RCP electoral map: Obama 201, Romney 191

You are nothing but a concerned troll, Amazed.

We are going to win with Mitt despite you far right dogs trying to hump our legs. :lol:

Amazed, you are the far righty loser, not me, here. I am for Romney, and I know that he when elected is going to ignore the likes of you. That is what I and thousands of GOP leaders have been working for since the summer of 2009.

If you think Mitt will give the Tea Party likes any sort of support, you are crazy.

Poor Jake and JoeB.....

206-201 today....your boy is losing.

Jake please, you are an idiot.

A true legend in your own mind...not real bright...but you think you are.
RCP just put up its new map. It shows Romney ahead in the EC for the first time. Here's a screen shot:

This is the only map anyone has seen that gave Willard even a small lead. You guys are delusional.

Sure kid, two weeks ago you were screaming the election was over...golly look at it now;)
in end what matter is poll on election day either way. think romney has the edge but it not over for obama.
Your pretense to intellect is duly noted, as is your projection.

Do carry on with your pursuit of relevance though kid.

You are nothing but a concerned troll, Amazed.

We are going to win with Mitt despite you far right dogs trying to hump our legs. :lol:

Amazed, you are the far righty loser, not me, here. I am for Romney, and I know that he when elected is going to ignore the likes of you. That is what I and thousands of GOP leaders have been working for since the summer of 2009.

If you think Mitt will give the Tea Party likes any sort of support, you are crazy.

Jake please, you are an idiot.

A true legend in your own mind...not real bright...but you think you are.
Your pretense is that the far right will matter in the GOP after this election. Carry on! :lol:
Your pretense to intellect is duly noted, as is your projection.

Do carry on with your pursuit of relevance though kid.

You are nothing but a concerned troll, Amazed.

We are going to win with Mitt despite you far right dogs trying to hump our legs. :lol:

Jake please, you are an idiot.

A true legend in your own mind...not real bright...but you think you are.
What does bother me with the RCP numbers is that the swing states aren't moving as much as I think they should be for Mitt. Intrade Odds still has Obama up 62.5, and the "No Toss Ups" are

Electoral College Obama Romney Spread
RCP Electoral Map 201 206 Romney +5
No Toss Up States 294 244 Obama +50

and they're not going to.

let me rephrase that... they're not likely to.
I have never, in my lifetime, seen so much riding on a final debate in presidential election season.
This is the only map anyone has seen that gave Willard even a small lead. You guys are delusional.

fine if RCP is now out to be trusted, who do you have left? :eusa_eh:

all of a sudden you're all enamored of RCP averages?


I never said I was, I asked a question.

I would prefer ras and gallup heads up, but I have not seen one just using their polls only.

care to answer the question or are you just trolling as usual?
Turn is going to be huge, and it will swing to the Right.

Obama has turned the stomach of enough people to get booted out, its just that simple.
Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Since the debate on Tuesday, which many analysts ceded to President Obama, mainly on strength of his having shown, the term comeback kid has been getting play among liberal pundits. Yet, this afternoon’s Real Clear Politics Electoral Map suggests goaway kid (or maybe just, “Go away, kid!”) is a more fitting description.​
The map for the first time gives challenger Mitt Romney a lead of 206 to 201 over Obama in Electoral College votes. Strikingly, the map has Florida (with 29 Electoral votes), Michigan (with 16), Ohio (with 18), Pennsylvania (with 20), Virginia (with 13), and Wisconsin (with 10) all in the toss-up column. In addition, North Carolina, with its 15 Electoral votes, has moved from toss-up to “lean Romney.”​
Link to map here: RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

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The center independents will never turn to the Far Right, but they will turn to the moderate, Romney.

Turn is going to be huge, and it will swing to the Right.

Obama has turned the stomach of enough people to get booted out, its just that simple.
The center independents will never turn to the Far Right, but they will turn to the moderate, Romney.

Turn is going to be huge, and it will swing to the Right.

Obama has turned the stomach of enough people to get booted out, its just that simple.
that is true. deep down i think romney in the lead but i won,t give up till it over. president need to battle to the finish.
Dear President gonna take a powder.

He just doesn't get it, thinks he's got four years ahead of unfettered destruction of America with a little help from his Muslim Brotherhood friends he promoted to leadership in Libya; Reid and Pelosi with their Armored Cars lined up for a mile outside the walls of the U.S. Treasury to remove all that money and put in front of their relatives due to having such a weak president who can't say no to their self-serving spending other people's money; and his continued alliances with dividers whose themesong is "God DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN America!"

That and his nondisclosures have exceeded the threshholds of what even very tolerant Americans will put up with.

Sorry, dear leftists. It's time for America to self-repair and get back to making money so we can help other people and our selves in times of emergency. That takes skillful budgeting made where everyone can see what you're doing, not just the armed guards at the treasury watching money evaporate and go to the dark side that the $16 trillion national debt is.

Quite honestly, after the election, I was hoping Obama wouldn't follow his irksome anti-American urges revealed by his voting against America's better interest during his unproductive tenure in the Senate, but his first year, he badmouthed all our ancestors for their failings every time he went abroad to make a name for himself at America's expense to friends and adversaries alike. It was so ugly, because people six generations later had already learned a lesson enough to send a black president to the White House to experience the full power of the bully pulpit and the responsibilities that go along with it. In response, all we saw was Obama publicly repudiating our representatives in public because they are not men you can strangle into doing things against America's better interests, which in this case happened to be spending the nation into oblivion to reward the DNC's benefactors more than poor people, but not to worry, to salve his conscience tried to do it all when in fact, he should have been making the most important choices first and foremost. If that was to help poor people first, it just doesn't make good sense to take away the fortunes of employers trying to make ends meet and giving the majority of jobs to America.

In fact, it doesn't make a lick of sense. It doesn't make a molecule of a drop of a lick of sense. It doesn't make an angstrom of a micron... well, you get my drift.

Farewell, dear leader. Wishing you a happy retirement in which you adjust your attitude to the fact that a Commander in Chief's first requirement is to make friends of your adversaries by caring for their needs as well as yours. How I wish you had noticed there are other Americans than those who supported your campaign, and I am sorry you made the decision to spew the word "enemy" around like it would make people believe America is a bad place. It's not a perfect place, but it's what our ancestors handed us, which wasn't a perfect place, either. Still, we just don't like someone who represents all of the people carrying divisions of hatred abroad and ninnyhammering the very people who brought bread and butter to the treasury's table only to have it routed to be used against our very allies of trust and respect.

And governing by fiat is a huge mistake I hope the upcoming Congress will repair. It concentrates too much power in too few hands, resulting in a royalesque reign and not the governance of free people.

And that's why I think Obama will not continue. I wish for blacks to step up to the plate and ensure their young American-born children learn to reach across barriers that have been dismantled, thanks to 100 years of Republicans doing their best to quietly convince others to stop the discrimination, stop giving hand-me-down education to blacks, and to stop job discrimination, bringing equality to the plate always, and hoping free black people would work together with the rest of America to take their pride in the dignity of earning their own way and sharing with everyone, the way we have for 100 years, against an obstructionist Democrat Party and their Klansmen, who even wrote up rules for discrimination, punishing poor blacks the way they would punish no free white man. Never think stabbing a friend in the back is your ticket to heaven nor cooperating with a failed system of governance will replace what the founders put in place. Many at the time the Constitution were in favor of doing that on the spot, but knew they would lose the southern half of the USA if they did. They knew that with the passage of time, however, that men and women would come together and fix the problem. They had a monarchy to get off our collective backs, and they had to make compromises with the demands of plantation owners. It is a problem that brought us war when our nation was less than a hundred years old. But it's a problem that took time to fix, but with patience, generations of Americans fixed it.

Blowing up the financial sector or emptying the treasury in America is not a fix and leaves our country weak in the world. Keep teaching your children diplomatic skills, and stop following those who damn your country to hell. It serves only to put yourselves in despair, and it's sad to see, because it just extends your time living in the hopelessness of self-pity. Getting out there and competing fairly can be done now. It's up to you to find ways to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. What you want is there. You will not get it by destroying property and rioting. All that does is set the nation back, and if you push the sleeping giant of America, he has a way of clubbing people until they just shut up so he can go back to sleep again. ;)
The center independents will never turn to the Far Right, but they will turn to the moderate, Romney.

Turn is going to be huge, and it will swing to the Right.

Obama has turned the stomach of enough people to get booted out, its just that simple.

There is no Far Right Candidate, and I don't think you really know what far right is based upon your finger pointing.

It is a very miniscule portion of the population that advocates a far anything position on either side.

Obama over reached and under performed and it is going to cost him.

Romney risks the same fate.

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