Real thing: anyone actually MET a politician, of any fame or power level?

(R)IGHTeous 1

Dec 5, 2010
I happily have:

Sarah Palin. October 18, '08. She came to Lancaster, PA (right down the road from me) to shore up our ticket's support in Lanc. county and the region, which was/still is crimson red, but I digress.

After pwning some wacko lefty "protesters" outside the stadium, I listened to her speech, it was quite good, she made sense, was articulate, passionate, etc. She looks and sounds just the same in person, better if anything.

When the speech was done, she began mingling with the burgeoning crowd. I fought my way up to her, snapped a pic of her on my old Razor phone, and THEN shook her hand. I then said "Sarah, you're amazing!" She replied "Thank you!"

It was too awesome.:cool: After the rally, hyped up as I was, I refrained from other rally goers in kicking parking signs and pylons (the Lanc. County Obama HQ was right across the street and their parking lot was right next to the stadium lol)

State Senator Mike O'Pake, June, '08. I was working as a Field Office Clerk for the PA Dept. of Revenue, and being my state sen. he popped in to check on us then state employees. The big LOL part was that he was being dogged by gay rumors for the longest, and he comes right up and starts talking to me.:lol:

I tried as hard as I could to keep a straight face as he asked bout my pops, etc.

Those are mine. Yall?
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I happily have:

Sarah Palin. October 18, '08. She came to Lancaster, PA (right down the road from me) to shore up our ticket's support in Lanc. county and the region, which was/still is crimson red, but I digress.

After pwning some wacko lefty "protesters" outside the stadium, I listened to her speech, it was quite good, she made sense, was articulate, passionate, etc. She looks and sounds just the same in person, better if anything.

When the speech was done, she began mingling with the burgeoning crowd. I fought my way up to her, snapped a pic of her on my old Razor phone, and THEN shook her hand. I then said "Sarah, you're amazing!" She replied "Thank you!"

It was too awesome.:cool: After the rally, hyped up as I was, I refrained from other rally goers in kicking parking signs and pylons (the Lanc. County Obama HQ was right across the street and their parking lot was right next to the stadium lol)

State Senator Mike O'Pake, June, '08. I was working as a Field Office Clerk for the PA Dept. of Revenue, and being my state sen. he popped in to check on us then state employees. The big LOL part was that he was being dogged by rumors for the longest, and he comes right up and starts talking to me.:lol:

I tried as hard as I could to keep a straight face as he asked bout my pops, etc.

Those are mine. Yall?

Like, Oh mah GAWWD!
In all seriousness though, thinking of politicians possessing any power in of themselves is flawed. They are public servants, and nothing more. This is why people become indignant when politicians say things that are offensive. We don't want no lip from THE HELP :p
i happily have:

Sarah palin. October 18, '08. She came to lancaster, pa (right down the road from me) to shore up our ticket's support in lanc. County and the region, which was/still is crimson red, but i digress.

After pwning some wacko lefty "protesters" outside the stadium, i listened to her speech, it was quite good, she made sense, was articulate, passionate, etc. She looks and sounds just the same in person, better if anything.

best part:
When the speech was done, she began mingling with the burgeoning crowd. I fought my way up to her, snapped a pic of her on my old razor phone, and then shook her hand. I then said "sarah, you're amazing!" she replied "thank you!"

it was too awesome.:cool: After the rally, hyped up as i was, i refrained from other rally goers in kicking parking signs and pylons (the lanc. County obama hq was right across the street and their parking lot was right next to the stadium lol)

state senator mike o'pake, june, '08. I was working as a field office clerk for the pa dept. Of revenue, and being my state sen. He popped in to check on us then state employees. The big lol part was that he was being dogged by rumors for the longest, and he comes right up and starts talking to me.:lol:

I tried as hard as i could to keep a straight face as he asked bout my pops, etc.

Those are mine. Yall?

like, oh mah gawwd!

I! Know!
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I met quite a few. Some are very nice people even if I completely disagree with their politics, some are complete jerks even if I completely agree with their politics.
Jack Danforth, Dick Gephart, several of our Mayors, Bill Clinton. Danforth through our high school youth in government group, worked on Gepharts campaign, the Mayors out and about around town and Clinton as a handshake in the crowd.
Idi Amin.... he kept eying me in a funny way. Didn't care much for him, he creeped me out.
I have no desire to meet any politician as I believe they are all corrupt lying self serving assholes.
I have no desire to meet any politician as I believe they are all corrupt lying self serving assholes.
Yeah, and they make a lot of money, politicians are the wealthy elite where I live, earning more than 3x the gdp per capita for virtually doing nothing productive for the economy or people's welfare. ;)
My best friend knows Palin quite well. ;) Thinks she is a bitch.

In real life I have met Tom Foley, last good speaker of the house, great man.
My best friend knows Palin quite well. ;) Thinks she is a bitch.

In real life I have met Tom Foley, last good speaker of the house, great man.

((My best friend knows Palin quite well. ;) Thinks she is a bitch.))

What....I suspect your friends a liberalaweiny...:razz:
I've met several, used to play in the business on a regular basis. What's the big deal? They're a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly just like anybody else. I just wish a lot of them would stop pressing the flesh and posing for pics and get down to doing their damn jobs a little more often.

Political groupies. Sheesh. :rolleyes:
I've met several, used to play in the business on a regular basis. What's the big deal? They're a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly just like anybody else. I just wish a lot of them would stop pressing the flesh and posing for pics and get down to doing their damn jobs a little more often.

Political groupies. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

La Dee Daa....:lol:
I've met several, used to play in the business on a regular basis. What's the big deal? They're a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly just like anybody else. I just wish a lot of them would stop pressing the flesh and posing for pics and get down to doing their damn jobs a little more often.

Political groupies. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

La Dee Daa....:lol:

That's kinda my point, Lumpster. Nothing la dee da about it. THEY think so. :lol: But I suppose they're entitled to their opinion.

I can't figure out why anybody would be all star struck over meeting one of their own employees, who spend most of their public time begging, groveling and pleading for stuff from US. I guess the pols are pretty good at making some folks believe they really are a big deal.
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I got a chance to meet and talk to Jerry Brown about a decade ago in Belfast Maine..

Either I frightened him, he was seriously off his game or he's a just naturally very nervous person.

Given that I cannot remember a damned thing he said (three of us and he were talking for about a half hour) that doesn't speak well to my overall impression of him.

I walked out of that meeting not really knowing a thing about the guy, his policies, and I came away with the impression he truly didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
I met Donald Rumbsfeld while I was in Iraq. He offered his hand for me to shake and I just blankly stared at him. He's a cockbag.
Setup a dinner and town meeting for Senator Wayne Morse in Eastern Oregon. Talked to him for about 5 minutes one on one concerning his views of Vietnam. He impressed me as a thoughtful and very intelligent man.
Henry "Scoop" Jackson. Howard Baker. Dick Durbin. Rod the Scrod Blagojevich.

Blago was the most memorable. A local industry group held a reception/fundraiser for the guy when he first ran for Governor. I had printed out his Congressional voting record and stuck it in my pocket for quick reference. I introduced myself, wife, and kid and we all chatted a bit. He seemed grateful that our business would host him.

Then I showed him the voting record on industry issues while he was a Congressman. It was a page full or red X's. I swear the guy turned white as a sheet LOL. Never heard anyone stutter and stammer so much. Damn I'm good. :D
Funny this thread came up. I was getting on the "EL" yesterday morning when I walk in to the station and it's empty except for one guy standing there......Rahm Emanuel. He asked me how I was doing and if I had any plans for the holidays. Totally random and unexpected.

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