Reagan/Bush Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Reagan: what a Liberal!!!
Sounds more like a compassionate human making the best of a bad situation.

Read Ronald Reagan’s executive order on immigration the GOP won’t talk about

The following statement was made by then-President Ronald Reagan on July 30, 1981:

Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

The bipartisan select commission which reported this spring concluded that the Cuban influx to Florida made the United States sharply aware of the need for more effective immigration policies and the need for legislation to support those policies.

For these reasons, I asked the Attorney General last March to chair a Task Force on Immigration and Refugee Policy. We discussed the matter when President Lopez Portillo visited me last month, and we have carefully considered the views of our Mexican friends. In addition, the Attorney General has consulted with those concerned in Congress and in affected States and localities and with interested members of the public.

The Attorney General is undertaking administrative actions and submitting to Congress, on behalf of the administration, a legislative package, based on eight principles. These principles are designed to preserve our tradition of accepting foreigners to our shores, but to accept them in a controlled and orderly fashion:

  • We shall continue America’s tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
  • At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.
  • We have a special relationship with our closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Our immigration policy should reflect this relationship.
  • We must also recognize that both the United States and Mexico have historically benefited from Mexicans obtaining employment in the United States. A number of our States have special labor needs, and we should take these into account.
  • Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status. At the same time, in so doing, we must not encourage illegal immigration.
  • We shall strive to distribute fairly, among the various localities of this country, the impacts of our national immigration and refugee policy, and we shall improve the capability of those agencies of the Federal Government which deal with these matters.
  • We shall seek new ways to integrate refugees into our society without nurturing their dependence on welfare.
  • Finally, we recognize that immigration and refugee problems require international solutions. We will seek greater international cooperation in the resettlement of refugees and, in the Caribbean Basin, international cooperation to assist accelerated economic development to reduce motivations for illegal immigration.

Immigration and refugee policy is an important part of our past and fundamental to our national interest. With the help of the Congress and the American people, we will work towards a new and realistic immigration policy, a policy that will be fair to our own citizens while it opens the door of opportunity for those who seek a new life in America.
and the reagannut zombies think reagan was any different than Obama.comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: reading this I would say Obama has done EXACTLY what he said he wanted to do as just like reagan.:biggrin: Yep he has done just that.congrats Obama.:clap2:
If I'm not mistaken, Reagan also promised to close the borders. Since Reagan, the people have seen this "immigration reform" in progress, and they believe that the promises that the government made were broken.

Its not "different" because one president was named Reagan and the other Obama. Today, we understand that this latest amnesty will probably not be the last.

Reagan: what a Liberal!!!
Sounds more like a compassionate human making the best of a bad situation.

Read Ronald Reagan’s executive order on immigration the GOP won’t talk about

The following statement was made by then-President Ronald Reagan on July 30, 1981:

Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

The bipartisan select commission which reported this spring concluded that the Cuban influx to Florida made the United States sharply aware of the need for more effective immigration policies and the need for legislation to support those policies.

For these reasons, I asked the Attorney General last March to chair a Task Force on Immigration and Refugee Policy. We discussed the matter when President Lopez Portillo visited me last month, and we have carefully considered the views of our Mexican friends. In addition, the Attorney General has consulted with those concerned in Congress and in affected States and localities and with interested members of the public.

The Attorney General is undertaking administrative actions and submitting to Congress, on behalf of the administration, a legislative package, based on eight principles. These principles are designed to preserve our tradition of accepting foreigners to our shores, but to accept them in a controlled and orderly fashion:

  • We shall continue America’s tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
  • At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.
  • We have a special relationship with our closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Our immigration policy should reflect this relationship.
  • We must also recognize that both the United States and Mexico have historically benefited from Mexicans obtaining employment in the United States. A number of our States have special labor needs, and we should take these into account.
  • Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status. At the same time, in so doing, we must not encourage illegal immigration.
  • We shall strive to distribute fairly, among the various localities of this country, the impacts of our national immigration and refugee policy, and we shall improve the capability of those agencies of the Federal Government which deal with these matters.
  • We shall seek new ways to integrate refugees into our society without nurturing their dependence on welfare.
  • Finally, we recognize that immigration and refugee problems require international solutions. We will seek greater international cooperation in the resettlement of refugees and, in the Caribbean Basin, international cooperation to assist accelerated economic development to reduce motivations for illegal immigration.

Immigration and refugee policy is an important part of our past and fundamental to our national interest. With the help of the Congress and the American people, we will work towards a new and realistic immigration policy, a policy that will be fair to our own citizens while it opens the door of opportunity for those who seek a new life in America.
and the reagannut zombies think reagan was any different than Obama.comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: reading this I would say Obama has done EXACTLY what he said he wanted to do as just like reagan.:biggrin: Yep he has done just that.congrats Obama.:clap2:
So! You chose not to read the article I quoted and linked. I really can't help you if you choose to remain stupid and uninformed.
just wow, what is this now, the 15th thread on this LIE

How much more pathetic can the people in the Democrat base be? they are so progressive but live Regressing

This was Probably before most you were born, so how do you know but to take the word of out right, liars. 20 something years ago, so what does this have to do with, Obama?

I swear if Obama told some of them to jump off a cliff, I believe some of them would

over the cliff we go, over the cliff we go, my dear leader told me so, soooooooo over the cliff we go
Last edited:
We need more threads on the exact same, irrelevant topic! There's only 2 other up on the front USMB page atm

Reagan: what a Liberal!!!

Problem is Obama is abusing the system, intentionally screwing it up in order to transform the electorate. Reagan didn't anticipate that an American president would do something this underhanded.
Reagan: what a Liberal!!!
Sounds more like a compassionate human making the best of a bad situation.

Read Ronald Reagan’s executive order on immigration the GOP won’t talk about

The following statement was made by then-President Ronald Reagan on July 30, 1981:

Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

The bipartisan select commission which reported this spring concluded that the Cuban influx to Florida made the United States sharply aware of the need for more effective immigration policies and the need for legislation to support those policies.

For these reasons, I asked the Attorney General last March to chair a Task Force on Immigration and Refugee Policy. We discussed the matter when President Lopez Portillo visited me last month, and we have carefully considered the views of our Mexican friends. In addition, the Attorney General has consulted with those concerned in Congress and in affected States and localities and with interested members of the public.

The Attorney General is undertaking administrative actions and submitting to Congress, on behalf of the administration, a legislative package, based on eight principles. These principles are designed to preserve our tradition of accepting foreigners to our shores, but to accept them in a controlled and orderly fashion:

  • We shall continue America’s tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
  • At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.
  • We have a special relationship with our closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Our immigration policy should reflect this relationship.
  • We must also recognize that both the United States and Mexico have historically benefited from Mexicans obtaining employment in the United States. A number of our States have special labor needs, and we should take these into account.
  • Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status. At the same time, in so doing, we must not encourage illegal immigration.
  • We shall strive to distribute fairly, among the various localities of this country, the impacts of our national immigration and refugee policy, and we shall improve the capability of those agencies of the Federal Government which deal with these matters.
  • We shall seek new ways to integrate refugees into our society without nurturing their dependence on welfare.
  • Finally, we recognize that immigration and refugee problems require international solutions. We will seek greater international cooperation in the resettlement of refugees and, in the Caribbean Basin, international cooperation to assist accelerated economic development to reduce motivations for illegal immigration.

Immigration and refugee policy is an important part of our past and fundamental to our national interest. With the help of the Congress and the American people, we will work towards a new and realistic immigration policy, a policy that will be fair to our own citizens while it opens the door of opportunity for those who seek a new life in America.
and the reagannut zombies think reagan was any different than Obama.comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: reading this I would say Obama has done EXACTLY what he said he wanted to do as just like reagan.:biggrin: Yep he has done just that.congrats Obama.:clap2:
So! You chose not to read the article I quoted and linked. I really can't help you if you choose to remain stupid and uninformed.

oh the irony,coming from a paid troll who refused to look at the facts on my thread that LBJ reversed JFK's policys on vietnam and STILL trolls lying that he did not,.YOUR one to talk.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::asshole:

and oh i read it and as the normal with you,miserable fail paid troll.:biggrin:
Last edited:
just wow, what is this now, the 15th thread on this LIE

How much more pathetic can the people in the Democrat base be? they are so progressive but live Regressing

This was Probably before most you were born, so how do you know but to take the word of out right, liars. 20 something years ago, so what does this have to do with, Obama?

I swear if Obama told some of them to jump off a cliff I believe some of them would

over the cliff we go, my dear leader told me so, so over the cliff we go
oh the truth hurts and the troll wants to believe its a lie.poor baby.yep thats you the sheep who wont look at the facts.
We need more threads on the exact same, irrelevant topic! There's only 2 other up on the front USMB page atm

I think we need a bigger font on the next ten of them
raw story. leave to it them to mislead people in this country. they need be shunned. do not go to their site and give them support if this what they spread
We need more threads on the exact same, irrelevant topic! There's only 2 other up on the front USMB page atm

I think we need a bigger font on the next ten of them
raw story. leave to it them to mislead people in this country. they need be shunned. do not go to their site and give them support if this what they spread
just like your hero and idol reagan brainwashed you and misled everybody in the country.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:
every single president we have had since STARTING with reagan,has been worse than the previous one being more evil and corrupt than his predecesser as the awake and open minded realise and are aware of.

always will be as long as we have this corrupt and evil two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats..
Reagan: what a Liberal!!!
Sounds more like a compassionate human making the best of a bad situation.

Read Ronald Reagan’s executive order on immigration the GOP won’t talk about

The following statement was made by then-President Ronald Reagan on July 30, 1981:

Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

The bipartisan select commission which reported this spring concluded that the Cuban influx to Florida made the United States sharply aware of the need for more effective immigration policies and the need for legislation to support those policies.

For these reasons, I asked the Attorney General last March to chair a Task Force on Immigration and Refugee Policy. We discussed the matter when President Lopez Portillo visited me last month, and we have carefully considered the views of our Mexican friends. In addition, the Attorney General has consulted with those concerned in Congress and in affected States and localities and with interested members of the public.

The Attorney General is undertaking administrative actions and submitting to Congress, on behalf of the administration, a legislative package, based on eight principles. These principles are designed to preserve our tradition of accepting foreigners to our shores, but to accept them in a controlled and orderly fashion:

  • We shall continue America’s tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
  • At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.
  • We have a special relationship with our closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Our immigration policy should reflect this relationship.
  • We must also recognize that both the United States and Mexico have historically benefited from Mexicans obtaining employment in the United States. A number of our States have special labor needs, and we should take these into account.
  • Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status. At the same time, in so doing, we must not encourage illegal immigration.
  • We shall strive to distribute fairly, among the various localities of this country, the impacts of our national immigration and refugee policy, and we shall improve the capability of those agencies of the Federal Government which deal with these matters.
  • We shall seek new ways to integrate refugees into our society without nurturing their dependence on welfare.
  • Finally, we recognize that immigration and refugee problems require international solutions. We will seek greater international cooperation in the resettlement of refugees and, in the Caribbean Basin, international cooperation to assist accelerated economic development to reduce motivations for illegal immigration.

Immigration and refugee policy is an important part of our past and fundamental to our national interest. With the help of the Congress and the American people, we will work towards a new and realistic immigration policy, a policy that will be fair to our own citizens while it opens the door of opportunity for those who seek a new life in America.
and the reagannut zombies think reagan was any different than Obama.comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: reading this I would say Obama has done EXACTLY what he said he wanted to do as just like reagan.:biggrin: Yep he has done just that.congrats Obama.:clap2:
So! You chose not to read the article I quoted and linked. I really can't help you if you choose to remain stupid and uninformed.

oh the irony,coming from a paid troll who refused to look at the facts on my thread that LBJ reversed JFK's policys on vietnam and STILL trolls lying that he did not,.YOUR one to talk.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::asshole:

and oh i read it and as the normal with you,miserable fail paid troll.:biggrin:
Paid troll???? You have proof, I'll assume?

Thread that LBJ reversed JFK's policies?????? Never saw such a thread. Why would you expect me to view any of your inane drivel?

So, unless you can provide links, I'll expect a public apology.

You read my link? Perhaps... I see you didn't understand it. Why am I not surprised? Someone who uses the wrong word in all caps has either a sub room temperature IQ or is willfully stupid.
Somehow I wandered onto the April 1st USMB.

Either that, or it must be Ground Hogs Day.

and the programmed reaganuts keep living in denial to know surprise.

Look, everyone knows that Reagan signed amnesty, and conservatives to this day still are pissed about it.
But Reagan signed a bill that went through Congress. He later made a modification to the bill, but it was related to the existing legislated bill.
That is not what is going on here, and you guys need to stop lying about it, unless you do not care about your board credibility.
Somehow I wandered onto the April 1st USMB.

Either that, or it must be Ground Hogs Day.

and the programmed reaganuts keep living in denial to know surprise.

Look, everyone knows that Reagan signed amnesty, and conservatives to this day still are pissed about it.
But Reagan signed a bill that went through Congress. He later made a modification to the bill, but it was related to the existing legislated bill.
That is not what is going on here, and you guys need to stop lying about it, unless you do not care about your board credibility.
lying is trolls like you guys hypocrite,next thing your going to say is he created 10,000 jobs and tried to help africans right?:asshole::rofl:

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