Reagan/Bush Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Such utter bulls*it
Why do Republicans hate blacks and Latinos?

I think it is probably something environmentally related. I know may people who grow up in republican households who just never hear anything but hate. They are taught how to think and never really think for themselves. It is being handed down through generations. It is sad in many cases.

Do you know households that have had all news cable stations, other than FOX removed from their subscription to satellite or cable? I certainly do. I assume there is a fear that an opinion other than the GOP indoctrinated line of thought might sneak in.

The refutation for this comes right out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh. And before you just start your usual liberal howling that Rush Limbaugh is this and that blah blah blah, READ THE SUBSTANCE. He perfectly refutes this nonsense you liberals are putting up WHICH IS ANOTHER LIBERAL LIE!

Jeffrey worked in the Reagan administration. Now, his piece prints out to four pages, but I don't need that. What is the difference between Reagan and Obama? Reagan -- in fact, folks, I'm almost speechless here as I prepare to explain to you just how big the left is distorting this. Ronald Reagan signed a piece of legislation. It was the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. It was 1986. Congress debated and passed a law to grant amnesty to three million illegal immigrants, and Reagan signed it. They are saying that's exactly what Obama's gonna do. They are claiming that Reagan signing legislation, thereby making it legal, is the same thing as an Obama executive order. It breathtaking what they're trying to say here.

Reagan had a statute behind him. The statute was called Simpson-Mazzoli. The very law that Reagan had signed was signed after it was passed by Congress. What Obama is about to do is write a law, or rewrite a statue all by himself. You think that Gruber was exaggerating? They do think you're stupid. They really do believe that you are stupid. They really believe that they can make you think that Reagan signing a piece of legislation is identical to Obama writing and signing an executive order. "Well, Reagan did it. Well, technically Reagan granted amnesty, why are you complaining? Reagan granted amnesty, and George H. W. Bush, he granted amnesty, so Obama's not doing anything different."

Well, it's totally different because there is no legislation. The president cannot write law. The president can't make it up. Whether Congress is a bulwark or not. The Constitution does not say, "In case the Congress refuses to cooperate with the president, the president may, in that case, create his own law." It doesn't say that. And Obama knows it doesn't say that because he'd been out there on TV in previous years telling angry Hispanics that he's not a dictator -- ahem -- that he's not an emperor -- ahem -- and he can't do it. And that's been his excuse all along. He doesn't have the power to do it.

Democrats and Drive-Bys Distort Reagan to Validate Obama s Executive Order on Amnesty - The Rush Limbaugh Show
What these liars who made up this bs and then spreads it around forgets. Is a VERY LARGE majority of the people in this country was AROUND for what President Reagan did.
but you can't get that though to the people who want's to make excuse for their Dear wonderful Leader. it's shameful really. and dishonest, and is intentionally Misleading the American people.

that right there shows they are Party over country
Right-Wing Media Fail To Distance Reagan And Bush From Obama On Immigration Blog Media Matters for America

But as the AP report pointed out, in 1986 Reagan issued an executive order that provided relief for the undocumented children of immigrants who had been granted amnesty under IRCA. In 1990, Bush established a "family fairness" program that deferred deportations for some "family members living with a legalizing immigrant" who were in the country before IRCA was passed. According to the AP, up to 1.5 million people were affected by Bush's executive action, approximately the same percentage of the undocumented immigrant population expected to be affected by Obama's forthcoming order
Wow, we beat back this liberal lie in record time. Looks like the liars already headed for the tall grass and beat it out of this thread!

Who's the asshats now libs?

Here is what the Reagan EO actually did:

.... it left President Reagan with a moral dilemma. Congress’ amnesty was large—just shy of 3 million people—and it had the unanticipated effect of splitting up freshly-legalized parents from their illegally-present minor children who did not qualify for relief.
What the Progressive commentariat is not telling you is that the Reagan and Bush immigration orders looked nothing like Obama’s creation of a new, open-ended form of immigration relief.
So Reagan, seeing this family unity problem that Congress had not anticipated or addressed when it granted amnesty to millions of parents, issued an executive order to defer the removal of children of the people who had applied for immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law. He allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.
We need more threads on the exact same, irrelevant topic! There's only 2 other up on the front USMB page atm
your sig used to say something like-taking political chic to school everyday.that was a great sig,wish you still had it.of all females she is easily the biggest troll at USMB.its so easy to hand her ass to her on platter on she has been brainwshed her whole life into believing the like the CIA media spread about him,that he was a great president when the truth is he was evil and corrupt,she resorts to the INTERNET for her proof when you refer her to a book written by a goy that exposed the myth about reagan.lie the internet is the truth about everything.:biggrin:

Like all reaganut zombies who worship him,she ignores live footage taken from the 80's that talked about how his policys bankrupted america.

she has an obsession with the democrats and FDR.talking about his corruption but never addresint ehfact that eisenhower was buddies with mass murderer stalin and was one himself.:cuckoo:

she always acts like she won while in reality she gets her ass handed to her on a platter here everyday.
Are you people SERIOUS? That was 20 something years ago

For calling yourselves progressives you all sure Regress a lot.

Reagan worked through CONGRESS. come into the here and now. thanks
frikken 10 threads on this same BS

The rats are panicked - and for good reason. Mafia Don Obama has violated federal law AGAIN with his illegal executive orders.

It isn't that executive orders are illegal in general, it's that the crook Obama issued one that is illegal.
Are you people SERIOUS? That was 20 something years ago

For calling yourselves progressives you all sure Regress a lot.

Reagan worked through CONGRESS. come into the here and now. thanks
frikken 10 threads on this same BS

The rats are panicked - and for good reason. Mafia Don Obama has violated federal law AGAIN with his illegal executive orders.

It isn't that executive orders are illegal in general, it's that the crook Obama issued one that is illegal.

And they are trying like hell to cover up for it and justify it.

But the lies are really showing. They don't come close to covering up for this.

Obama has just stuck his thumb in the eye of all America.

Time will tell whether America has finally had enough and will react.

Time to call your Senators!!

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