Reagan, the Reds, And Religion

Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"
Every republican ever? Oh wait, that was just "end welfare", not "end welfare as we know it". Sorry.

You should be sorry for being a moron.

It's a scam, and you bought it like it was on sale.
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.
I noticed how the democrats didn't win, what with all the free stuff they gave out, and the GOP won because they gave away more free stuff than the democrats, according to your logic..
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.

Did you know that after half a century, and $trillions lost, the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was when the racist Democrat LBJ initiated it?

Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient.

Did you know that, you dunce?

The current poverty rate is about 3% when you count the value of the government's help.
Always fun to remind everyone that the OP, by her own admission, mind you,

does not herself work and is therefore supported by the labor of another, or others, as the case may be.
Reagan won the South running against a Southern Democrat,

lest anyone still cling to the belief that the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, did not cause the formerly white conservative Democratic South to turn Republican.
What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!

I find it more likely that you are a dim witted moron who thinks using the moniker you've assigned your avatar a pathetically convenient method to utilize the implication it represents a blind to take pot shots from behind to hide your ignorance.


OH LOOKY! Another fucking Keyboard Kommando who doesn't know shit but wishes only to insert himself as the 'Damaged' White Hero Bird-Brained One to save a damsel in distress. Can you say, "petty squawking little bitch-boy"!Too fucking bad you hadn't read the totality of our exchange before you inserted your half-wit capabilities into the admix, fool.

You'd have seen that Cynthia was the one coming form behind with the insults, and you could have saved yourself some embarrassment. As usual her/it doesn't like being shown up as being a bloody lying fool continually by a few of us. Her OP contained a yuuugh lie I exposed and she took exception. That's her fucking MO, dipstick, and it/she came back full bore ad hominem, just like you have you fucking ignorant IDIOT, and stepped into her pile of SHIT!

Oh and your conclusion re: my avatar shows you to be an absolute fucking inane tool who's easy to manipulate, but I don't hold your mental deficiencies against you personally, considering your state of constant confusion, and low self-esteem. Did Chica ask you to lay it on me, you fucking sucker, or were you just feeling a little Butch this PM? Ta Ta Bruiser!


I see... You're nothing less pathetic child who needs to be sent to bed because all you know is how to throw petty insults and add nothing meaningful to the conversation than your own loathsome banality.



And yet you continue to ignore the truth and press on with your own boorish brand, Forest? And my banality is CERTAINLY not loathsome, but rather creative I've been told! Also, I can tell I've touched a nerve, but can't determine with tooth it is yet!

Metallica? A youngun' eh? Not my cup o'tea. Irrational discordance!

My tastes are a bit more mature; Muscle Shoals era and before.
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.

Did you know that after half a century, and $trillions lost, the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was when the racist Democrat LBJ initiated it?

Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient.

Did you know that, you dunce?
Well, if nothing else, it helped millions of down and out people when they needed it the most. Efficacy has never been a benchmark of government programs, especially Republican favorites. Consider the failed War on Drugs for example. Uncounted billions spent, individual's rights trampled, prisons filled to capacity, yet we still have a drug problem. War on Terror is another one. Trillions spent, hundreds of thousands dead, several countries' infrastructures destroyed, millions homeless, yet more terrorism than ever. Did you know that, you condescending bitch?
What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!

I find it more likely that you are a dim witted moron who thinks using the moniker you've assigned your avatar a pathetically convenient method to utilize the implication it represents a blind to take pot shots from behind to hide your ignorance.


OH LOOKY! Another fucking Keyboard Kommando who doesn't know shit but wishes only to insert himself as the 'Damaged' White Hero Bird-Brained One to save a damsel in distress. Can you say, "petty squawking little bitch-boy"!Too fucking bad you hadn't read the totality of our exchange before you inserted your half-wit capabilities into the admix, fool.

You'd have seen that Cynthia was the one coming form behind with the insults, and you could have saved yourself some embarrassment. As usual her/it doesn't like being shown up as being a bloody lying fool continually by a few of us. Her OP contained a yuuugh lie I exposed and she took exception. That's her fucking MO, dipstick, and it/she came back full bore ad hominem, just like you have you fucking ignorant IDIOT, and stepped into her pile of SHIT!

Oh and your conclusion re: my avatar shows you to be an absolute fucking inane tool who's easy to manipulate, but I don't hold your mental deficiencies against you personally, considering your state of constant confusion, and low self-esteem. Did Chica ask you to lay it on me, you fucking sucker, or were you just feeling a little Butch this PM? Ta Ta Bruiser!


I see... You're nothing less pathetic child who needs to be sent to bed because all you know is how to throw petty insults and add nothing meaningful to the conversation than your own loathsome banality.



And yet you continue to ignore the truth and press on with your own boorish brand, Forest? And my banality is CERTAINLY not loathsome, but rather creative I've been told! Also, I can tell I've touched a nerve, but can't determine with tooth it is yet!

Metallica? A youngun' eh? Not my cup o'tea. Irrational discordance!

My tastes are a bit more mature; Muscle Shoals era and before.


I would say that's it's I who've touched a nerve my steadily less prolific progressive as you attempt to dance to the strings of your progressive masters while others cut them with a truth you refuse to acknowledge but unconsciously absorb.


Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?


Where has poverty been ended by providing them with more than food, clothing, and shelter?

Has a free education through high school, free health care, free cell phones, etc, etc, etc, done anything but make more poor people?

Maybe free college will do it... Maybe a free car every couple years will do it... Maybe guaranteed government jobs that they don't have to even show up at will do it... Maybe a ten thousand dollar a month government allotment that doesn't require me holding a job will do it... Maybe a free half a million dollar home will do it... No wait! Make that a five million dollar home on the Riviera.


Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
The point is, which you are blind to, the D party needs and wants to expand the number of those in poverty. Guess why?
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
The point is, which you are blind to, the D party needs and wants to expand the number of those in poverty. Guess why?

They don't. That's just one more myth that RWnuts believe.

So again, where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
The point is, which you are blind to, the D party needs and wants to expand the number of those in poverty. Guess why?

They don't. That's just one more myth that RWnuts believe.

So again, where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
Yet you believe the myth that the R Party wants to eliminate welfare, social security, medicare, and Obamacare.

Have you been asleep for decades and just waking up with MSLSD on the telly?
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"

President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
The point is, which you are blind to, the D party needs and wants to expand the number of those in poverty. Guess why?

They don't. That's just one more myth that RWnuts believe.

So again, where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
Yet you believe the myth that the R Party wants to eliminate welfare, social security, medicare, and Obamacare.

Have you been asleep for decades and just waking up with MSLSD on the telly?

Is that your admission that conservatism has given up on trying to end the so-called welfare state in America?
President #42 said it.....and the reform was an immense success because it required work.

The along came President #44.....who removed the work requirement....and federal welfare spending increased by over 41%.

Liberals have no desire to end poverty to the slightest degree. In fact, the more on the dole, the better for them.

Where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
The point is, which you are blind to, the D party needs and wants to expand the number of those in poverty. Guess why?

They don't. That's just one more myth that RWnuts believe.

So again, where has poverty ever been ended by denying help to the poor?
Yet you believe the myth that the R Party wants to eliminate welfare, social security, medicare, and Obamacare.

Have you been asleep for decades and just waking up with MSLSD on the telly?

Is that your admission that conservatism has given up on trying to end the so-called welfare state in America?
They need votes also you know..

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