Raytheon asks old retired white guys for help making new Stinger anti-air missiles


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Stinger missiles are Cold War relics, and like many such relics, have seen action to lethal effect in Ukraine’s war against the Russian invasion. Nations like the United States and other NATO allies have given Ukraine their Stingers, putting the venerable human-portable surface-to-air missile to use against Soviet-designed aircraft, as it was originally designed to do.

But the Stinger missile design is so old, and the stockpiles of the missiles being expended so quickly, that Stinger-maker Raytheon is asking for its retired missile makers to teach current workers how to restart production, Defense One reported in late June.

Wait, they don't want young slackers with blue hair that play video games and tiktok crap 18 hours a day on this?

Sounds like a good deal for the retirees. Come back for a few month stint. Make a 100k just training people. Retire again with more cash in pocket in 6-12 months. Probably make more than they ever did while working on the line.

I guess Boomers are still useful after all. ;)
And here people have been saying that war is just a profit scam!
Another racist thread from a Right-Winger. I'm SHOCKED!
Where in the hell did you find ANYTHING about race in any of the posts? Ageist, perhaps, he is certainly denigrating the fine youth of today. But he’s also fairly accurate in his description of them. For the first time in our history, the youth of this nation are preferring NOT to work.
Where in the hell did you find ANYTHING about race in any of the posts? Ageist, perhaps, he is certainly denigrating the fine youth of today. But he’s also fairly accurate in his description of them. For the first time in our history, the youth of this nation are preferring NOT to work.
Can't read?

Raytheon asks old retired white guys for help making new Stinger anti-air missiles​

Can't read?

Raytheon asks old retired white guys for help making new Stinger anti-air missiles​

Since when is a simple description racist? The odds are that most of the guys designing and building Stingers WERE white guys back in the day. Aerospace was a pretty white field.
Stinger missiles are Cold War relics, and like many such relics, have seen action to lethal effect in Ukraine’s war against the Russian invasion. Nations like the United States and other NATO allies have given Ukraine their Stingers, putting the venerable human-portable surface-to-air missile to use against Soviet-designed aircraft, as it was originally designed to do.

But the Stinger missile design is so old, and the stockpiles of the missiles being expended so quickly, that Stinger-maker Raytheon is asking for its retired missile makers to teach current workers how to restart production, Defense One reported in late June.

Wait, they don't want young slackers with blue hair that play video games and tiktok crap 18 hours a day on this?

Sounds like a good deal for the retirees. Come back for a few month stint. Make a 100k just training people. Retire again with more cash in pocket in 6-12 months. Probably make more than they ever did while working on the line.

I guess Boomers are still useful after all. ;)

Your ignorance is astounding. The techniques used in the Stinger Missile production is now obsolete. Nobody knows it.

The Army had a Ground Control Radar system. It was originally designed as a Radar system for Aircraft Carriers during World War Two. The Army got some changes and “Improvements” and deployed the system in the late 1970’s. It used a ton of vacuum tubes.

For two weeks the Radar at Hunter Army Airfield was down. The local techs couldn’t repair it. A team flew in to Hunter from Depot including a guy with a Masters in Electrical Engineering. They worked on it for four more days. They could not get it working.

Finally they authorized the calling of a Specialist. The fellow they called had been a maintenance man on the Radar when it was used by the Navy and after retiring from the Navy had gotten a job working on the Radar for the Army as a Civilian Engineer.

When he retired for the second time, he told the Army if they called him back to fix the Radar again they would need to have a check ready for ten thousand dollars.

They finally called him. He walked in shaking hands with old friends he hadn’t seen in a few years. He watched the Radar to see what it was doing. Then he told the Masters Degree expert to change out a specific Vacuum tube on a drawer that didn’t seem to be related to the problem.

After a brief disagreement they changed the tube and the Radar began working properly. The old timer asked where is my check?

Now before you think I’m lying. They were setting one of these old Radars up as a display at a museum. It took months for the technicians there to figure out how it was supposed to fit together.

The Stinger Missiles were developed in the 1970’s. They were first used in combat in Afghanistan. They are obsolete by modern standards. They are still effective against older Russian aircraft. The kind that fly low enough to engage. And they are not really secret. They’re too old for that. The Russians already captured dozens over the years.

The Army is and has been in the process of replacing the Stinger.


It was assumed that the existing stockpiles would be more than sufficient to meet the needs of the Army until the new weapon came online.

The Pentagon wants to send more to Ukraine. The production line was shut down. The workers retired or were laid off. They know how to do things that the newer generation doesn’t. That doesn’t make the new gen dumb. It makes the old timers familiar with older tech.

I bet you can’t start or drive a Model T. Very few alive today have driven a car with three on the tree. Technology moves on. It is advancing constantly. The kids you deride understand modern technology.

Ever heard of the Avro Vulcan? It was flying and was a popular attraction at air shows. But it is grounded now. Nobody left in the business was able to perform the services it needed. Nobody was rated on the systems anymore. An amazing plane is grounded now because it doesn’t have technicians it needs.

That plane had a distinctive howl to it.

Times change. Things progress. That’s life.
To be fair, this topic does have a "racist" tinge.

Many Americans would probably agree (in private, of course) that they would have more confidence in (older) Caucasian (and Asian) scientists than in (younger or older) scientists of two other ethnicities.
Your ignorance is astounding. The techniques used in the Stinger Missile production is now obsolete. Nobody knows it.

The Army had a Ground Control Radar system. It was originally designed as a Radar system for Aircraft Carriers during World War Two. The Army got some changes and “Improvements” and deployed the system in the late 1970’s. It used a ton of vacuum tubes.

For two weeks the Radar at Hunter Army Airfield was down. The local techs couldn’t repair it. A team flew in to Hunter from Depot including a guy with a Masters in Electrical Engineering. They worked on it for four more days. They could not get it working.

Finally they authorized the calling of a Specialist. The fellow they called had been a maintenance man on the Radar when it was used by the Navy and after retiring from the Navy had gotten a job working on the Radar for the Army as a Civilian Engineer.

When he retired for the second time, he told the Army if they called him back to fix the Radar again they would need to have a check ready for ten thousand dollars.

They finally called him. He walked in shaking hands with old friends he hadn’t seen in a few years. He watched the Radar to see what it was doing. Then he told the Masters Degree expert to change out a specific Vacuum tube on a drawer that didn’t seem to be related to the problem.

After a brief disagreement they changed the tube and the Radar began working properly. The old timer asked where is my check?

Now before you think I’m lying. They were setting one of these old Radars up as a display at a museum. It took months for the technicians there to figure out how it was supposed to fit together.

The Stinger Missiles were developed in the 1970’s. They were first used in combat in Afghanistan. They are obsolete by modern standards. They are still effective against older Russian aircraft. The kind that fly low enough to engage. And they are not really secret. They’re too old for that. The Russians already captured dozens over the years.

The Army is and has been in the process of replacing the Stinger.


It was assumed that the existing stockpiles would be more than sufficient to meet the needs of the Army until the new weapon came online.

The Pentagon wants to send more to Ukraine. The production line was shut down. The workers retired or were laid off. They know how to do things that the newer generation doesn’t. That doesn’t make the new gen dumb. It makes the old timers familiar with older tech.

I bet you can’t start or drive a Model T. Very few alive today have driven a car with three on the tree. Technology moves on. It is advancing constantly. The kids you deride understand modern technology.

Ever heard of the Avro Vulcan? It was flying and was a popular attraction at air shows. But it is grounded now. Nobody left in the business was able to perform the services it needed. Nobody was rated on the systems anymore. An amazing plane is grounded now because it doesn’t have technicians it needs.

That plane had a distinctive howl to it.

Times change. Things progress. That’s life.

That's a lot of words to basically agree with me.

The .mil gave away the inventory before they had a replacement ready and asked Raytheon for more, the knowhow was not there so they are calling in retirees to get production up to speed.

Now I doubt that those retirees will work for their old wages since Raytheon came to them hat-in-hand so that drives the cost per unit up.

Maybe we should not be giving our shit away to the Ukes till a replacement unit was on-line.

Sure it's old tech but plenty good enough for most of today's battlefields.
That's a lot of words to basically agree with me.

The .mil gave away the inventory before they had a replacement ready and asked Raytheon for more, the knowhow was not there so they are calling in retirees to get production up to speed.

Now I doubt that those retirees will work for their old wages since Raytheon came to them hat-in-hand so that drives the cost per unit up.

Maybe we should not be giving our shit away to the Ukes till a replacement unit was on-line.

Sure it's old tech but plenty good enough for most of today's battlefields.

The Stinger won’t work on most of our planes. The helicopters for example have an IR suppression system to make it harder for missiles to track on the heat.

But the underlying argument is white males made this and that is why it works. The problem is that White Males made a lot of shit that didn’t.

The Patton Tank was a piece of shit. The Red Eye missile the Stinger replaced was garbage. It could only lock onto the tailpipe of a plane but couldn’t catch the plane.

The Thunderscreech aircraft? A desire by White Males in the Navy to have a supersonic propeller driven airplane.

It was a stupid idea and a dumb effort.

In World War Two women mathematicians calculated firing tables for artillery pieces and naval cannon. Women. Not men.

And it didn’t stop after the war.

Women Engineers worked on IBM “computers” of the era. Really tabulating machines. But the point remains.

Women built the rope core memory modules for the Apollo program. Other women helped write the program for the computers.

Jack Black’s mother worked on the computer fixes to save Apollo 13.

The problem isn’t that times change and technology advances. The problem is that small minded morons feel the need to rewrite history to make their race seem superior.

Newer is generally speaking better. But that is easily demonstrable. The awesome car. 1967 Shelby GT-500. Awesome car. Very much in demand. It turned in a 13.5 second quarter mile. The number of cars today that can beat that is such that pretty much every manufacturer cranks out one.

Now was it impressive for the era? You bet your ass. But it isn’t impressive for this era. Kids today probably can’t work on the Mustang. They have no clue how to rebuild the carburetors.

That doesn’t mean that White Men did something that the hipsters today could never do. The hipsters of today are doing a lot more with less.

Smaller engines. Lighter materials. Stronger materials. Shit the engineers of yesterday wouldn’t believe was possible.
I get calls all the time and I've been out of the laser and vacuum systems business for over 13 years, especially from companies that build safety systems for lNG storage systems. last big job I did was in Singapore back in 2012, took be three weeks and I told them I was done. I didn't even want to do that one. Same with the new German ports and the Israeli one. They didn't want to spend the money training new ones and I made it clear I wasn't training anybody, not at the pay rates they thought people were obligated to work for. lol arrogant twits. They feel entitled to pay coolie wages to skilled people. Screw them all.
The Stinger won’t work on most of our planes. The helicopters for example have an IR suppression system to make it harder for missiles to track on the heat.


Oh, and "harder" is nowhere near the same as "not able to". I see a lot of claims you are repeating over and over, but absolutely nothing to back that up.

Oh, and "harder" is nowhere near the same as "not able to". I see a lot of claims you are repeating over and over, but absolutely nothing to back that up.

By reducing the IR exhaust and shielding the engine the ability to lock on is reduced. The range at which the missile is effective is reduced.

The effectiveness of the various systems has been tested and known for decades.

Here is IR suppression and its effect against naval vessels.

Shall I continue? It does not make the aircraft or vessel invulnerable. It does make it harder. More difficult. I figured that this was common knowledge. My mistake. And my apology for that.
By reducing the IR exhaust and shielding the engine the ability to lock on is reduced. The range at which the missile is effective is reduced.

"Reduced" is not the same as "eliminated".

And guess what? "Stealth" aircraft are also not invisible to RADAR and can still be shot down with RADAR guided missiles.

You are welcome for that clarification.

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