Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020

In fact, demographic changes should mean NOTHING. What means EVERYTHING is making people understand why they should vote for us. To assume that people of color will vote one way is not only its own form of racism, but it is the lazy way of not having to reach out to them.
Old country traditional Mexicans who come here should naturally vote Republican. Those folks don't go for gay marriage and abortion and all that crap.

In 2016, Texas was the state with the second highest percentage of Latino voters. 28.1% of the eligible voters were Latino.

In 2008, Latinos voted blue by 36 points.
In 2012, Latinos voted blue by 44 points.
In 2016, Latinos voted blue by 38 points.
In 2018, Latinos voted blue by 40 points.

This isn't racism. These are facts. You can choose to ignore historical trends of how people vote if you like.

You don't understand my point. My point is that a human being is a human being and we all want the same things for ourselves and our children, and if we reach out to people and make them see why they should vote for us then it does not matter what color they are.

YOU make it sound like party affiliation is bread into their race and their skin color. Yes, that is quite racist, and stupid too.

Again: Old country traditional Mexicans who come here should naturally vote Republican. Those folks don't go for gay marriage and abortion and all that crap.

I understand your point fine. I just choose not to ignore historical trends.

Party affiliation is not bread into skin color - people are free to pick whatever they want, and they do. But you would be foolish to think that a black person has a 50-50 percentage of choosing between Democrat and Republican. Historically, that's just not the case. No matter how you try to spin it.

You think it's stupid to think that race has anything to do with party affiliation. I think it's stupid not to think that race is tied to party affiliation. I have historical data on my side. You pick what you want though.
Party affiliation is not bread into skin color - people are free to pick whatever they want, and they do. But you would be foolish to think that a black person has a 50-50 percentage of choosing between Democrat and Republican..........

Right now? Yes, I agree. Thats why we really need to change how and where we campaign and sell out message. Every Spanish speaking conservative should be out campaigning and selling the message in neighborhoods and on Latino television. Why we do not do that I have no idea. We are doing it more and more with blacks now and poll numbers are showing it.
Party affiliation is not bread into skin color - people are free to pick whatever they want, and they do. But you would be foolish to think that a black person has a 50-50 percentage of choosing between Democrat and Republican..........

Right now? Yes, I agree. Thats why we really need to change how and where we campaign and sell out message. Every Spanish speaking conservative should be out campaigning and selling the message in neighborhoods and on Latino television. Why we do not do that I have no idea. We are doing it more and more with blacks now and poll numbers are showing it.
I agree that your party should be reaching out more to minority groups. I don't think they are doing nearly enough and I think the numbers will stay around where they have been historically.

I'm sure we'll disagree here, but I actually think your party has done a pretty good job of alienating those groups from ever wanting to vote R. One doesn't have to look hard to see people on your side of the aisle making overtly racist statements against those groups. I'm not talking about needlessly throwing the word "racist" around when it doesn't apply - I'm talking about obviously racist statements. I see it on this site all the time. Here's a quick example:

"Come on, let’s be honest...the new gas tax and all the other bullshit tax we pay is funneled to the filthy hands of wetbacks....Everybody knows it....FUCK IT, let’s call it what it really is.....a WETBACK TAX."

Rarely does someone on your side of the aisle ever condemn these kinds of statements from one of your own. In my opinion, it sends a pretty clear statement about who your party really wants to reach out to.

I think your party is doubling down on white people while alienating everyone else. As in 2016, it proved to be a winning strategy, and it may work once again. But with demographic changes over time, I think your party is going to need to adapt and be more inclusive like you're suggesting. And in order for that to actually work, I think Republicans are going to need more than a superficial "reaching out". Silent support of your obvious racists speaks volumes more than your other actions. But that's just my opinion.
According to several separate sources, if we could peel away just 20% of the black vote then the Dems would be dead in the water. I think those are the types of goals we could achieve if we really tried
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes. He puts his tennis shoes on and goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

I am not as confident in a 2020 Trump victory. If the socialist core of the modern Democratic Party intended to honor the long established election processes as prescribed by our laws then without doubt the President would landslide win a second term. But, the socialists have fought dirty since 2008 and before; so dirty many congressional races in question went hands-down to the Democrats in 2018. For the 2020 elections the Democrats will use all tools at their disposal to cheat their way into the White House or postpone election results for ages. They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with. They'll allow their constituents to phone in votes and they'll register or count millions of illegal immigrant votes. What ever lengths they must go to in order to take the Oval Office, they will do and then some. I have no doubt the Democrats will use our courts and election laws against the democratic process wherever possible.

I’m not either because what’s not being told is that the gops behind Trump are getting death threats which is what his lawyers and whistleblowers have got as well.
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

How'd it turn out?
<sob>. Stop reminding us how wrong we were!

Trump DID win you stupid shitstain. The election was stolen.
The girl was right you assfuck
OK...have it your way---we took your shit, you weak POS. There's not a damn thing you can do about except whine like the bitch you are.
Is that a better narrative?

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