Reagan Was A Shitty President

I lived through Raygun, and he was considered a joke back then. I love revisionist history. Next thing you know, idiots will be spouting out that Drunk Joe McCarthy was an American Hero.

....stranger things have happened...

Considered a joke by whom?

And by no means do I think Reagan was a flipping hero.

Most people I know, and the press.....

The press? Wow, I am shocked!! :lol:
You shouldn't be. Don't know why people liked him so...I want to know what he did that was so great...

...and please, don't say he brought down the USSR. That was well on the way to happening a good couple of decades before he came to power....
Still awaiting that list of criteria for measuring a "real" Republican, Miss Kat.
You shouldn't be. Don't know why people liked him so...I want to know what he did that was so great...

...and please, don't say he brought down the USSR. That was well on the way to happening a good couple of decades before he came to power....

Oh? So now you are admitting that people liked him (so much)....:eusa_shhh:
Bullshit. You weren't even alive when he was president, dood, so don't go trying to educate me, okay?

And neither of us were alive during the American Revolution, but we both know plenty about that too. ;)
You shouldn't be. Don't know why people liked him so...I want to know what he did that was so great...

...and please, don't say he brought down the USSR. That was well on the way to happening a good couple of decades before he came to power....

Oh? So now you are admitting that people liked him (so much)....:eusa_shhh:

Of course people liked him...Hey, even Charlie Manson has fans ya know...:cool:
Like I said previously, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in the GOP today.

Barry Goldwater, "Mr. Conservative" himself would be considered a Liberal by GOP standards today. Even he said so years before he died that his own party would consider him a Liberal.
Still awaiting that list of criteria for measuring a "real" Republican, Miss Kat.

Sorry, but you can just wait. You would merely do your usual pooh poohing, so I won't waste my time..tis getting late. Maybe tomorrow.
But if you are staying up, you can tell me the answer to that, though I never said ''real'' Republican. You tell me why you are a Republican. How do you feel you are aligned with Republicans. And actually I am not trying to be cute here, I am truly curious.

Oh and lastly, as I have stated before, I am not a Republican. I am not a Party person.
I am a conservative.
Bullshit. You weren't even alive when he was president, dood, so don't go trying to educate me, okay?

And neither of us were alive during the American Revolution, but we both know plenty about that too. ;)

Deflection. I DID live during I know first hand. BIG difference from reading.
like i said previously, ronald reagan wouldn't be welcome in the gop today.

barry goldwater, "mr. Conservative" himself would be considered a liberal by gop standards today. Even he said so years before he died that his own party would consider him a liberal.

You shouldn't be. Don't know why people liked him so...I want to know what he did that was so great...

...and please, don't say he brought down the USSR. That was well on the way to happening a good couple of decades before he came to power....

Oh? So now you are admitting that people liked him (so much)....:eusa_shhh:

Of course people liked him...Hey, even Charlie Manson has fans ya know...:cool:

Deflection. I DID live during I know first hand. BIG difference from reading.

Not a deflection. I've read plenty about Reagan. One can see whether Reagan would be welcome based on his positions.
I lived through Raygun, and he was considered a joke back then. I love revisionist history. Next thing you know, idiots will be spouting out that Drunk Joe McCarthy was an American Hero.

....stranger things have happened...

Considered a joke by whom?

And by no means do I think Reagan was a flipping hero.

Most people I know, and the press.....

In other words, no one who matters a fart in a windstorm's worth. Which would have been my guess, anyway.

Not fail. Though I noticed you avoiding saying the same about my remarks concerning the definition of modern Conservatism, Mr. Barry Goldwater.

Naw, I didn't avoid anything. The thread is about Reagan.
Kennedy would be a Republican/conservative now days. See? It could go on and on...;)
Naw, I didn't avoid anything. The thread is about Reagan.
Kennedy would be a Republican/conservative now days. See? It could go on and on...;)

I doubt it. He might be a Blue Dog Democrat but he'd be a Democrat. He wouldn't of been welcome in the GOP for many of the same reasons as Reagan.

Though, perhaps you can tell me why Reagan would be welcome in the GOP today?
Naw, I didn't avoid anything. The thread is about Reagan.
Kennedy would be a Republican/conservative now days. See? It could go on and on...;)

I doubt it. He might be a Blue Dog Democrat but he'd be a Democrat. He wouldn't of been welcome in the GOP for many of the same reasons as Reagan.

Though, perhaps you can tell me why Reagan would be welcome in the GOP today?

Yes, I can tell you why.
I'm tired too, but I'm in a little pain so I can't sleep. Lemme see if I can sum it up:

* The more people who work for (or better yet own) small businesses, the better off we are.

* Government should not be antagonistic to business if possible, especially not to small business.

* Growth in government (especially payroll) is bad and should be avoided.

* We should help disadvantaged people to alter their circumstances. Permanent, lifetime support should not be on offer unless that person is severely disabled.

* Tax laws and regulations should be as simple as possible.

* We need clean air and natural places, but we must balance those needs against the economic needs of communities affected by changes in our energy policies.

* We need a national defense, but the purpose of a standing military is not to support defense contractors.

* Some things are better done by the private sector rather than government. Very little is best done by government.

* The primary aim of all law enforcement and corrections must be the safety and security of the nation and our communities.

* The primary aim of public education must be the highest possible quality work force.

* The greatest asset of this nation is its middle class; everything that can be done to expand it should be considered.

* The privacy and civil rights of individuals should not be denied by the government unless there is a compelling reason.

* No one who entered the US illegally should attain citizenship here.

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