Reagan/Bush Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Dumbshit. The Emancipation Proclamation did exactly nothing.

Dumbshit. It sure did. Well, I am gone for a couple of weeks and see that the dregs of the Universe, like you, are still here. lol...
The Emancipation Proclamation dictated law in a foreign country, you idiot. Not even obama thinks he can get away with that.

Uh, what foreign country was that? If you mean the Confederacy, then you are surely jesting. The Union never recognized the Confederate States as a real entity. Try again.
No one much cares whether or not the Union recognized the CSA. They were a separate entity, not bound by Lincoln's empty "proclamation"

Dumbshit. The Emancipation Proclamation did exactly nothing.

Dumbshit. It sure did. Well, I am gone for a couple of weeks and see that the dregs of the Universe, like you, are still here. lol...
The Emancipation Proclamation dictated law in a foreign country, you idiot. Not even obama thinks he can get away with that.

Uh, what foreign country was that? If you mean the Confederacy, then you are surely jesting. The Union never recognized the Confederate States as a real entity. Try again.
No one much cares whether or not the Union recognized the CSA. They were a separate entity, not bound by Lincoln's empty "proclamation"

It would be like Iran outlawing Judaism in Israel. Yup The EP was bullshit.
Dumbshit. It sure did. Well, I am gone for a couple of weeks and see that the dregs of the Universe, like you, are still here. lol...
The Emancipation Proclamation dictated law in a foreign country, you idiot. Not even obama thinks he can get away with that.

Uh, what foreign country was that? If you mean the Confederacy, then you are surely jesting. The Union never recognized the Confederate States as a real entity. Try again.
No one much cares whether or not the Union recognized the CSA. They were a separate entity, not bound by Lincoln's empty "proclamation"

It would be like Iran outlawing Judaism in Israel. Yup The EP was bullshit.

Uhhh, nope. But please, tell us all how much you loved slavery. We are all ears now.
My opinion of slavery is likely the same as yours. That is not the point, or did you not understand what I posted?
And all that led us up to this point. We get a zillion illegals and a majority of Hispanic- Spanish speakers dominating...just about everything. And we get a African American who's BLACK daddy isn't American and liberal Anglo mother birthed him lived in Hawaii (?) and grew up and was taught in a Muslim school in Indonesia. I can't relate to Obama one bit, and I bet most Americans can't or don't need to. He doesn't understand American culture. He doesn't understand the immigration issue.

Are all conservatives that uninformed? We've always had illegals.....they're not new under Obama, in case you were just recently hatched. And, Obama is not from Africa, so he's not an African American....he's probably more American than you. And, there is no question about where he was's just that most right-wingers can't handle the truth and cling to their lies (birthers)....and about where he attended school......let's see if we can educate you some. He attended a Catholic School in Jakarta, and then Besuki, a school that is run and controlled by the Dutch and only the very elite dutch colonialists and Indonesians's a prestigious school where potential students sit on waiting lists....and you're right, you can't relate to Obama because you are so uninformed you couldn't possibly communicate with someone of his caliber. And, you're wrong, he understands people like you, that don't know much, but are so full of hate that they vote against their own interests....and he understands the immigration issue way more than you or any conservative does. It doesn't bother you one bit to rip parents away from their children because you're not only uninformed, you are also heartless.

Yes, Mertex , Conservatives really are that uniformed, or just plain old stupid. Their stupidity allows them to hate 24/7, or so they think.
Not at all we just aren't as ill-informed as our Progressive friends.
Right, that is why a study shows that Faux News viewers are the least informed......

Overall, the survey found that Fox was the least informative news outlet, while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows were the most.
Survey Says Fox News Viewers Least Informed -Truthdig

What was it Reagan said? "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Yeah, he also said this......maybe he said that during one of his naps...

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national
emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."
Do you understand what humor is?

As far as your "survey" I call bullshit on that. What that shows is that we don't all the bullshit you progressives "learn" on MSNBC.

Of course you do....people that watch MSNBC 24/7 like most conservatives watch Faux News, are also uninformed, although the survey claims Faux News is the I'm not learning any bullshit because i'm not tuned in to MSNBC like most conservatives are tuned in to Faux News.

The problem with you, is you've got the Faux News mind set that they have brain washed you with, that everyone else is lying and they are the only ones that tell the truth, only it's the other way around. Faux News is known for omitting certain parts of a story so that it always looks like Republican/conservatives are doing what's right and everyone else is wrong.....they've been caught doing that more often than other news outlets. You should branch out, for your own good.
Are all conservatives that uninformed? We've always had illegals.....they're not new under Obama, in case you were just recently hatched. And, Obama is not from Africa, so he's not an African American....he's probably more American than you. And, there is no question about where he was's just that most right-wingers can't handle the truth and cling to their lies (birthers)....and about where he attended school......let's see if we can educate you some. He attended a Catholic School in Jakarta, and then Besuki, a school that is run and controlled by the Dutch and only the very elite dutch colonialists and Indonesians's a prestigious school where potential students sit on waiting lists....and you're right, you can't relate to Obama because you are so uninformed you couldn't possibly communicate with someone of his caliber. And, you're wrong, he understands people like you, that don't know much, but are so full of hate that they vote against their own interests....and he understands the immigration issue way more than you or any conservative does. It doesn't bother you one bit to rip parents away from their children because you're not only uninformed, you are also heartless.

Yes, Mertex , Conservatives really are that uniformed, or just plain old stupid. Their stupidity allows them to hate 24/7, or so they think.
Not at all we just aren't as ill-informed as our Progressive friends.
Right, that is why a study shows that Faux News viewers are the least informed......

Overall, the survey found that Fox was the least informative news outlet, while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows were the most.
Survey Says Fox News Viewers Least Informed -Truthdig

What was it Reagan said? "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Yeah, he also said this......maybe he said that during one of his naps...

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national
emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."
Do you understand what humor is?

As far as your "survey" I call bullshit on that. What that shows is that we don't all the bullshit you progressives "learn" on MSNBC.

Of course you do....people that watch MSNBC 24/7 like most conservatives watch Faux News, are also uninformed, although the survey claims Faux News is the I'm not learning any bullshit because i'm not tuned in to MSNBC like most conservatives are tuned in to Faux News.

The problem with you, is you've got the Faux News mind set that they have brain washed you with, that everyone else is lying and they are the only ones that tell the truth, only it's the other way around. Faux News is known for omitting certain parts of a story so that it always looks like Republican/conservatives are doing what's right and everyone else is wrong.....they've been caught doing that more often than other news outlets. You should branch out, for your own good.
I rarely, if ever watch FOX News. And your criticism is bullshit from, what? Mother Jones?

Look! I'm not claiming FOX and Conservative media is unbiased, but when you claim it is biased, just remember that I and the bloggers on my side of the aisle have our own opinions.
Your opinion does not invalidate mine or vice versa.
Yes, Mertex , Conservatives really are that uniformed, or just plain old stupid. Their stupidity allows them to hate 24/7, or so they think.
Not at all we just aren't as ill-informed as our Progressive friends.
Right, that is why a study shows that Faux News viewers are the least informed......

Overall, the survey found that Fox was the least informative news outlet, while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows were the most.
Survey Says Fox News Viewers Least Informed -Truthdig

What was it Reagan said? "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Yeah, he also said this......maybe he said that during one of his naps...

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national
emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."
Do you understand what humor is?

As far as your "survey" I call bullshit on that. What that shows is that we don't all the bullshit you progressives "learn" on MSNBC.

Of course you do....people that watch MSNBC 24/7 like most conservatives watch Faux News, are also uninformed, although the survey claims Faux News is the I'm not learning any bullshit because i'm not tuned in to MSNBC like most conservatives are tuned in to Faux News.

The problem with you, is you've got the Faux News mind set that they have brain washed you with, that everyone else is lying and they are the only ones that tell the truth, only it's the other way around. Faux News is known for omitting certain parts of a story so that it always looks like Republican/conservatives are doing what's right and everyone else is wrong.....they've been caught doing that more often than other news outlets. You should branch out, for your own good.
I rarely, if ever watch FOX News. And your criticism is bullshit from, what? Mother Jones?

Look! I'm not claiming FOX and Conservative media is unbiased, but when you claim it is biased, just remember that I and the bloggers on my side of the aisle have our own opinions.
Your opinion does not invalidate mine or vice versa.

Mother Jones didn't do the survey.....

poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

But, your mind is made're not going to believe anything anyone says unless Briebart, Heritage Foundation or Faux News says it, which just proves the point of the poll even more.
Not at all we just aren't as ill-informed as our Progressive friends.
Right, that is why a study shows that Faux News viewers are the least informed......

Overall, the survey found that Fox was the least informative news outlet, while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows were the most.
Survey Says Fox News Viewers Least Informed -Truthdig

What was it Reagan said? "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Yeah, he also said this......maybe he said that during one of his naps...

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national
emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."
Do you understand what humor is?

As far as your "survey" I call bullshit on that. What that shows is that we don't all the bullshit you progressives "learn" on MSNBC.

Of course you do....people that watch MSNBC 24/7 like most conservatives watch Faux News, are also uninformed, although the survey claims Faux News is the I'm not learning any bullshit because i'm not tuned in to MSNBC like most conservatives are tuned in to Faux News.

The problem with you, is you've got the Faux News mind set that they have brain washed you with, that everyone else is lying and they are the only ones that tell the truth, only it's the other way around. Faux News is known for omitting certain parts of a story so that it always looks like Republican/conservatives are doing what's right and everyone else is wrong.....they've been caught doing that more often than other news outlets. You should branch out, for your own good.
I rarely, if ever watch FOX News. And your criticism is bullshit from, what? Mother Jones?

Look! I'm not claiming FOX and Conservative media is unbiased, but when you claim it is biased, just remember that I and the bloggers on my side of the aisle have our own opinions.
Your opinion does not invalidate mine or vice versa.

Mother Jones didn't do the survey.....

poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

But, your mind is made're not going to believe anything anyone says unless Briebart, Heritage Foundation or Faux News says it, which just proves the point of the poll even more.
There is really no point in talking with you. You don't seem to comprehend plain English.
Right, that is why a study shows that Faux News viewers are the least informed......

Overall, the survey found that Fox was the least informative news outlet, while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows were the most.
Survey Says Fox News Viewers Least Informed -Truthdig

Yeah, he also said this......maybe he said that during one of his naps...

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national
emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."
Do you understand what humor is?

As far as your "survey" I call bullshit on that. What that shows is that we don't all the bullshit you progressives "learn" on MSNBC.

Of course you do....people that watch MSNBC 24/7 like most conservatives watch Faux News, are also uninformed, although the survey claims Faux News is the I'm not learning any bullshit because i'm not tuned in to MSNBC like most conservatives are tuned in to Faux News.

The problem with you, is you've got the Faux News mind set that they have brain washed you with, that everyone else is lying and they are the only ones that tell the truth, only it's the other way around. Faux News is known for omitting certain parts of a story so that it always looks like Republican/conservatives are doing what's right and everyone else is wrong.....they've been caught doing that more often than other news outlets. You should branch out, for your own good.
I rarely, if ever watch FOX News. And your criticism is bullshit from, what? Mother Jones?

Look! I'm not claiming FOX and Conservative media is unbiased, but when you claim it is biased, just remember that I and the bloggers on my side of the aisle have our own opinions.
Your opinion does not invalidate mine or vice versa.

Mother Jones didn't do the survey.....

poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

But, your mind is made're not going to believe anything anyone says unless Briebart, Heritage Foundation or Faux News says it, which just proves the point of the poll even more.
There is really no point in talking with you. You don't seem to comprehend plain English.

You're the one that is having the problem. You gave Mother Jones credit for the survey....I just told you who did the survey, and it's true, you won't accept anything except what goes along with what your mind is made up about....has nothing to do with my comprehension.
Do you understand what humor is?

As far as your "survey" I call bullshit on that. What that shows is that we don't all the bullshit you progressives "learn" on MSNBC.

Of course you do....people that watch MSNBC 24/7 like most conservatives watch Faux News, are also uninformed, although the survey claims Faux News is the I'm not learning any bullshit because i'm not tuned in to MSNBC like most conservatives are tuned in to Faux News.

The problem with you, is you've got the Faux News mind set that they have brain washed you with, that everyone else is lying and they are the only ones that tell the truth, only it's the other way around. Faux News is known for omitting certain parts of a story so that it always looks like Republican/conservatives are doing what's right and everyone else is wrong.....they've been caught doing that more often than other news outlets. You should branch out, for your own good.
I rarely, if ever watch FOX News. And your criticism is bullshit from, what? Mother Jones?

Look! I'm not claiming FOX and Conservative media is unbiased, but when you claim it is biased, just remember that I and the bloggers on my side of the aisle have our own opinions.
Your opinion does not invalidate mine or vice versa.

Mother Jones didn't do the survey.....

poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

But, your mind is made're not going to believe anything anyone says unless Briebart, Heritage Foundation or Faux News says it, which just proves the point of the poll even more.
There is really no point in talking with you. You don't seem to comprehend plain English.

You're the one that is having the problem. You gave Mother Jones credit for the survey....I just told you who did the survey, and it's true, you won't accept anything except what goes along with what your mind is made up about....has nothing to do with my comprehension.
My point, exactly.

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