Reagan/Bush Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

President Obama clearly has “prosecutorial discretion”...

The President's Immigration Authority - National Immigration Law Center

That's an OPINION, until SCOTUS is brought in, that means about as much as your usual posts!

You dumb fucking idiot, apparently you didn't read it.

Of course I did, you idiot, you think because a PRIVATE ORGANIZATION with a name that sounds like a gov't agency has any relevance to what a COURT would decide has any weight.... well it does with you and the 2 digit IQ crowd!
Your lie detector is lying.

Are you even paying attention to anything? Or are you just doubling down on a politically convenient lie? I have already demonstrated conclusively that Reagan acted explicitly within a statutory prescribed capacity. And that furthermore, the immigrants in question were legal immigrants proceeding along the legally prescribed avenues for citizenship, not individuals who were subject to deportation.
President Obama's actions are based on settled law.
No, he's only claiming that. He lying as usual.

When will you stupid people learn your lesson. Currently they are preparing a statement on how many lies Obama uttered during his speech. I spotted a bunch of them. Several in one sentence.

Excellent point...that usually gets lost in the background noise.
These hyperpartisan agitators purposely try to distort and revise history.
They place party above country.
It'll be their downfall.

I didn't like it then...I like it less now. Regardless of party.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.

Excellent point...that usually gets lost in the background noise.
These hyperpartisan agitators purposely try to distort and revise history.
They place party above country.
It'll be their downfall.

I didn't like it then...I like it less now. Regardless of party.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.
Exactly. This has been done twice before and the Democrats failed to follow through with it. They relaxed enforcement and now the problem is worse. I don't care what Obama says about increased deportations. It's a boldfaced lie. He simply will not enforce our borders when he doesn't want to.

Excellent point...that usually gets lost in the background noise.
These hyperpartisan agitators purposely try to distort and revise history.
They place party above country.
It'll be their downfall.

I didn't like it then...I like it less now. Regardless of party.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.
Exactly. This has been done twice before and the Democrats failed to follow through with it. They relaxed enforcement and now the problem is worse. I don't care what Obama says about increased deportations. It's a boldfaced lie. He simply will not enforce our borders when he doesn't want to.

I can't prove it, of course, but most of these "reagan did it too" probably weren't even born yet..
They read something somewhere and rush to post it as if they know what they're talking about.
All good, though.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
Let's see, Obama and the Democrats thoroughly radicalize the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the National Park Service, the USPS, and has turned virtually every government agency into mini-SS armed camp, and it's also the Republicans fault because "they do it, too?" You, sir (or madam) are completely lacking in the sense of scale just like the very liberal authoritarians we are criticizing here. Why is it we can't righteously criticize liberal despots without some master-of-false-equivalences always throwing Republicans or conservatives into the mix, too. Sheesh.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
it has nothing to do with his color even though you want it to be........its called learning from the last time we did this.....AND there was lots of flak from the citizens last time this stick your color bullshit up your ass Chief.....
How's junior high treating you?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
it has nothing to do with his color even though you want it to be........its called learning from the last time we did this.....AND there was lots of flak from the citizens last time this stick your color bullshit up your ass Chief.....
How's junior high treating you?

brilliant, mature, on topic rebuttal. You have skills!

Excellent point...that usually gets lost in the background noise.
These hyperpartisan agitators purposely try to distort and revise history.
They place party above country.
It'll be their downfall.

I didn't like it then...I like it less now. Regardless of party.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.
Exactly. This has been done twice before and the Democrats failed to follow through with it. They relaxed enforcement and now the problem is worse. I don't care what Obama says about increased deportations. It's a boldfaced lie. He simply will not enforce our borders when he doesn't want to.

I can't prove it, of course, but most of these "reagan did it too" probably weren't even born yet..
They read something somewhere and rush to post it as if they know what they're talking about.
All good, though.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.

The 86' immigration act was too general and didn't cover everyone it was intended to, so Reagan issue a supplemental EO to facilitate its intent. This was done to carry out enforcement of a signed law. Obama isn't supplimenting a law. He's changing it in effect, rewriting laws by changing its intent. He doesn't have that power.

Excellent point...that usually gets lost in the background noise.
These hyperpartisan agitators purposely try to distort and revise history.
They place party above country.
It'll be their downfall.

I didn't like it then...I like it less now. Regardless of party.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.
Exactly. This has been done twice before and the Democrats failed to follow through with it. They relaxed enforcement and now the problem is worse. I don't care what Obama says about increased deportations. It's a boldfaced lie. He simply will not enforce our borders when he doesn't want to.

I can't prove it, of course, but most of these "reagan did it too" probably weren't even born yet..
They read something somewhere and rush to post it as if they know what they're talking about.
All good, though.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.

The 86' immigration act was too general and didn't cover everyone it was intended to, so Reagan issue a supplemental EO to facilitate its intent. This was done to carry out enforcement of a signed law. Obama isn't supplimenting a law. He's changing it in effect, rewriting laws by changing its intent. He doesn't have that power.

He doesn't? He's doing it.

Excellent point...that usually gets lost in the background noise.
These hyperpartisan agitators purposely try to distort and revise history.
They place party above country.
It'll be their downfall.

I didn't like it then...I like it less now. Regardless of party.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.
Exactly. This has been done twice before and the Democrats failed to follow through with it. They relaxed enforcement and now the problem is worse. I don't care what Obama says about increased deportations. It's a boldfaced lie. He simply will not enforce our borders when he doesn't want to.

I can't prove it, of course, but most of these "reagan did it too" probably weren't even born yet..
They read something somewhere and rush to post it as if they know what they're talking about.
All good, though.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.

The 86' immigration act was too general and didn't cover everyone it was intended to, so Reagan issue a supplemental EO to facilitate its intent. This was done to carry out enforcement of a signed law. Obama isn't supplimenting a law. He's changing it in effect, rewriting laws by changing its intent. He doesn't have that power.

He doesn't? He's doing it.
And we have to pay for it.

This is going to the courts and it's totally unnecessary. The rush is to save Obamacare. It isn't out of compassion. It's a total scam.

This garbage is going to be reversed and thrown out like waterboarding.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dat's why immigration is so outta control now...

... `cause o' addled Ronnie...

... an' goofy George."

Granny be dumbass.

Reagan issued this EO to clarify the 1968 Immigration and Nationality Act that was passed by a Democrat controlled Congress and signed into law by Lyndon Johnson and the amended 1986 law.

Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal Aliens September 29, 1981

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, including Sections 212(f) and 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a)(1)), in view of the continuing problem of migrants coming to the United States, by sea, without necessary entry documents, and in order to carry out the suspension and interdiction of such entry which have concurrently been proclaimed, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Ronald Reagan Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal Aliens

In other words, Reagan followed the constitution and Obama didn't.

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