Reagan's Last Speech was a Love Letter to Immigrants

Yes, they have the ability to profess a way of life while living completely opposite. I do not have that ability, to be a complete hypocrite.
They are in every religion and any other group. Christians are no different. Again, tell me something I don't know.
Reagan fought for and signed the last massive amnesty! 5-10 million illegals made citizens.
Doubled legal immigration within his presidency

He was very pro immigration!

He only did so because the commies promised border security. As usual the commies lied. Reagan only supported LEGAL immigration and there was nothing in that speech that said otherwise.

Reagan would be cast as a "RINO" in today's GOP.

You are glossing right over an essential fact.
He was not referring to illegal immigrants, but people who chose to enter this country legally and want to go through the process of becoming an American citizen.

All conservatives support this.


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