Reagan son: My dad would have been ‘appalled’ by Donald Trump

It is truly mind-boggling that lefties repeatedly come up with the 'what Reagan would have done' bit. Now they've extended it to his scion, an acknowledgement of the towering and consequential president that he was; inadvertently rendering unto Reagan that which is Reagan's.
The modern GOP would chase Reagan out of the party, he would be way to liberal for them.
BS. Left wing propaganda that never expires...

the establishment R party did not like Reagan in his time, for being too conservative. They forced him to except that dipshit shrub for VP.
In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

“What he’s done is really appalling,” Reagan said. “My father would be appalled. … On behalf of my father and the Reagan family to see someone like this who just personally attacks people time and time and time again is absolutely appalling to me and I hope all the voters start to see through Donald Trump and the kind of candidate that he his and the kind of president he may end up being.”

According to Reagan, Trump’s campaign is long on inflammatory rhetoric and short on specifics.

“It’s nice to say, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ but how are you going to do that? What laws are you going to pass? What bills are you going to pass? How are you going to work with Congress? What are you going to do?” Reagan said.

Trumps fans respond with "He talks tough and I like tough talkin'":gives: about specifics?

Seriously his son?

You do know he is a liberal right?

Michael Reagan is a liberal? Really? You just said that? :rofl:
Reagan put Kennedy on the SC bench
Reagan allowed illegals to get Amnesty

Reagan was NOT a republican but controlled opposition just like Trump.
I agree ronnie would hate trump. Reagan was a rino mexico-firster who accepted millions of dollars in corporate bribes to support amnesty for 4 million illegals. We are still dealing with the horrible consequences of that treachery.
Reagan put Kennedy on the SC bench
Reagan allowed illegals to get Amnesty

Reagan was NOT a republican but controlled opposition just like Trump.

REagan was not perfect.

He certainly dropped the ball on both Kennedy and Amnesty.
Meh. It's basically an exercise in the disaster of the Conservative movement in this country. Goldwater and Nixon thought Reagan was an idiot. (He was, and perhaps the worst US president, ever). But even Reagan would have probably thought Trump was an idiot.
Meh. It's basically an exercise in the disaster of the Conservative movement in this country. Goldwater and Nixon thought Reagan was an idiot. (He was, and perhaps the worst US president, ever). But even Reagan would have probably thought Trump was an idiot.

Considering that you take Hitler at his word, your opinion on what Goldwater or Nixon thought is irrelevant.

COnsidering Reagan's accomplishments, if someone though he was an idiot, that reflects very poorly on them.
In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

“What he’s done is really appalling,” Reagan said. “My father would be appalled. … On behalf of my father and the Reagan family to see someone like this who just personally attacks people time and time and time again is absolutely appalling to me and I hope all the voters start to see through Donald Trump and the kind of candidate that he his and the kind of president he may end up being.”

According to Reagan, Trump’s campaign is long on inflammatory rhetoric and short on specifics.

“It’s nice to say, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ but how are you going to do that? What laws are you going to pass? What bills are you going to pass? How are you going to work with Congress? What are you going to do?” Reagan said.

Trumps fans respond with "He talks tough and I like tough talkin'":gives: about specifics?

Seriously his son?

You do know he is a liberal right?

adopted... i think ron's the liberal.
Why would you idiots care what the son of such a 'failed' president says?

reagan the failed president ? this may be more historical than i thought.
right.. 'cause obama's so eclipsed Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.

hey what's the upside down clown thing about ? is it trying to be different because there were too many right side up clowns on this board already ??
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In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Another of the Reagan myths?

Reagan also ran against a sitting President of his own party. Reagan gave the US Jimmy Carter
I disagree. I can't think of a reason Reagan wouldn't have liked Trump.

Reagan was a damned good POTUS and Trump is a damned good businessman.

I think they would have gotten along quite well.
In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

“What he’s done is really appalling,” Reagan said. “My father would be appalled. … On behalf of my father and the Reagan family to see someone like this who just personally attacks people time and time and time again is absolutely appalling to me and I hope all the voters start to see through Donald Trump and the kind of candidate that he his and the kind of president he may end up being.”

According to Reagan, Trump’s campaign is long on inflammatory rhetoric and short on specifics.

“It’s nice to say, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ but how are you going to do that? What laws are you going to pass? What bills are you going to pass? How are you going to work with Congress? What are you going to do?” Reagan said.

Trumps fans respond with "He talks tough and I like tough talkin'":gives: about specifics?

Seriously his son?

You do know he is a liberal right?

adopted... i think ron's the liberal.

Michael and the older sister were JAne Wyman's kids. Ronnie and Pattie are Nancy's kids -- the ones she and Ronald was so cold to
I disagree. I can't think of a reason Reagan wouldn't have liked Trump.

Reagan was a damned good POTUS and Trump is a damned good businessman.

I think they would have gotten along quite well.
Good biz man? Myth. Successful? Yes.

The bankruptcy stuff was NOT planned. Trump lies like a rug
Meh. It's basically an exercise in the disaster of the Conservative movement in this country. Goldwater and Nixon thought Reagan was an idiot. (He was, and perhaps the worst US president, ever). But even Reagan would have probably thought Trump was an idiot.

Considering that you take Hitler at his word, your opinion on what Goldwater or Nixon thought is irrelevant.

COnsidering Reagan's accomplishments, if someone though he was an idiot, that reflects very poorly on them.
Well, OBL liked Reagan's "accomplishments" in Beirut.
Drumpf is an embarrassment to the entire country.

Who, in their right mind, would want him representing the US to the rest of the world? He would insult and alienate every world leader and have us several more wars before the end of the inauguration.

And, so far, he has not answered even one direct question about policy. All he says is he "doesn't want to brag but trust me".

But, that's what the rabid RWs want.
Trump leading the polls is a prime example of the intelligence of right wing nut jobs.
leading with a plurality

a plurality


wake the eff up


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