Reagan Unumployment rate was 10.8% at the End of 82

The Reagan years also saw oil fall from 35 a barrel to 10 a barrel which was a big stimulus to the economy (it was due to increased drilling worldwide and improvements in the mandated car mileage during the 70's and the rollover of the national car fleet).

The 80's economy also benefited tremendously from introduction of the PC in 1981 to business by IBM. Widespread use of programs like Visicalc and Lotus123 for spreadsheet applications and DBase IV and QuatroPro in Database apps, plus Word Perfect for word processing helped business reduce cost and improve profits, and the US was in the forefront and leading the world in productivity. This also led to huge exports of the US programming technology and cash inflows to the US.

Much of what happened in the 80's was not a result of the tax policy.

The deficit did quadruple under Reagan, from 700 billion to 2.8 trillion in 8 years, and we never got the sustained "supply side" effect, eventually leading Bush I (the elder) to break his campaign pledge and RAISE TAXES.
Reagan had a slim majority in the senate but he had to deal with a hostile democrat majority in congress during his first term. Contrast that to Obama who had a blank check majority in both congress and the senate and came up with a historic spending spree worthy of a community activist on drugs with a stolen ATM card.

Sure, facts, anyone can win an argument with those...
Reagan no more caused the unemployment when he was in office, than Obama is causing unemployment now.

Coming at these highly complex economic issues like simpletons might satisfy youf partisans' need for scoring political points, but none of you are saying anything worth seriously considering.

Reagan's policies directly caused unemployment to reach lows that had not been seen in decades.
Gee....that doesn't seem to show-up.....



Maybe you have a link that supports your claim.

Reagan came into office with initial job approval ratings as high as 60% by mid-March 1981. On March 30, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley and the resulting concern and sympathy lifted his ratings to 68% by May.

But even as Reagan recovered from his wounds, the public's concerns about the bad economy didn't, and his ratings began to fall as each month went by.

By the end of 1981, Reagan's job approval rating had drifted down to 49%.

In 1982, the public's view of the economy remained sour, and his ratings during 1982 fell even further, hitting the 40% range, ending his second year at 41%. In the '82 midterm elections, the Republicans lost 28 seats in the House. The cause? The economy and the voter's anger over it.

The unemployment rate in Reagan's second year - a full year after his tax cuts for the top 1% - rose to a post WW2 high of 10.8%. According to Gallup, only one third approved of the way he was handling the economy, with the deficit exploding due to his tax cuts benefiting the wealthy.

At the beginning of '83, his approval rating fell to a low of 35%.

The economy, and Reagan's approval, only started to improve in his third year.


And by the end of his term the unemployment rate was half that. Wanna make bets what the unemployment rate will be at the end of Obama's term? I'd bet money it will be nowhere near 5.5%. Even the White House is not predicting that.

Reagan wasn't handed a depression.

Summary: During a broadcast of his 850 KOA show, host Jon Caldara falsely asserted that the unemployment rate under Democratic President Jimmy Carter was "13 percent." In fact, the annual unemployment rate never rose above 7.1 percent during Carter's presidency -- lower than the rates under his Republican predecessor and successor.

Unemp. Rate**

















Colorado Media Matters - Caldara distorted annual unemployment rate under Carter
Reagan had a slim majority in the senate but he had to deal with a hostile democrat majority in congress during his first term. Contrast that to Obama who had a blank check majority in both congress and the senate and came up with a historic spending spree worthy of a community activist on drugs with a stolen ATM card.

Blank check?

Did you even watch the debates in congress or are you just getting your information from the republican party?
Reagan no more caused the unemployment when he was in office, than Obama is causing unemployment now.

Coming at these highly complex economic issues like simpletons might satisfy youf partisans' need for scoring political points, but none of you are saying anything worth seriously considering.

lol you think we are trying to fix the economy on here? I mean these tea party people think Obama was setting up death panels, he was born in Kemya and he is a secret muslim. How do you have a rational discussion with that?
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Republicans absolutely LOVE creating false gods to worship.
Reagan was a loser of the highest order.
We STILL haven't recovered from his abysmal policies.
Last time i checked, it was 2011 and the world is much different than it was 3 decades ago.
Reagan came into office with initial job approval ratings as high as 60% by mid-March 1981. On March 30, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley and the resulting concern and sympathy lifted his ratings to 68% by May.

But even as Reagan recovered from his wounds, the public's concerns about the bad economy didn't, and his ratings began to fall as each month went by.

By the end of 1981, Reagan's job approval rating had drifted down to 49%.

In 1982, the public's view of the economy remained sour, and his ratings during 1982 fell even further, hitting the 40% range, ending his second year at 41%. In the '82 midterm elections, the Republicans lost 28 seats in the House. The cause? The economy and the voter's anger over it.

The unemployment rate in Reagan's second year - a full year after his tax cuts for the top 1% - rose to a post WW2 high of 10.8%. According to Gallup, only one third approved of the way he was handling the economy, with the deficit exploding due to his tax cuts benefiting the wealthy.

At the beginning of '83, his approval rating fell to a low of 35%.

The economy, and Reagan's approval, only started to improve in his third year.

01/1981 - Unemployment rate 7.5% .... Reagan sworn in.
02/1981 - 7.4%
03/1981 - 7.4%
04/1981 - 7.2%
05/1981 - 7.5%
06/1981 - 7.5%
07/1981 - 7.2%
08/1981 - 7.4% *Reagan cuts taxes for top 1% & says unemployment will DROP to 6.9%.
09/1981 - 7.6%
10/1981 - 7.9%
11/1981 - 8.3%
12/1981 - 8.5%
01/1982 - 8.6%
02/1982 - 8.9%
03/1982 - 9.0%
04/1982 - 9.3%
05/1982 - 9.4%
06/1982 - 9.6%
07/1982 - 9.8%
08/1982 - 9.8%
09/1982 - 10.1%
10/1982 - 10.4%
11/1982 - 10.8%

Daily Kos: Unemployment Hits 10.8%, Presidential Approval Drops to 35%

Nice userID, fuckwit. Odd ... seems I had more money when Reagan was President. Even MORE odd is I haven't been unemployed since I was 16 until y'all voted that Chicago politician into office.

But please ... blame Bush, dirtwad. Meanwhile, I'll work on another loan from China.

Get a clue.
Look out, another dumbass thread!

Sooo, are you really making Reagan out to be just like Obama, then trashing Reagan? The context used in the OP is all over the place too...

One of the biggest differences I see is Regan's UE was first counted at least "more correctly" while Obama's UE numbers get better because people fall off from being counted. UE currently could be well in the 15% and probably pushing 20%. Sure Bush helped because the UE problem but Obama pretty much expanded anything Bush did to try and fix that problem. So is it any wonder things only got worse?

It just sounds good to compare Reagan to OL'BO.

Personally I rolled in the 80's.

I sure wish RR was around today. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
Reagan came into office with initial job approval ratings as high as 60% by mid-March 1981. On March 30, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley and the resulting concern and sympathy lifted his ratings to 68% by May.

But even as Reagan recovered from his wounds, the public's concerns about the bad economy didn't, and his ratings began to fall as each month went by.

By the end of 1981, Reagan's job approval rating had drifted down to 49%.

In 1982, the public's view of the economy remained sour, and his ratings during 1982 fell even further, hitting the 40% range, ending his second year at 41%. In the '82 midterm elections, the Republicans lost 28 seats in the House. The cause? The economy and the voter's anger over it.

The unemployment rate in Reagan's second year - a full year after his tax cuts for the top 1% - rose to a post WW2 high of 10.8%. According to Gallup, only one third approved of the way he was handling the economy, with the deficit exploding due to his tax cuts benefiting the wealthy.

At the beginning of '83, his approval rating fell to a low of 35%.

The economy, and Reagan's approval, only started to improve in his third year.


And by the end of his term the unemployment rate was half that. Wanna make bets what the unemployment rate will be at the end of Obama's term? I'd bet money it will be nowhere near 5.5%. Even the White House is not predicting that.

Reagan wasn't handed a depression.

Summary: During a broadcast of his 850 KOA show, host Jon Caldara falsely asserted that the unemployment rate under Democratic President Jimmy Carter was "13 percent." In fact, the annual unemployment rate never rose above 7.1 percent during Carter's presidency -- lower than the rates under his Republican predecessor and successor.


Does the term "Misery Index" mean anything to you? Reagan's misery index on taking office was enormous. It was minimal when he left. Obama's was minimal going into office. It remains where it was, or is worse. ANd is likely to get much worse.
Why do you think Reagan trashed Carter when presidents typically get re-elected?
And by the end of his term the unemployment rate was half that. Wanna make bets what the unemployment rate will be at the end of Obama's term? I'd bet money it will be nowhere near 5.5%. Even the White House is not predicting that.

Reagan wasn't handed a depression.

Summary: During a broadcast of his 850 KOA show, host Jon Caldara falsely asserted that the unemployment rate under Democratic President Jimmy Carter was "13 percent." In fact, the annual unemployment rate never rose above 7.1 percent during Carter's presidency -- lower than the rates under his Republican predecessor and successor.


Does the term "Misery Index" mean anything to you? Reagan's misery index on taking office was enormous. It was minimal when he left. Obama's was minimal going into office. It remains where it was, or is worse. ANd is likely to get much worse.
Why do you think Reagan trashed Carter when presidents typically get re-elected?

What is about the lefts fascination with Reagan?

They are constantly trying to discredit him, yet when one of their own are in trouble, politically, out come the comparisons?:confused:

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