Reagan son: My dad would have been ‘appalled’ by Donald Trump

Drumpf is an embarrassment to the entire country.

Who, in their right mind, would want him representing the US to the rest of the world? He would insult and alienate every world leader and have us several more wars before the end of the inauguration.

And, so far, he has not answered even one direct question about policy. All he says is he "doesn't want to brag but trust me".

But, that's what the rabid RWs want.

He panders to the low IQ loser rubes

Nope. That honor goes to the supporters of Hildebeast. Low info voters who would vote for Jack the Ripper as POTUS as long as he were a Dem. That includes you. You Hilbat supporter you. LMAO

I disagree. I can't think of a reason Reagan wouldn't have liked Trump.

Reagan was a damned good POTUS and Trump is a damned good businessman.

I think they would have gotten along quite well.
he's brash, ronnie was the keeper of the big toe in the sand routine... (aw shucks)... we'll send Trump to Reagan Charm School, he'll be fine. He's a good man, i believe in him. let's try success for four years, if he bombs (pun intended) we'll reevaluate. obama bombs, literally and figuratively...
to quote an American hero who actually served in the US military "Nuts!"


link to story:
Donald Trump Likens His Schooling to Military Service in Book

Donald J. Trump, who received draft deferments through much of the Vietnam War, told the author of a coming biography that he nevertheless “always felt that I was in the military” because of his education at a military-themed boarding school.
Well guess we'll see come 2016.

You might consider him a populist demagogue but apparently those polled disagree.

Should be interesting.

a plurality.

In Chile, Salvador Allende received a plurality with 36.2% of the vote. He was elected.

Direct democracy sux


In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Another of the Reagan myths?

Reagan also ran against a sitting President of his own party. Reagan gave the US Jimmy Carter
president's don't give birth to other president dante, you know that... maybe someday they will.
Elections and actions have consequences. Reagan always avoided acknowledging the consequences of his own actions.

ex: Iran-Contra where Reagan lied to the American people

Reagan ..... My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.
  1. self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.
    "he could be brash, cocky, and arrogant"
    synonyms: self-assertive, pushy, cocksure, cocky, self-confident, arrogant, bold,audacious, brazen, bumptious, overweening, puffed up; More
    • strong, energetic, or irreverent.
      "I like brash, vibrant flavors"
Donald Trump

North American informal
noun: blowhard; plural noun: blowhards; noun: blow-hard; plural noun: blow-hards
a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way.

"a pompous blowhard trying to get on the news"
and you want to be taken seriously?



I sure do. She's a Hildebeat and I could give shit one what you think pal.

Considering the things you've been calling Trump Hildebeast is rather tame.

Ah well. To each his own. Hope Trump takes it all the way to the White House. Who knows, if he makes it he might well be one of the best presidents this country has ever had. Or not. LOL
and you want to be taken seriously?



I sure do. She's a Hildebeat and I could give shit one what you think pal.

Considering the things you've been calling Trump Hildebeast is rather tame.

Ah well. To each his own. Hope Trump takes it all the way to the White House. Who knows, if he makes it he might well be one of the best presidents this country has ever had. Or not. LOL
Called Trump what he is. Nothing based on his name in such a childish way as you consistently do.

Sorry, but it's difficult for any serious person to take folks like you seriously. Maybe it comes from you being on the losing side in life?
and you want to be taken seriously?



I sure do. She's a Hildebeat and I could give shit one what you think pal.

Considering the things you've been calling Trump Hildebeast is rather tame.

Ah well. To each his own. Hope Trump takes it all the way to the White House. Who knows, if he makes it he might well be one of the best presidents this country has ever had. Or not. LOL
Called Trump what he is. Nothing based on his name in such a childish way as you consistently do.

Sorry, but it's difficult for any serious person to take folks like you seriously. Maybe it comes from you being on the losing side in life?

Sorry its hard for us real folks to take a condescending nitwit like you seriously.

May by it comes from you being on the side of everyone except the taxpayers of America who fund all your social bullshit.

You know. One group of people being forced to bankroll another. That does tend to piss the providers of the largesse off a bit.

Carry on nitwit.
and you want to be taken seriously?



I sure do. She's a Hildebeat and I could give shit one what you think pal.

Considering the things you've been calling Trump Hildebeast is rather tame.

Ah well. To each his own. Hope Trump takes it all the way to the White House. Who knows, if he makes it he might well be one of the best presidents this country has ever had. Or not. LOL
Called Trump what he is. Nothing based on his name in such a childish way as you consistently do.

Sorry, but it's difficult for any serious person to take folks like you seriously. Maybe it comes from you being on the losing side in life?

Sorry its hard for us real folks to take a condescending nitwit like you seriously.

May by it comes from you being on the side of everyone except the taxpayers of America who fund all your social bullshit.

You know. One group of people being forced to bankroll another. That does tend to piss the providers of the largesse off a bit.

Carry on nitwit.
taxpayers? providers?

You fall so easily for bumper sticker slogans and emotional hot button issues. It's a sad state of affairs, but...America has gone through this before.
and you want to be taken seriously?



I sure do. She's a Hildebeat and I could give shit one what you think pal.

Considering the things you've been calling Trump Hildebeast is rather tame.

Ah well. To each his own. Hope Trump takes it all the way to the White House. Who knows, if he makes it he might well be one of the best presidents this country has ever had. Or not. LOL
Called Trump what he is. Nothing based on his name in such a childish way as you consistently do.

Sorry, but it's difficult for any serious person to take folks like you seriously. Maybe it comes from you being on the losing side in life?

Sorry its hard for us real folks to take a condescending nitwit like you seriously.

May by it comes from you being on the side of everyone except the taxpayers of America who fund all your social bullshit.

You know. One group of people being forced to bankroll another. That does tend to piss the providers of the largesse off a bit.

Carry on nitwit.
taxpayers? providers?

You fall so easily for bumper sticker slogans and emotional hot button issues. It's a sad state of affairs, but...America has gone through this before.
Give it up Dante. You've already exposed yourself as as a dingbat. This is nothing personal.
MOST people should be bothered by Trump, but they are 'spell-bound' by him, awed as if he were some 'rock star' simply because he is bold, arrogant, does what he wants, and says what he thinks people want to hear.... Wake up, people - THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE NOW! LOL

Those enthralled by Trump are moronic, party-loyal sheep ... just like those who fawned all over obama.
In in an interview with NewsMax, radio host Michael Reagan expressed his distaste for the scorched earth campaign the billionaire businessman is running against his Republican rivals, invoking his father, President Ronald Reagan, who was notable for his belief in the ’11th Commandment’ : “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

“What he’s done is really appalling,” Reagan said. “My father would be appalled. … On behalf of my father and the Reagan family to see someone like this who just personally attacks people time and time and time again is absolutely appalling to me and I hope all the voters start to see through Donald Trump and the kind of candidate that he his and the kind of president he may end up being.”

According to Reagan, Trump’s campaign is long on inflammatory rhetoric and short on specifics.

“It’s nice to say, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ but how are you going to do that? What laws are you going to pass? What bills are you going to pass? How are you going to work with Congress? What are you going to do?” Reagan said.

Trumps fans respond with "He talks tough and I like tough talkin'":gives: about specifics?

Is Michael the ballerina or the failed talk show host?
MOST people should be bothered by Trump, but they are 'spell-bound' by him, awed as if he were some 'rock star' simply because he is bold, arrogant, does what he wants, and says what he thinks people want to hear.... Wake up, people - THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE NOW! LOL

Those enthralled by Trump are moronic, party-loyal sheep ... just like those who fawned all over obama.

I'm going to have to come at you on this dear heart. :) No disrespect.

Trump has opened up the game. Wide. That's what everyone is loving. Personally I would like to see a Walker presidency, not sure on VP, Carson Surgeon General, Cruz AG.

I love it. We have so many brilliant people running it makes me crazy. Good crazy. What Trump is doing love him or hate him he's drawing all the fire so that every other candidate can get their message out.

This is awesome. Anyone who says we should clear the decks and have our nominee out there is a bloody fool. That just gives the D media more time to nuke and smear a contender.

Remember 2012. It was a carnival game. They took out each R candidate with the help of Rove to leave only Romney.
Michael is the one who isn't the dancer.


He didn't make it as a talk show host but he was pretty interesting in many ways. I liked Huckabee as a talk show host on radio too, but Lord Almighty I'd never vote for him just because he had Chris Wallace on every Friday and they were hysterical together.

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