Reagan son: My dad would have been ‘appalled’ by Donald Trump

Meh. It's basically an exercise in the disaster of the Conservative movement in this country. Goldwater and Nixon thought Reagan was an idiot. (He was, and perhaps the worst US president, ever). But even Reagan would have probably thought Trump was an idiot.

Considering that you take Hitler at his word, your opinion on what Goldwater or Nixon thought is irrelevant.

COnsidering Reagan's accomplishments, if someone though he was an idiot, that reflects very poorly on them.
Well, OBL liked Reagan's "accomplishments" in Beirut.

Trying to make peace in the Middle East was also a mistake.

OBL, really was inspired by the American retreat after BlackHawk down under Clinton of course.
I disagree. I can't think of a reason Reagan wouldn't have liked Trump.

Reagan was a damned good POTUS and Trump is a damned good businessman.

I think they would have gotten along quite well.
Good biz man? Myth. Successful? Yes.

The bankruptcy stuff was NOT planned. Trump lies like a rug

He wouldn't be the first to go bankrupt nor will he be the last. He came back and is still a billionaire.

Must be doing something right. And yes, he's a pretty damned good businessman or he'd sure as hell would be out of the game.
I disagree. I can't think of a reason Reagan wouldn't have liked Trump.

Reagan was a damned good POTUS and Trump is a damned good businessman.

I think they would have gotten along quite well.
Good biz man? Myth. Successful? Yes.

The bankruptcy stuff was NOT planned. Trump lies like a rug

He wouldn't be the first to go bankrupt nor will he be the last. He came back and is still a billionaire.

Must be doing something right. And yes, he's a pretty damned good businessman or he'd sure as hell would be out of the game.

Many a reputation has been based upon myth

Those from the East Coast know The Donald well. Trust fund baby pretending he actually 'made it'

I disagree. I can't think of a reason Reagan wouldn't have liked Trump.

Reagan was a damned good POTUS and Trump is a damned good businessman.

I think they would have gotten along quite well.
Good biz man? Myth. Successful? Yes.

The bankruptcy stuff was NOT planned. Trump lies like a rug

He wouldn't be the first to go bankrupt nor will he be the last. He came back and is still a billionaire.

Must be doing something right. And yes, he's a pretty damned good businessman or he'd sure as hell would be out of the game.

Many a reputation has been based upon myth

Those from the East Coast know The Donald well. Trust fund baby pretending he actually 'made it'


Well there you go. He made it and has been "making" it for a while.

Is he perfect?? Hell no but he's certainly a breath of fresh air when compared to the established mouth breathers in DC.

He's saying something those polled agree with or he wouldn't be leading in any poll.

This run for POTUS is getting very interesting and I'm waiting for 2016. LOL
and Reagan only gave TOKEN support to his own party's nominee in 1976...

Ford entered the race with the endorsement of almost the entire party political establishment—Paul Laxalt of Nevada, a longtime friend of Reagan, was the only U.S. senator to back him against Ford. But Reagan was a hero to conservatives, and he lacked the political baggage of having been part of a Washington establishment that been discredited by the interlocking traumas of Watergate and the Vietnam War. Reagan's strategists believed that if he scored a quick victory in the first primary of New Hampshire, support for Ford would evaporate. But Ford's strategists seized on a speech Reagan had made in September 1975 in which he said the federal government could reduce spending by $90 billion by allowing state governments to assume responsibility for various federal programs. Ford contended that the Reagan plan would give states a choice of bankruptcy or raising taxes. In anti-tax New Hampshire, this was a powerful argument. Thrust on the defensive, Reagan's campaign operatives made several tactical errors, including keeping the candidate out of the state on election day. Reagan lost the primary by a hairsbreadth, and Ford quickly parlayed the advantage this gave him into victories in six other primaries. With the North Carolina primary upcoming, the Reagan campaign was on the ropes.

"Reagan gave token support to Ford in the fall campaign against Democrat Jimmy Carter; some of Ford's operatives asserted afterward that more robust campaigning by Reagan could have changed the outcome."

Ronald Reagan: Campaigns and Elections—Miller Center
please, up your game or stfu
Well there you go. He made it and has been "making" it for a while.

Is he perfect?? Hell no but he's certainly a breath of fresh air when compared to the established mouth breathers in DC.

He's saying something those polled agree with or he wouldn't be leading in any poll.

This run for POTUS is getting very interesting and I'm waiting for 2016. LOL

Donald Trump is a bully. Always has been.

Donald jumped in front of a crowd to lead it. It existed pre-

please, he's a populist demagogue\.. nothing more, nothing less.
Trump.... Not a fan.

Nonetheless a better prospect then the worthless community organizer currently holding the office...
Reagan also ran against a sitting President of his own party. Reagan gave the US Jimmy Carter
Ether seriously ignorant or seriously goofy.

Facts matter
One would think facts matter. Perhaps you might use them instead of flights of ignorance or insanity.

Reagan attacked Republicans for quite a while. Until he was elected...
Oh? OK, Ford was running against Carter, two of the most inept presidents we've had in modern history. That Ford lost, and worse yet, to the catastrophe that was Carter, was the idiocy of the electorate. I think that American's are once again reminded of their own incompetence with the sitting incompetent.

Reagan had little to do with either.
Well guess we'll see come 2016.

You might consider him a populist demagogue but apparently those polled disagree.

Should be interesting.
Donald Trump is a bully. Always has been.

Donald jumped in front of a crowd to lead it. It existed pre-

please, he's a populist demagogue\.. nothing more, nothing less.
Stop being so gay ffs!
Reagan also ran against a sitting President of his own party. Reagan gave the US Jimmy Carter
Ether seriously ignorant or seriously goofy.

Facts matter
One would think facts matter. Perhaps you might use them instead of flights of ignorance or insanity.

Reagan attacked Republicans for quite a while. Until he was elected...
Oh? OK, Ford was running against Carter, two of the most inept presidents we've had in modern history. That Ford lost, and worse yet, to the catastrophe that was Carter, was the idiocy of the electorate. I think that American's are once again reminded of their own incompetence with the sitting incompetent.

Reagan had little to do with either.

You are entitled to whatever nonsensical views you desire. What you are NOT entitled to are your own facts
In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

“What he’s done is really appalling,” Reagan said. “My father would be appalled. … On behalf of my father and the Reagan family to see someone like this who just personally attacks people time and time and time again is absolutely appalling to me and I hope all the voters start to see through Donald Trump and the kind of candidate that he his and the kind of president he may end up being.”

According to Reagan, Trump’s campaign is long on inflammatory rhetoric and short on specifics.

“It’s nice to say, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ but how are you going to do that? What laws are you going to pass? What bills are you going to pass? How are you going to work with Congress? What are you going to do?” Reagan said.

Trumps fans respond with "He talks tough and I like tough talkin'":gives: about specifics?

Seriously his son?

You do know he is a liberal right?

No, you're thinking of the homo son, Ron Jr.
In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

“What he’s done is really appalling,” Reagan said. “My father would be appalled. … On behalf of my father and the Reagan family to see someone like this who just personally attacks people time and time and time again is absolutely appalling to me and I hope all the voters start to see through Donald Trump and the kind of candidate that he his and the kind of president he may end up being.”

According to Reagan, Trump’s campaign is long on inflammatory rhetoric and short on specifics.

“It’s nice to say, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ but how are you going to do that? What laws are you going to pass? What bills are you going to pass? How are you going to work with Congress? What are you going to do?” Reagan said.

Trumps fans respond with "He talks tough and I like tough talkin'":gives: about specifics?

Seriously his son?

You do know he is a liberal right?

No, you're thinking of the homo son, Ron Jr.

Ron Junior is a homo because he likes dance?

Only in America

note: Mikhail Nikolayevich Baryshnikov
You are entitled to whatever nonsensical views you desire. What you are NOT entitled to are your own facts
One expects idiots to populate sights such as this. Still, move on from the dingbat platitudes.

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