Raw Footage Of Michael Hastings Car Exploding Caught On Surveillance Cameras.

I don't know why everyone jumps to the conclusion that if he was murdered it was the government who did it.

There are plenty of corporations with the resources and connections to do this easily.


Are plenty of corporations into the murder for hire business, too? lol
You don't think Blackwater or Halliburton has the resources to have someone murdered and make it look like an accident?

I don't know why everyone jumps to the conclusion that if he was murdered it was the government who did it.

There are plenty of corporations with the resources and connections to do this easily.


Are plenty of corporations into the murder for hire business, too? lol
You don't think Blackwater or Halliburton has the resources to have someone murdered and make it look like an accident?


I didn't say anything about corporations not having resources.
Corporations and the government would likely both be complicit because the 2 are in lockstep together. It's the very definition of fascism. D.C. is revolving door between Wall Street and corporate lunatics.
(printed jULY 17TH) On Wednesday, Los Angeles Department of Coroner Captain John Kades said that his office has not closed its investigation because it is awaiting the results of a range of autopsy tests—which will take another four to six weeks to complete. Hastings’ body was delivered at his family’s request to a funeral home, he said, where it was subsequently cremated. This procedure for transferring remains was routine, he said.

“We did a complete autopsy,” Kades said, saying the Coroner’s first task was to identify the body, which it did from fingerprints. “We still got a fingerprint ID; I can’t say how badly the body was burned.”

“The LAPD did their own investigation of the cause of the crash,” Kades said, distinguishing between the LAPD traffic accident investigation and the medical examiner’s investigation. “We’re awaiting lab test results” from the autopsy. “We can still do toxicology, detect internal injuries, thermal damage. That process has to run its course.”

The autopsy tests are likely to reveal if Hastings might have been drinking or consuming any drugs that could have played a role in the crash. It would also describe the physical injuries that killed him.

Kades said there was nothing unusual or out of the ordinary about his office’s ongoing investigation.

That's right......and of course, the coroners report will be 100% legit because they always are!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Corporations and the government would likely both be complicit because the 2 are in lockstep together. It's the very definition of fascism. D.C. is revolving door between Wall Street and corporate lunatics.

yup.....the majority of people though, and a host of people on this thread, simply do not ever want to face the possibilities, thus, will prefer to seek out the whatever fits the established narrative. They cant face that there might be an alternate truth. Been that way since forever. A very small % of the population is ever interested in actually getting the truth.......and in the case of Hastings death, will fall all over themselves to find information to keep them in that comfort zone.

Indeed......these people are in a perpetual state of rearranging the chairs on the deck of their own personal Titanic.

The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand « Jon Rappoport's Blog
You don't think Blackwater or Halliburton has the resources to have someone murdered and make it look like an accident?


We already know that corp's Haliburton are more than willing to turn Planet Earth into a giant landfill. Why would anyone think they would hesitate to knock off an inconvenient journalist?
That's right......and of course, the coroners report will be 100% legit because they always are!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
And that is the beauty of being the conspiracy nut, you have the convenience of being able to simply dismiss any contrary evidence as simply part of the conspiracy.
This is all amazing to me.

Yes, some corporations have underworld connections and they will send leg-breakers after you if they want or even someone to help you have an accident.

Who knows who is behind this explosion.

I seriously doubt anyone in the US government did it.

That is what they have contractors for, lol, and even then, there are plenty of people who will do it just because they thought the guy a dirt bag and thought it might score some favors.
Even Plato spoke about bozo's ;like this guy ^^
And even thousands of psychologists have written about paranoid schizophrenia. That is quite a burden to bear, good luck.

nah s0n.....almost invariably the onset is in a persons early 20's. Passed that long, long time ago. Appreciate the concern though s0n!!:up:

You may be right...................

(although, I'd appreciate a link to back up your claims)...............................

But..................Alzheimer's hits at the late 40's to early 60's.

Where are you in that grouping?

And yeah..................I wonder why you use zeros in your spelling on occasion, as well as wonder about some of your views.
And even thousands of psychologists have written about paranoid schizophrenia. That is quite a burden to bear, good luck.

nah s0n.....almost invariably the onset is in a persons early 20's. Passed that long, long time ago. Appreciate the concern though s0n!!:up:

You may be right...................

(although, I'd appreciate a link to back up your claims)...............................

But..................Alzheimer's hits at the late 40's to early 60's.

Where are you in that grouping?

And yeah..................I wonder why you use zeros in your spelling on occasion, as well as wonder about some of your views.

Oh Dear Lord...pot meet kettle.
wife: "my gut is it was really just a tragic accident"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCB97-pBXbc]Michael Hastings Widow Speaks Out For The First Time To Piers Morgan,Piers Asks Was His Death - YouTube[/ame]

s0n.....you buy into all the fables.......:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Designing the mind: a fable « Jon Rappoport's Blog

The overnight cable TV "As Seen On TV" industry would be out of business without guys like you!!:2up:

Shit....even fucking Plato wrote about how easy it is to dupe the public!!!!

"the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality"

Allegory of the Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do me a favor s0n.....when somebody knocks on the door of your home and says he's stranded and needs to use a phone, for the love of Christ, don't let him in!!:up:
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the alex jones quotes of the wife: true, usable
the cnn VIDEO quotes of the wife: fake, unusable, propaganda.

got it, retards.

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