reagan appointee quotes scalia in upholding gun ban

Conservatives whine incessantly about how the states should be allowed to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law or deny gay Americans access to marriage in accordance with the ‘will of the people’ of the states.

The Massachusetts measure is no different: a Constitutional firearm regulatory measure which comports with Second Amendment case law reflecting the will of the people of the state of Massachusetts – and conservatives disrespect and oppose that will; they can’t have it both ways.

Indeed, unlike conservatives seeking to violate a woman’s right to privacy or deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, a state’s assault weapon ban has never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons) have been outlawed since 1933.
Ignorant Trolls...unable to address the topic of the thread...just drop some shit and call it good, eh? LMAO at I own two fully automatic weapons..legally.
LOL what a fuckin hack
The Constitution is quite clear. It is AMAZING how much "interpretation" happens with something that has 27 fucking words...
Its pathetic.
Constitution says nothin* about AR 15s
Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons have been outlawed since 1933.
The ignorance exists only on the right.

An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s.

An assault weapon is not solely a select fire rifle or carbine chambered in an intermediate round; they are also a weapon subject to regulation as a matter of the law.

Conservatives need to stop with this tedious, inane sophistry.
Another democrat activist judge squeaking in the corner.
Young, William G.

Born 1940 in Huntington, NY

Federal Judicial Service
Judge, U. S. District Court, District of Massachusetts
Nominated by Ronald Reagan on March 8, 1985, to a new seat created by 98 Stat. 333; Confirmed
by the Senate on April 3, 1985, and received commission on April 4, 1985.

Served as Chief Judge, 1999 - 2005

Harvard University, A.B., 1962
Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1967

Young, William G.

just stand there and look stupid.

it's the only thing you're good for. :thup:
LOL what a fuckin hack
The Constitution is quite clear. It is AMAZING how much "interpretation" happens with something that has 27 fucking words...
Its pathetic.

take it up with scalia, hack

Scalia didn't say what the Communist hack claims, derp.

M-16's are fully automatic, hack.

Here' the deal fuckwad, IF you Stalinist shits want our guns, come get them.

Do it.
Another democrat activist judge squeaking in the corner.
Young, William G.

Born 1940 in Huntington, NY

Federal Judicial Service
Judge, U. S. District Court, District of Massachusetts
Nominated by Ronald Reagan on March 8, 1985, to a new seat created by 98 Stat. 333; Confirmed
by the Senate on April 3, 1985, and received commission on April 4, 1985.

Served as Chief Judge, 1999 - 2005

Harvard University, A.B., 1962
Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1967

Young, William G.

just stand there and look stupid.

it's the only thing you're good for. :thup:

Reagan appointed several fuckwad leftist judges... I can think of a SCOTUS Justice....

You're a dumb one derp, seriously.
take it up with st ro
Another democrat activist judge squeaking in the corner.
Young, William G.

Born 1940 in Huntington, NY

Federal Judicial Service
Judge, U. S. District Court, District of Massachusetts
Nominated by Ronald Reagan on March 8, 1985, to a new seat created by 98 Stat. 333; Confirmed
by the Senate on April 3, 1985, and received commission on April 4, 1985.

Served as Chief Judge, 1999 - 2005

Harvard University, A.B., 1962
Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1967

Young, William G.

just stand there and look stupid.

it's the only thing you're good for. :thup:

Reagan appointed several fuckwad leftist judges... I can think of a SCOTUS Justice....

You're a dumb one derp, seriously.

take it up with st ronnie, s0n
Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons) have been outlawed since 1933.
Ignorant Trolls...unable to address the topic of the thread...just drop some shit and call it good, eh? LMAO at I own two fully automatic weapons..legally.
Nice to see you got your FFL. But that was a provision added later..

As to your thread.... How can you discuss this topic intelligently when most don't know the difference between a cap gun and a real one. Most don't know what the legal definition of the weapon is and what differentiates how they are classified. They see a gun and want it banned because "its scary" to them.
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Massachusetts’ beefed-up ban on assault weapons doesn’t violate the Second Amendment of the Constitution, a U.S. judge ruled, handing a victory to gun-control advocates seeking to pass such a law nationwide following a spate of deadly mass shootings.

"The AR-15 and its analogs, along with large capacity magazines, are simply not weapons within the original meaning of the individual constitutional rights to ‘bear arms,’" U.S. District Judge William Young wrote in a decision Thursday in Boston, dismissing a lawsuit over the state law....

Young, nominated by former President Ronald Reagan, backed his decision by quoting the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in a landmark 2008 decision that overturned Washington’s ban on hand guns. The ruling expanded individual gun rights but said the right isn’t unlimited.

"Weapons that are most useful in military service -- M-16 rifles and the like" aren’t protected by the Second Amendment and "may be banned," Young quoted Scalia as saying.

Young also rejected attempts by the gun-rights group to challenge the ban on the grounds that AR-15s are extremely popular in the U.S.

"The AR-15’s present day popularity is not constitutionally material," Young said. "This is because the words of our Constitution are not mutable. They mean the same today as they did 227 years ago when the Second Amendment was adopted."

The case is Worman v. Baker, 1:17-cv-10107, U.S. District Court District of Massachusetts (Boston).

Federal Judge Upholds Massachusetts’s Assault-Weapons Ban

Young, William G.

i wonder if this is the beginning of a trend?

TOTAL BULLSHIT as always, Del. The AR-15 is just a fancy looking .22 rifle. Not even within a mile of being an "assault rifle." Tell a soldier you're sending him into combat with one and see what you get. And that is failure #1 of our media and public schools, that so many dimwits like you don't even know that. If the Founders meant that such a meager weapon wasn't even covered by the 2ndA, then it wouldn't have been even worth writing it in the first place. But nice try on another desperate twist, spin and jerk of the facts.

Bottom Line: The POINT to the 2ndA was that the private citizenry of the USA have a well-armed militia fully capable of withstanding threats to the homeland, and our very existence has already stopped a Japanese invasion in WWII from even trying. All this constant gun-worry these days isn't over the occasional bad seed who takes a gun and runs off doing something stupid with it, it is the fear that THE LEFT CAN'T CARRY OUT THEIR ULTIMATE GLOBALIST PLANS with millions of well-armed, well-trained American Patriot civilians sitting around with the ability to STOP THEM. They need the "D&D" for it to work; Dumb-Down and Disarm--- --- you may be able to dumb down much of the masses, but you can't disarm the rest of us. The "other" 50 million. Go suck an egg.
Massachusetts’ beefed-up ban on assault weapons doesn’t violate the Second Amendment of the Constitution, a U.S. judge ruled, handing a victory to gun-control advocates seeking to pass such a law nationwide following a spate of deadly mass shootings.

"The AR-15 and its analogs, along with large capacity magazines, are simply not weapons within the original meaning of the individual constitutional rights to ‘bear arms,’" U.S. District Judge William Young wrote in a decision Thursday in Boston, dismissing a lawsuit over the state law....

Young, nominated by former President Ronald Reagan, backed his decision by quoting the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in a landmark 2008 decision that overturned Washington’s ban on hand guns. The ruling expanded individual gun rights but said the right isn’t unlimited.

"Weapons that are most useful in military service -- M-16 rifles and the like" aren’t protected by the Second Amendment and "may be banned," Young quoted Scalia as saying.

Young also rejected attempts by the gun-rights group to challenge the ban on the grounds that AR-15s are extremely popular in the U.S.

"The AR-15’s present day popularity is not constitutionally material," Young said. "This is because the words of our Constitution are not mutable. They mean the same today as they did 227 years ago when the Second Amendment was adopted."

The case is Worman v. Baker, 1:17-cv-10107, U.S. District Court District of Massachusetts (Boston).

Federal Judge Upholds Massachusetts’s Assault-Weapons Ban

Young, William G.

i wonder if this is the beginning of a trend?

TOTAL BULLSHIT as always, Del. The AR-15 is just a fancy looking .22 rifle. Not even within a mile of being an "assault rifle." Tell a soldier you're sending him into combat with one and see what you get. And that is failure #1 of our media and public schools, that so many dimwits like you don't even know that. If the Founders meant that such a meager weapon wasn't even covered by the 2ndA, then it wouldn't have been even worth writing it in the first place. But nice try on another desperate twist, spin and jerk of the facts.

Bottom Line: The POINT to the 2ndA was that the private citizenry of the USA have a well-armed militia fully capable of withstanding threats to the homeland, and our very existence has already stopped a Japanese invasion in WWII from even trying. All this constant gun-worry these days isn't over the occasional bad seed who takes a gun and runs off doing something stupid with it, it is the fear that THE LEFT CAN'T CARRY OUT THEIR ULTIMATE GLOBALIST PLANS with millions of well-armed, well-trained American Patriot civilians sitting around with the ability to STOP THEM. They need the "D&D;" Dumb-Down and Disarm--- --- you may be able to dumb down much of the masses, but you can't disarm the rest of us. The "other" 50 million. Go suck an egg.

blah, blah and blah

find someone who gives a fuck, short round
TNHarley, post: 19668055
LOL what a fuckin hack
The Constitution is quite clear. It is AMAZING how much "interpretation" happens with something that has 27 fucking words...
Its pathetic.

The Second Amendment is not clear at all except the right to bear arms is mentioned in connection with a well regulated militia.

The judge is correct that an AR15, manufactured 227 years after that ink was put to paper and which is not necessary to maintain a well regulated militia, can be constitutionally banned.
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Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons have been outlawed since 1933.
The ignorance exists only on the right.

An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s.

An assault weapon is not solely a select fire rifle or carbine chambered in an intermediate round; they are also a weapon subject to regulation as a matter of the law.

Conservatives need to stop with this tedious, inane sophistry.
And there we have it,

"An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s".

If the courts deem it, a frying pan is an assault weapon.

The AR 15 is being singled out merely for it's looks. I've watched 2 men, one with an AR 15 with a 30 round clip, another with a 9mm with 3 clips. the rate of discharge between the two is under 5 sec. Talk about not solving a problem and making idiots feel better. False sense of security.
Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons have been outlawed since 1933.
The ignorance exists only on the right.

An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s.

An assault weapon is not solely a select fire rifle or carbine chambered in an intermediate round; they are also a weapon subject to regulation as a matter of the law.

Conservatives need to stop with this tedious, inane sophistry.
And there we have it,

"An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s".

If the courts deem it, a frying pan is an assault weapon.

The AR 15 is being singled out merely for it's looks. I've watched 2 men, one with an AR 15 with a 30 round clip, another with a 9mm with 3 clips. the rate of discharge between the two is under 5 sec. Talk about not solving a problem and making idiots feel better. False sense of security.

states' rights, babe

don't like it?

don't live there
LOL what a fuckin hack
The Constitution is quite clear. It is AMAZING how much "interpretation" happens with something that has 27 fucking words...
Its pathetic.

take it up with scalia, hack
Fuck Scalia too.
How am i a hack by being able to read a document on my own? Are you fuckin retarded?
The funny thing is that you don't even realize you are interpreting it to mean what you want it to. Thats just human nature.
Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons have been outlawed since 1933.
The ignorance exists only on the right.

An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s.

An assault weapon is not solely a select fire rifle or carbine chambered in an intermediate round; they are also a weapon subject to regulation as a matter of the law.

Conservatives need to stop with this tedious, inane sophistry.
And there we have it,

"An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s".

If the courts deem it, a frying pan is an assault weapon.

The AR 15 is being singled out merely for it's looks. I've watched 2 men, one with an AR 15 with a 30 round clip, another with a 9mm with 3 clips. the rate of discharge between the two is under 5 sec. Talk about not solving a problem and making idiots feel better. False sense of security.

states' rights, babe

don't like it?

don't live there
Ignorant left tards... Automatic weapons, which are be definition assault weapons have been outlawed since 1933.
The ignorance exists only on the right.

An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s.

An assault weapon is not solely a select fire rifle or carbine chambered in an intermediate round; they are also a weapon subject to regulation as a matter of the law.

Conservatives need to stop with this tedious, inane sophistry.
And there we have it,

"An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be, including semiautomatic AR 15s".

If the courts deem it, a frying pan is an assault weapon.

The AR 15 is being singled out merely for it's looks. I've watched 2 men, one with an AR 15 with a 30 round clip, another with a 9mm with 3 clips. the rate of discharge between the two is under 5 sec. Talk about not solving a problem and making idiots feel better. False sense of security.

states' rights, babe

don't like it?

don't live there

I have no problem with states rights, I do have a problem with morons pretending to solve a problem with the most politically popular option they can find. This idiot has accomplished nothing, other than make stupid people feel better.
Perhaps next he could outlaw AK 47s and Uzis, you know the guns that are already illegal and are faced by law enforcement everyday. Pretty words, disarm the law abiding, pretend to have accomplished something. Brilliant.
Odium, post: 19669505
Says a clown who doesn't comprehend SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Do you understand that 'shall not be infringed' is not and never was an 'unlimited' right?

You accept your right to bear a fully automatic combat firearm shall be infringed with every ignorant breath you make, every single day.

The SA does not inform us of a limit that separates fully automatic from semi automatic because they did not exist at it's writing.

Holler SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED all you like. You liar. Your right is being infringed no matter how loud you scream.

Give your side a break. Stop screaming stupid words.
Yeah no one can go on a shooting spree with a semi automatic pistol which is easier to conceal and inside a building or enclosed space is just as effective as a rifle. But never mind all that lets just keep pretending that banning the AR-15 will solve everything and if this case goes to the Supreme Court I would say the odds are about 99% it gets overturned.
baileyn45, post: 19670365
Perhaps next he could outlaw AK 47s and Uzis, you know the guns that are already illegal and are faced by law enforcement everyday

"faced by law enforcement everyday"

You'd think that would be newsworthy.

Perhaps there is a fake news source you can tell us all about.

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