Reagan: Twenty five year later Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall

I don't see any Americans worshiping "communism".

Not giving Reagan credit for the bravery of people who stood up to tanks is not "worshiping" Communism.

THose are the guys you might want to credit for the fall of the USSR. Not some senile old Actor-Man who made a speech someone else wrote.

the thing is, the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with "communism" or Reagan. It had to do with the fact that 300 million non-Russians felt no desire to be ruled by Russians, and 150 million Russians no longer wanted to send their sons off to fight and die to rule them.
I'll take the word of a man like Lech Walesa who was on the front line over someone ass who lives in a shit hole.

GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Lech Walesa on Reagan Valley Patriot
I don't see any Americans worshiping "communism".

Not giving Reagan credit for the bravery of people who stood up to tanks is not "worshiping" Communism.

THose are the guys you might want to credit for the fall of the USSR. Not some senile old Actor-Man who made a speech someone else wrote.

the thing is, the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with "communism" or Reagan. It had to do with the fact that 300 million non-Russians felt no desire to be ruled by Russians, and 150 million Russians no longer wanted to send their sons off to fight and die to rule them.
I'll take the word of a man like Lech Walesa who was on the front line over someone ass who lives in a shit hole.

GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Lech Walesa on Reagan Valley Patriot

That's exactly why the "American" Left hates Reagan, because Reagan valued freedom, liberty and the sovereignty of the individual over the collective
The "Wall" went up during JFK's watch. Typical of democrats he didn't have a strategy but he gave a grand speech that the media loved (even though he called himself a jelly donut in German) and he went home and left the German people to be shot in the back by Russians. LBJ sneaked over and had a look and ran home. I don't know for sure but Jimmie Carter may have apologized for the Wall. In short, no democrat ever spoke in public about the abomination. It took a republican, Ronald Reagan to bring it down.
The "Wall" went up during JFK's watch. Typical of democrats he didn't have a strategy but he gave a grand speech that the media loved (even though he called himself a jelly donut in German) and he went home and left the German people to be shot in the back by Russians. LBJ sneaked over and had a look and ran home. I don't know for sure but Jimmie Carter may have apologized for the Wall. In short, no democrat ever spoke in public about the abomination. It took a republican, Ronald Reagan to bring it down.
To be fair, JFK was strongly anti-communist.He was not cut of the same clothe as Carter, Obama and JoeB.
Carter ruined the olympic dreams of hundreds of Americans

So? What was he supposed to do, let the athletes go to Moscow like everything was okay?
yeah, that is what the olympic movement is about.

he ruined the dreams of hundreds of athletes for an IMPOTENT pandering

should people have boycotted our games due to our invasions in 91 and then in 2002?
Sure, Joe. Sure.

Birds of a feather.

The Soviet Emigres I meet bless Reagan for setting them free (there are Reagan statues all over Eastern Europe) and say American Liberals are the stupidest fucks on the planet for worshiping Communism

I don't see any Americans worshiping "communism".

Not giving Reagan credit for the bravery of people who stood up to tanks is not "worshiping" Communism.

THose are the guys you might want to credit for the fall of the USSR. Not some senile old Actor-Man who made a speech someone else wrote.

the thing is, the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with "communism" or Reagan. It had to do with the fact that 300 million non-Russians felt no desire to be ruled by Russians, and 150 million Russians no longer wanted to send their sons off to fight and die to rule them.

You worship Stalin
yeah, that is what the olympic movement is about.

he ruined the dreams of hundreds of athletes for an IMPOTENT pandering

should people have boycotted our games due to our invasions in 91 and then in 2002?

Well, let's look at that.

IN 1991, the entire world in the UN voted to authorize us to go into Kuwait to expel the Iraqis. We did that, we had the good sense NOT to invade Iraq proper.

In 2001, the entire world voted to take action against Afghanistan for harboring Al Qaeda. So, yeah, the Salt Lake City Olympics were safe once MItt Romney got all his rich Mormon Pals to open their wallets to bail it out.

The whole world was appalled when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. And it should have been. It wasn't worth starting World War III over, though.
I don't see any Americans worshiping "communism".

Not giving Reagan credit for the bravery of people who stood up to tanks is not "worshiping" Communism.

THose are the guys you might want to credit for the fall of the USSR. Not some senile old Actor-Man who made a speech someone else wrote.

the thing is, the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with "communism" or Reagan. It had to do with the fact that 300 million non-Russians felt no desire to be ruled by Russians, and 150 million Russians no longer wanted to send their sons off to fight and die to rule them.
I'll take the word of a man like Lech Walesa who was on the front line over someone ass who lives in a shit hole.

GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Lech Walesa on Reagan Valley Patriot
I see you have adapted a new edited version of the speech that edits out Lech's thanks to Thatcher, Mitterrand and Gorbachev. And you leave out the most important figure mentioned and thanked by Lech when discussing Poland, Pope John Paul II. Kind of adds some perspective to the speech when Lech added those names in a speech specifically dedicated to Reagan.
I don't see any Americans worshiping "communism".

Not giving Reagan credit for the bravery of people who stood up to tanks is not "worshiping" Communism.

THose are the guys you might want to credit for the fall of the USSR. Not some senile old Actor-Man who made a speech someone else wrote.

the thing is, the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with "communism" or Reagan. It had to do with the fact that 300 million non-Russians felt no desire to be ruled by Russians, and 150 million Russians no longer wanted to send their sons off to fight and die to rule them.
I'll take the word of a man like Lech Walesa who was on the front line over someone ass who lives in a shit hole.

GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Lech Walesa on Reagan Valley Patriot
I see you have adapted a new edited version of the speech that edits out Lech's thanks to Thatcher, Mitterrand and Gorbachev. And you leave out the most important figure mentioned and thanked by Lech when discussing Poland, Pope John Paul II. Kind of adds some perspective to the speech when Lech added those names in a speech specifically dedicated to Reagan.
I have not adapted anything. That was Walesa eulogy to Reagan. Stop being such a prick and render unto Reagan that which is Reagan's.
I don't see any Americans worshiping "communism".

Not giving Reagan credit for the bravery of people who stood up to tanks is not "worshiping" Communism.

THose are the guys you might want to credit for the fall of the USSR. Not some senile old Actor-Man who made a speech someone else wrote.

the thing is, the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with "communism" or Reagan. It had to do with the fact that 300 million non-Russians felt no desire to be ruled by Russians, and 150 million Russians no longer wanted to send their sons off to fight and die to rule them.
I'll take the word of a man like Lech Walesa who was on the front line over someone ass who lives in a shit hole.

GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Lech Walesa on Reagan Valley Patriot
I see you have adapted a new edited version of the speech that edits out Lech's thanks to Thatcher, Mitterrand and Gorbachev. And you leave out the most important figure mentioned and thanked by Lech when discussing Poland, Pope John Paul II. Kind of adds some perspective to the speech when Lech added those names in a speech specifically dedicated to Reagan.
I have not adapted anything. That was Walesa eulogy to Reagan. Stop being such a prick and render unto Reagan that which is Reagan's.
It is called a eulogy upon the death of Ronald Reagan. No doubt Walesa credited others, but it would take a complete asshole like youself to suggest those words were not what a man who actually lived fought through the liberation of Europe meant.

yeah, that is what the olympic movement is about.

he ruined the dreams of hundreds of athletes for an IMPOTENT pandering

should people have boycotted our games due to our invasions in 91 and then in 2002?

Well, let's look at that.

IN 1991, the entire world in the UN voted to authorize us to go into Kuwait to expel the Iraqis. We did that, we had the good sense NOT to invade Iraq proper.

In 2001, the entire world voted to take action against Afghanistan for harboring Al Qaeda. So, yeah, the Salt Lake City Olympics were safe once MItt Romney got all his rich Mormon Pals to open their wallets to bail it out.

The whole world was appalled when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. And it should have been. It wasn't worth starting World War III over, though.
BS detector redlined
I have not adapted anything. That was Walesa eulogy to Reagan. Stop being such a prick and render unto Reagan that which is Reagan's.


Reagan actually looked the other way in 1981 when the Jaruzelski regime cracked down on Solidarity in December 1981. Then we really didn't hear much from them again until 1989.

Did you read Walesa's speech you fucking retard?
yeah, that is what the olympic movement is about.

he ruined the dreams of hundreds of athletes for an IMPOTENT pandering

should people have boycotted our games due to our invasions in 91 and then in 2002?

Well, let's look at that.

IN 1991, the entire world in the UN voted to authorize us to go into Kuwait to expel the Iraqis. We did that, we had the good sense NOT to invade Iraq proper.

In 2001, the entire world voted to take action against Afghanistan for harboring Al Qaeda. So, yeah, the Salt Lake City Olympics were safe once MItt Romney got all his rich Mormon Pals to open their wallets to bail it out.

The whole world was appalled when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. And it should have been. It wasn't worth starting World War III over, though.
BS detector redlined

Diehard Communists hate Reagan, that's all we can say
Anyone else find it weird that Progressives are more invested in the USSR than even most Russians? Our Progs love the USSR so much and have such visceral hatred for Reagan for dismantling the USSR they sound like they were member of the Politboro! How did they do it? How did the Communists get our Progressive to fall so madly in love with the USSR?
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yeah, that is what the olympic movement is about.

he ruined the dreams of hundreds of athletes for an IMPOTENT pandering

should people have boycotted our games due to our invasions in 91 and then in 2002?

Well, let's look at that.

IN 1991, the entire world in the UN voted to authorize us to go into Kuwait to expel the Iraqis. We did that, we had the good sense NOT to invade Iraq proper.

In 2001, the entire world voted to take action against Afghanistan for harboring Al Qaeda. So, yeah, the Salt Lake City Olympics were safe once MItt Romney got all his rich Mormon Pals to open their wallets to bail it out.

The whole world was appalled when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. And it should have been. It wasn't worth starting World War III over, though.
BS detector redlined
Duly noted that your false equivlency failed.
Anyone else find it weird that Progressives are more invested in the USSR than even most Russians? Our Progs love the USSR so much and have such visceral hatred for Reagan for dismantling the USSR they sound like they were member of the Politboro! How did they do it? How did the Communists get our Progressive to fall so madly in love with the USSR?

Nobody is "invested" in the USSR.

We just don't think Reagan tripling the National Debt on weapons that didn't work and destroying the Middle Class had anything to do with it's fall.

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