidence is a bit circumstantial. CT's always use the lowest standards as "proof," it's completely ridiculous.

I would believe something was an actual conspiracy when otherwise NON conspiracy theorists have to pause and raise an eyebrow. Until then, CT's should be beaten back like a fire in Colorado.

As you will notice, skooks will not retract his statement about the front end not being damaged. That's because he's a dishonest sycophant. Ignored.

Well of course all of the far left k00ks are going to advocate for the "official" story.......they don't want any dog doo possibly pointing back to Chicago because the bubble can burst and we can have the bubble bursting!!

I thought you considered me a 'far left kook'?

I also don't know why you insist that if it was an assassination, Obama would have had to know about it.

well Synth......maybe not fair. Gotta pay more attention to your stuff I guess......
Not sure, but I wouldn't expect the entire car to explode into a gigantic fireball. This really does not happen very often.


I would also suppose that a car hitting one at that rate of speed is few and far between as well. And I would also think that the fullness of the tank would also be a factor as to how large the resulting explosion is.
For all we know, he was sitting on 'Empty'.


Synthaholic........I just don't get people who just take the "official" story as if it is official.......as if there is never any political interference whatsoever in the official story on the death of a relatively famous person. No natural curiosity......its like, "Oh....the conspiracy nuts are at it again!!". Fascinating.......

I think many people just don't want to believe shit because it is just too unbelievable.

Shits been being manipulated since the beginning of time.......Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" is a stunning read.
I would also suppose that a car hitting one at that rate of speed is few and far between as well. And I would also think that the fullness of the tank would also be a factor as to how large the resulting explosion is.
For all we know, he was sitting on 'Empty'.


Synthaholic........I just don't get people who just take the "official" story as if it is official.......as if there is never any political interference whatsoever in the official story on the death of a relatively famous person. No natural curiosity......its like, "Oh....the conspiracy nuts are at it again!!". Fascinating.......

Shits been being manipulated since the beginning of time.......Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" is a stunning read.
Well, in the interest of full honesty, I do tend to see conspiracies when it comes to extraordinary events. JFK, 9/11, WMDs in Iraq, etc. But I consider it healthy skepticism of the official version, or the conventional wisdom.

Now, that said, I have been reading and following Michael Hastings, Glenn Greenwald, and other 'outside the circle' journalists for years, and this story just does not jive. He had a beautiful wife, Elise Jordon (who BTW was Director of Communications for the NSA under Bush. She was also at the White House Office Of Presidential Speechwriting, and was Condoleeza Rice's speechwriter), and he had gained a lot of stature as an investigative reporter following the McCrystal story. While he was putting together a big story that was going to expose important people (as he inferred), I just don't see him playing Mario Andretti on the streets of L.A.

On the flip side, he had no qualms about going into the shit with troops in Afghanistan AFTER the McCrystal story, where some pissed off soldiers could have decided to not have his back, or worse. He claimed to have never worried about that happening, but some could call that reckless with his own safety.

I am hoping he did make arrangements for whatever he was working on to have a backup plan for disclosure, but I think his death might put a chill on the willingness of any of his friends to take that chance.

I think many people just don't want to believe shit because it is just too unbelievable.

What did Goebbels say about lies?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

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For those thinking that explosion was unnatural, a fire hydrant was run over. Metal on metal in a car full of gas. Sounds natural, to me.

I don't know if this was a hit or not, but the evidence is a bit circumstantial. CT's always use the lowest standards as "proof," it's completely ridiculous.

I would believe something was an actual conspiracy when otherwise NON conspiracy theorists have to pause and raise an eyebrow. Until then, CT's should be beaten back like a fire in Colorado.

As you will notice, skooks will not retract his statement about the front end not being damaged. That's because he's a dishonest sycophant. Ignored.
GT, explain how it is possible for the engine to end up 60+ feet behind the point of impact.

Where is the irrefutable proof of this?

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