Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

Actually I prefer facts and data when it comes to rating presidents. Obama did better , way better and he never once tried to overthrow the government.
Better than what? How many weddings does one need to bomb to get your approval?
Definitely not a cult.
They never worshipped him or dismissed obvious faults adamantly. This trump thing is way over the top , no comparison. This thing with trump is something akin to a group Stockholm Syndrome.
Oh horseshit. You Leftist turds fawned over the Mulatto Menace, so spare us your faux outrage.
Obama was a real genuine person , trump has proven himself over and over again as the fraud he is and always has been. Passes aren't necessary , like loyalty praise is earned . You are confusing praise with notoriety, that's all trump has.

You have the stupidest opinions.
Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics.
These people are not dealing in reality. It is a large % of the MAGA movement feel that way. Thinking like this is an insult to God.
Many Christians feel they cannot support Trump because they feel he is unChristian.

"Gods appointee"? No, i think its more accurate to call him the second coming of Christ. The new and improved version of Christ in fact. The holiest and most powerful living god ever. :dunno:

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