Re: forbearing sexual abuse, Dems place character above politics


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
30 Senate Democrats have called for Al Franken's resignation. Nancy Pelosi did the same re: John Conyers. Indeed, after having learned, care of Bill Clinton, the lessons of not standing up for high ethical/moral character, Dems seem disinclined to make the same mistake again.

Over the past several weeks, I've asked every woman with whom I have sufficient rapport for doing so whether they have at some point been the object of unwanted sexual advances that went too far. That's about twenty women and not one of them said "no." If that's any indication, Dems are right to disregard political pragmatism in favor of character.

Some will note that Franken and Conyers admitted to their transgressions whereas Trump and Moore have not. They make that claim as part of an explicit or implied assertion that the women's allegations are politically motivated. That assertion is preposterous. It is because there are some 150M women in the U.S. and plenty of them despise Trump and a host of other Republicans, and plenty of them despise myriad male Democratic elected office holders, yet only a "microscopically" small quantity of those women have levied accusations against any elected office holders. Consequently, to accept the political motivation line, one'd have to also accept that out of literally tens of millions of women, only, what, a hundred or so at most, are so politically incensed that they'd levy false claims and all the other women who assert that they've been sexually harassed (or worse) aren't politically motivated. Then there too is the matter that the women who've accused Moore are Republicans.

This thread isn't about whether Democrat or Republican individuals are of better character. It's about the observed credibility of the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively, when it comes to (1) respecting women, (2) placing ethics and character above politics, and not tolerating in positions of formal political power accused sexual predators.
They had to admit their mistakes. There was evidence. Not so Trump and Moore. Therein lies the difference.

I still don't believe Senator Franken should resign. His actions preceded his election to the Senate. I've known a lot of men who were absolute assholes in their younger years who grew up to be very responsible adults and the bad behavior did not continue.

As much as I detest his politics, Senator Franken has been an excellent representative of his state and its citizens. He should not resign.
Dems place character above politics

for the first time ever...
Since the inability to control one's sexual arousal will invalidate one for political office, we will have no representatives within 2 years.
Xelor threads make me tired.

I don't know what franklin did and if the Law ain't after him I don't care. Unless he stole my Tax dollars to pay sluts. Pay it back with interest.

Bimbos'.....when something real happens get back to us THE MINUTE it occurs.
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Yeah but Franken hasn't resigned and democrats actually ran the most flawed character in history as their choice for president. Is there any doubt that democrats place politics ahead of character?
They are willing to sacrifice this idiot comedian and an almost dead 88 year old ....... getting ready for Roy Moore ammunition. They are not doing anything because they suddenly found decency.
They had to admit their mistakes. There was evidence. Not so Trump and Moore. Therein lies the difference.

I still don't believe Senator Franken should resign. His actions preceded his election to the Senate. I've known a lot of men who were absolute assholes in their younger years who grew up to be very responsible adults and the bad behavior did not continue.

As much as I detest his politics, Senator Franken has been an excellent representative of his state and its citizens. He should not resign.
First, TY for attempting to present a balanced response. That is appreciated, even though the remarks entail inferential and contextual inaccuracies.

FWIW, I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican; thus I have no allegiance to either party. I'm merely an observer of what the leaders of both major parties do and say as well as being an observer of the character they profess to have and that they either do or do not exhibit in accordance with their attestations to those effects.

There was evidence.
What evidence is there? It's my understanding that the only evidence is the "testimonial" evidence proffered by the accusers, and in the context here under discussion, the women's statements to that effect are accusations, not evidence of the accusations' veracity or evidence of the accusations' mendacity.

AFAIK, the women made the accusations and the men acceded to the claims' veracity. That's not evidence; it's an admission.

His actions preceded his election to the Senate.

AFAIK, Al Franken won election to the Senate in 2008.
  • "Tina Dupuy said Franken inappropriately touched her during a photo op at a party in 2009. 'He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice,' Dupuy wrote." (Source)
  • "Lindsay Menz told CNN that said the senator grabbed her butt while the two of them were taking a photo at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010." (Source)
I've known a lot of men who were absolute assholes in their younger years who grew up to be very responsible adults
Al Franken was born in May 1951. At what point do you consider a person "grown up?" Do you not think that by the time one reaches 30, one is a grown-up? How about by 40-years-old? Maybe 50-years-old? Franken has accepted culpability for having done what the women said he did. The accusations pertain to 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Since the inability to control one's sexual arousal will invalidate one for political office, we will have no representatives within 2 years.
One need not control one's sexual arousal. If one is a man,one need only refrain from forcing others who don't care to know of it to feel the extent to which one be sexually aroused.
Yeah but Franken hasn't resigned and democrats actually ran the most flawed character in history as their choice for president. Is there any doubt that democrats place politics ahead of character?
I guess you missed this paragraph in the OP:
This thread isn't about whether Democrat or Republican individuals are of better character. It's about the observed credibility of the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively, when it comes to (1) respecting women, (2) placing ethics and character above politics, and not tolerating in positions of formal political power accused sexual predators.
30 Senate Democrats have called for Al Franken's resignation. Nancy Pelosi did the same re: John Conyers. Indeed, after having learned, care of Bill Clinton, the lessons of not standing up for high ethical/moral character, Dems seem disinclined to make the same mistake again.

Over the past several weeks, I've asked every woman with whom I have sufficient rapport for doing so whether they have at some point been the object of unwanted sexual advances that went too far. That's about twenty women and not one of them said "no." If that's any indication, Dems are right to disregard political pragmatism in favor of character.

Some will note that Franken and Conyers admitted to their transgressions whereas Trump and Moore have not. They make that claim as part of an explicit or implied assertion that the women's allegations are politically motivated. That assertion is preposterous. It is because there are some 150M women in the U.S. and plenty of them despise Trump and a host of other Republicans, and plenty of them despise myriad male Democratic elected office holders, yet only a "microscopically" small quantity of those women have levied accusations against any elected office holders. Consequently, to accept the political motivation line, one'd have to also accept that out of literally tens of millions of women, only, what, a hundred or so at most, are so politically incensed that they'd levy false claims and all the other women who assert that they've been sexually harassed (or worse) aren't politically motivated. Then there too is the matter that the women who've accused Moore are Republicans.

This thread isn't about whether Democrat or Republican individuals are of better character. It's about the observed credibility of the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively, when it comes to (1) respecting women, (2) placing ethics and character above politics, and not tolerating in positions of formal political power accused sexual predators.
So democrats admitting to sexual abuse is better than denying it by Republicans? Hmm and that makes them more respectful to women? Laugh fking out loud
Democrats are now the party of morals . Gop is the party of filth .
Well the Republicans want to make public payments from Clinton's slush fund as in naming who did what to a possibly unnamed whom. I like that bunches.
Since the inability to control one's sexual arousal will invalidate one for political office, we will have no representatives within 2 years.
One need not control one's sexual arousal. If one is a man,one need only refrain from forcing others who don't care to know of it to feel the extent to which one be sexually aroused.
Which seems almost impossible to do for those whose personality profiles desire power.
It’s politics so they can try to dig up some bullshit and try to force Trump to resign.

They have no newfound morality. This is all bullshit.

You think the Democratic Tiger changed it’s stripes in 1 week? Pelosi said Conyers was an ICON and shouldn’t resign less than 10days ago.

Give me a fucking break.

It’s politics.

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