Reason For Voting For Trump

absolutely. socialism cripples individual ambition, and just about every other positive attribute of work you named.

look at the greek model, what that's done for europe. i'd like to sit in the sun and drink wine and eat greek food all day too, but i'm compelled instead to keep working. why is that?

are there any lazy clinton/obama socialists here that might take a swing at that premise ?
"...there’s the travel ban ruling. In a compromise decision, the justices allowed Trump’s executive order to take effect but exempted “foreign nationals who have a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.” The order gives the Trump administration most of what it wants, while ensuring that individuals with significant ties to the U.S. will not be turned away at the border.

Yet Gorsuch, joined by Thomas and Alito, opposed this compromise: He would’ve let the travel ban take effect in its entirety, as he believes it to be lawful. So much for the fantasy of Gorsuch standing up to Trump."
Neil Gorsuch Is Everything Liberals Feared—and More

Trump has proven once again that he can't control himself. He's an embarrassment to the GOP. Can you just imagine Mitch McConnell today, shaking his head out of sheer frustration for Trump disrupting his agenda? Tsk.

Trump will resign by Christmas. And the backlash is going to be very very bad for goons like yourself and others who refuse the simple reality of a mentally disturbed POTUS.

Hey, dolt.....I quoted you in this OP.....I hope you like your 15 seconds of fame:

The Increasingly Quixotic Quest
1. Just after the election the Daily Signal had these interesting stats...

"reasons why 59 million Americans voted for Trump, including:

· 56 percent of voters who saw the Supreme Court nominations as “the most important factor” supported Trump.

· 64 percent of voters who thought immigration was the “most important issue” voted for Trump, as did 86 percent of those who want a wall built on the U.S.-Mexico border.

· 83 percent of voters who felt Obamacare “went too far” supported Trump.

· 57 percent of those who viewed terrorism as the top issue backed Trump, as did 85 percent of those who thought the fight against ISIS was going “very badly.”

· 73 percent of voters who felt the “government [is] doing too much” went for Trump.

These are issues of national security, rule of law, and the scope of government. Throughout his tenure, Obama has aggressively worked to promote a liberal agenda, from Obamacare to the Iran nuclear deal."
Donald Trump’s Win Wasn’t About Racism

2. I was right in the 56% who said the Supreme Court was #1 on their list of reasons.

Slate magazine cheered the cockles of my heart, with this article:
"On Monday, Justice Neil Gorsuch revealed himself to be everything that liberals had most feared: pro-gun, pro–travel ban, anti-gay, anti–church/state separation. He is certainly more conservative than Justice Samuel Alito and possibly to the right of Justice Clarence Thomas. He is an uncompromising reactionary and an unmitigated disaster for the progressive constitutional project. And he will likely serve on the court for at least three more decades.

In each case, he has chosen the most conservative position."
Neil Gorsuch Is Everything Liberals Feared—and More

Is my schadenfreude showing?

3. Oh...and just 45 minutes,
"Trump’s travel ban is going into effect tonight."
Trump’s travel ban is going into effect tonight. Here’s what we know.

The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber
Romans 13:11

And.....we did.
Only the right wing, believes that.

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