RCP: Just 10 States now considered Obama 'lock'

Californians are the dumbest people on the planet (note: with the exception of the red areas, i.e. parts of OC and the conejo valley). Fuckin' morons have a budget crisis, high UE, businesses leaving by the droves, and exodus of the money makers, and they are STILL solid blue. Lol. Sheep.
Californians are the dumbest people on the planet (note: with the exception of the red areas, i.e. parts of OC and the conejo valley). Fuckin' morons have a budget crisis, high UE, businesses leaving by the droves, and exodus of the money makers, and they are STILL solid blue. Lol. Sheep.

I lost any respect left for them when I lived in California and Barbara Boxer was about to lose her re-election bid to Matt Fong. She started advertising he wanted to dump nuclear waste in the drinking water. I was like wow, she's lost and even she knows it, no one would buy that ridiculous, desperate crap. The laugh was on me, they did...
Californians are the dumbest people on the planet (note: with the exception of the red areas, i.e. parts of OC and the conejo valley). Fuckin' morons have a budget crisis, high UE, businesses leaving by the droves, and exodus of the money makers, and they are STILL solid blue. Lol. Sheep.

But Romney might send their illegal relatives back who are collecting our food stamps and have medicaid. thats NOT FAIR.. those rich people should pay for those illegals
Californians are the dumbest people on the planet (note: with the exception of the red areas, i.e. parts of OC and the conejo valley). Fuckin' morons have a budget crisis, high UE, businesses leaving by the droves, and exodus of the money makers, and they are STILL solid blue. Lol. Sheep.

I concur. That's part of the reason I left the state - and I have no intention of living there again. They have a higher proportion of stupid per head of population than Utah has Mormons.
Californians are the dumbest people on the planet (note: with the exception of the red areas, i.e. parts of OC and the conejo valley). Fuckin' morons have a budget crisis, high UE, businesses leaving by the droves, and exodus of the money makers, and they are STILL solid blue. Lol. Sheep.

But Romney might send their illegal relatives back who are collecting our food stamps and have medicaid. thats NOT FAIR.. those rich people should pay for those illegals

Dumb fucks think "rich people" have a lot more money than they do. They think if we could just take half the money from the rich people then everyone in the world could have a nice car, a big house, a 65 inch 3d tv, and lots of money. Like our national debt only exists cause rich people are stingy.
I lost any respect left for them when I lived in California and Barbara Boxer was about to lose her re-election bid to Matt Fong. She started advertising he wanted to dump nuclear waste in the drinking water. I was like wow, she's lost and even she knows it, no one would buy that ridiculous, desperate crap. The laugh was on me, they did...

You must really hate the right wing-nuts on this board then. They keep babbling all kinds of desperate insanity, like saying that Obama wants to institute socialism, or that he wants a government takeover of healthcare, babble about death panels, and even crazy stuff about him being born in Kenya.
Californians are the dumbest people on the planet (note: with the exception of the red areas, i.e. parts of OC and the conejo valley). Fuckin' morons have a budget crisis, high UE, businesses leaving by the droves, and exodus of the money makers, and they are STILL solid blue. Lol. Sheep.

Not to mention $6 gas in some locations
I fully expect Romney to win

I have expected for him to win for months now.

I'm happy to believe that Romney is probably a RINO who is merely placating the GOP base with his forays into right-wingism. If he presides similiarly to how he governed Mass. then I will find him acceptable! You might not, though....

When he removes his ultra conservative whiskers and reveals the he is really just a relatively rational moderate (RINO) you might get angry at him.

I, on the other hand, will be happy regardless of who wins the election

The economy may get a little better with him. But not too much, just enough to satisfy his deranged base. If unemployed goes down from 7% to 6.9% you will consider it a victory and (as long as YOU have a job) you'll be satisfied.

YOUR taxes will go down by a dollar or two and that will/should satisy you;

"I Paid $20000 in taxes under obama and I wanted a BLOODY REVOLUTION!"

"but now, under our great and fearles leader ROMNEY I am ONLY paying
$19,950 so I am perfectly content!"

Abortion will remain both an issue and legal

fuel will go down at first as a small reward for voting GOP but it won't go down much and it will inevitably go back up (and you will continue to blame obama)

GAYS will continue to be accepted into society

more and more states will vote to allow gay marriage

evolution will continue to be the theory taught in science class

creation will remain in churches and mythology or comparative religion classes where it belongs

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

republicans will continue to engage prostitutes at a higher rate than democrats

the conservatively correct military will continue to spend lots of time and money at local whorehouses

republicans will continue to have more divorces than average

obama care MIGHT be replaced with ROMNEY care which will be moderately different and you will find it quite tolerable and acceptable!

other than that

America will continue to PROGRESS and we'll continue to drag you along with us, kicking and shrieking
I lost any respect left for them when I lived in California and Barbara Boxer was about to lose her re-election bid to Matt Fong. She started advertising he wanted to dump nuclear waste in the drinking water. I was like wow, she's lost and even she knows it, no one would buy that ridiculous, desperate crap. The laugh was on me, they did...

You must really hate the right wing-nuts on this board then. They keep babbling all kinds of desperate insanity, like saying that Obama wants to institute socialism, or that he wants a government takeover of healthcare, babble about death panels, and even crazy stuff about him being born in Kenya.

Obama's own book said he was born in Kenya, so is that desperate insanity, or it's only desperate insanity when someone else says it?
And actually, it's only 9 states. 1 of those solid areas if DC
I lost any respect left for them when I lived in California and Barbara Boxer was about to lose her re-election bid to Matt Fong. She started advertising he wanted to dump nuclear waste in the drinking water. I was like wow, she's lost and even she knows it, no one would buy that ridiculous, desperate crap. The laugh was on me, they did...

You must really hate the right wing-nuts on this board then. They keep babbling all kinds of desperate insanity, like saying that Obama wants to institute socialism, or that he wants a government takeover of healthcare, babble about death panels, and even crazy stuff about him being born in Kenya.

So other than the Kenya crap, which was started by Obama's book publisher and the Clinton campaign, you think we should be hated for telling the truth about his agenda?

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