Reagan's Last Speech was a Love Letter to Immigrants

They have owned them. The tide is turning.
This is what I've always said. Insecure jackasses like BL are terrified of brown people because brown people are more productive than him and will "steal" his job. I just think that's funny.

I've become friends with the owner of a Mexican restaurant I frequent. While he agrees that the legal immigration process should be streamlined, he's in no way in favor of illegal immigration. He got here legally, and has no sympathy for those sneaking in.

Mexicans in general are more conservatives than people in the US. BL needs to summon some courage, stow his petty fears, and welcome them.
Reagan v Trump.jpg
And of course "you guys" would shit yourselves in fear if we made it easier for people to immigrate legally.

From Europe? From the root-stock that founded and built this nation? No problem, since they've basically been zeroed out since Hart-Celler took effect.

What? You oppose white European immigrants?
I've become friends with the owner of a Mexican restaurant I frequent. While he agrees that the legal immigration process should be streamlined, he's in no way in favor of illegal immigration. He got here legally, and has no sympathy for those sneaking in.
That's so funny you say this. I was also friends with the owner of a Mexican restaurant where I used to play for their happy hour and he would say the same thing.

I think it's pretty much the same for every Mexican who came here legally, especially if they had to accomplish a lot and jump through hoops to become legal. They resent the ones who sneak in, and resent the politicians who want to let them slide.

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