Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020

[QUOTE="charwin95, post: 22959666, member: 54041"

Another lying ignorant trump supporter.[/QUOTE]

Another lying TDSer ^^^^^^^
Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020

Once again, Democrats are pitting class warfare and empty promises. Everyone's a victim of The Establishment and here come the Democrats to the rescue. Problem is:
  1. THEY are the very government they profess to want to go after!
  2. THEY are the rich they profess to want to tax to death!
  3. These people NEVER carry out their promises. It is all blather for the camera. Trump is that exception that actually does what he says.
  4. If implemented, their policies would simply backfire and make everything worse. No one ever got rich risen out of poverty by hurting those already there.
  5. The democratic base is mainly young college girls, stupid brats, freaks and illegals. They are just dumb enough to buy into all this horseshit.
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

View attachment 273971

Much as I like the message I would prefer it not be put on an American flag.
Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020

Once again, Democrats are pitting class warfare and empty promises. Everyone's a victim of The Establishment and here come the Democrats to the rescue. Problem is:
  1. THEY are the very government they profess to want to go after!
  2. THEY are the rich they profess to want to tax to death!
  3. These people NEVER carry out their promises. It is all blather for the camera. Trump is that exception that actually does what he says.
  4. If implemented, their policies would simply backfire and make everything worse. No one ever got rich risen out of poverty by hurting those already there.
  5. The democratic base is mainly young college girls, stupid brats, freaks and illegals. They are just dumb enough to buy into all this horseshit.

Democrats create problems where none existed. Then they identify 'victims' of those problems and lobby them to vote tax dollars to solve the problems THEY created. THEN they lay the blame for these faux problems on their political rivals. The sycophant main stream media supports their fake shit too.
Democrats create problems where none existed. Then they identify 'victims' of those problems and lobby them to vote tax dollars to solve the problems THEY created. THEN they lay the blame for these faux problems on their political rivals. The sycophant main stream media supports their fake shit too.


Much as I like the message I would prefer it not be put on an American flag.

I understand. It does not bother me, but I understand.
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

Poll: 63% expect Trump reelection, up from 43%
Write them on a piece of paper, roll it up, and shove it up your ass, moron. Trump will win. My dog could win against the idiots on that Democrat stage.

Nah! You are just in denial.

Fox News ran a polls which democrats can beat Trump. Several of them can beat trump. Easily.
Then trump got so piss off at Fox News.

Just an example. Candidate like Buttigieg...... his only major source of funding is the gay and lesbian communities. Look how much he is getting by the millions. That shows there is a big push by the LBQT community to oust your dog. At the end those fundings will be switched to Biden. Gay and lesbian communities are bigger than you think plus friends and families of these people that hates this POTUS.

Your dog will be gone by 2020.

And I just love the way you talk. A very LOW CLASS human being and a good example of a deplorable Trump supporter.
You just condemned a whole group- deplorable Trump supporter? I am not one but will defend those who did nothing wrong. And calling Trump a dog-WAY TO BE WOKE. Trump may win or lose, but keep talking like that and you will push more "deplorables" to vote and elect the MAN you don't want. And yes, the guy before you is no better.

Sorry but that’s the reality of trump supporters.
Or the American reality that so upsets Trump haters:

  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The booming economy has nothing to do with this corrupt current POTUS. It’s Obama’s economy.
Look at his popularity below 50%. What that tells you?
Sorry-forget numbers-people are jacked about THIS economy-Trump's economy.
The booming economy has nothing to do with this corrupt current POTUS. It’s Obama’s economy...........

Your a bald faced liar. That lie has already been disproven over and over in this forum.

You are just Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know about economy anyway?

Trump supporters are the most poorly un informed Americans.
On top of that some are very dishonest person. Like you.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will suddenly BOOM in January 20, 2017 without 2016 BOOMING ECONOMY?

If you know what you are talking about. All you have to do is lol at the unemployment in 2015 to December 2016.
LOL. Facing reality can't be easy for one such as you but DNC Chair Tom Perez is already admitting your future is a painful, miserable place. :D

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
“These numbers are daunting. We don't have to match Trump and the RNC dollar for dollar in order to beat them, but it's clear that we urgently need to turn up the heat on our fundraising to keep our eventual nominee and Democrats nationwide from being overwhelmed by the GOP's money machine in the general election,” said Perez.

He added: “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine unless we start making strategic, early investments right now.”
The booming economy has nothing to do with this corrupt current POTUS. It’s Obama’s economy...........

Your a bald faced liar. That lie has already been disproven over and over in this forum.

You are just Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know about economy anyway?

Trump supporters are the most poorly un informed Americans.
On top of that some are very dishonest person. Like you.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will suddenly BOOM in January 20, 2017 without 2016 BOOMING ECONOMY?

If you know what you are talking about. All you have to do is lol at the unemployment in 2015 to December 2016.
LOL. Facing reality can't be easy for one such as you but DNC Chair Tom Perez is already admitting your future is a painful, miserable place. :D

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
“These numbers are daunting. We don't have to match Trump and the RNC dollar for dollar in order to beat them, but it's clear that we urgently need to turn up the heat on our fundraising to keep our eventual nominee and Democrats nationwide from being overwhelmed by the GOP's money machine in the general election,” said Perez.

He added: “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine unless we start making strategic, early investments right now.”

Every time I see your screen name I think of Sam Kinison screaming "Say it! Say it!" LOL

I remember that debate where ALL the Democrat candidates were asked if they approved of free health care for illegals and they all raised their hands. They summarily alienated probably more than half of the American people.

A good portion of America that saw just laughted at the assholes.

Whoever told those idiots that giving free health care (paid for by working Americans) was a winning political strategy is a real moron.
I agree that Trump will win....

but this has to be kept in mind ,so people don't become complacent

what he says:

Dan Bongino‏Verified account @dbongino

"Something’s bothering me. I’m hearing from a ton of Trump supporters as I run around my neighborhood & elsewhere that there’s nothing to worry about. That Trump is going to win in a landslide. And while I agree that re-election is a strong possibility with a solid economy...

it is absolutely not a guarantee & can lead to apathy. This is precisely what cost Hillary the election when millions of Obama voters stayed home. No need to panic but we should all be just anxious enough to motivate us to action. Commit now to voting, & bringing 10 ppl with you.

In addition, living in a blue state is NO excuse. You MUST vote regardless. There are down ballot races that need you and we can’t let the Dems take the popular vote again. Take nothing for granted. Nothing. Showing up matters."
:laughing0301: The Dems couldn't win in 2016 with "the most uniquely qualified candidate evah." Do you really believe they can with any of the losers currently aboard the Dem clown car and the socialist pipe dreams they are promoting, or are you just whistling past the Dem boneyard?

I sure hope you are correct
The booming economy has nothing to do with this corrupt current POTUS. It’s Obama’s economy...........

Your a bald faced liar. That lie has already been disproven over and over in this forum.

You are just Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know about economy anyway?

Trump supporters are the most poorly un informed Americans.
On top of that some are very dishonest person. Like you.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will suddenly BOOM in January 20, 2017 without 2016 BOOMING ECONOMY?

If you know what you are talking about. All you have to do is lol at the unemployment in 2015 to December 2016.
LOL. Facing reality can't be easy for one such as you but DNC Chair Tom Perez is already admitting your future is a painful, miserable place. :D

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
“These numbers are daunting. We don't have to match Trump and the RNC dollar for dollar in order to beat them, but it's clear that we urgently need to turn up the heat on our fundraising to keep our eventual nominee and Democrats nationwide from being overwhelmed by the GOP's money machine in the general election,” said Perez.

He added: “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine unless we start making strategic, early investments right now.”

Desperation and scary time ....... Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
He said..... eventual nominee. and fund raising.
Do you know who are democrats eventual nominee?

Exactly what I’ve seen saying with Trumpy supporters. Poorly informed and ignorant.
The booming economy has nothing to do with this corrupt current POTUS. It’s Obama’s economy...........

Your a bald faced liar. That lie has already been disproven over and over in this forum.

You are just Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know about economy anyway?

Trump supporters are the most poorly un informed Americans.
On top of that some are very dishonest person. Like you.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will suddenly BOOM in January 20, 2017 without 2016 BOOMING ECONOMY?

If you know what you are talking about. All you have to do is lol at the unemployment in 2015 to December 2016.
LOL. Facing reality can't be easy for one such as you but DNC Chair Tom Perez is already admitting your future is a painful, miserable place. :D

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
“These numbers are daunting. We don't have to match Trump and the RNC dollar for dollar in order to beat them, but it's clear that we urgently need to turn up the heat on our fundraising to keep our eventual nominee and Democrats nationwide from being overwhelmed by the GOP's money machine in the general election,” said Perez.

He added: “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine unless we start making strategic, early investments right now.”

Desperation and scary time ....... Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
He said..... eventual nominee. and fund raising.
Do you know who are democrats eventual nominee?

Exactly what I’ve seen saying with Trumpy supporters. Poorly informed and ignorant.

And you think your silliness makes a lick of sense? The DNC is in big trouble again, the party chairman says your nominee won't stand a chance against Trump unless you pony up big bucks, and MORONS don't understand what any of this means.

No wonder your party is in such dire straights ... again. :lol:
LOL. And you think your silliness makes a lick of sense? The DNC is in big trouble again, the party chairman says your nominee won't stand a chance against Trump unless you pony up big bucks, and MORONS don't understand what any of this means.
No wonder your party is in such dire straights ... again. :lol:


Exactly what I’ve seen saying with Trumpy supporters. Poorly informed and ignorant.

That post displays a frightening level of stupidity. You imbeciles embrace socialism which is the destroyer of economies, infanticide and all manner of sexual perversion, and then you have the nerve to say that we - the normal people in the room - are ignorant. You are so propagandized that you don't even know right from wrong.
...........I think it's fair to say that Trump energized both sides to show up. The numbers on the Democrat side are staggering at a 70% increase. Again, that's in a midterm election.
What do you make of these numbers?
Simply put, I think Trump has gotten the attention of a lot of eligible voters who were otherwise uninterested in politics in the past. And a lot of these previously uninterested voters absolutely hate Trump. I think Republicans woke up a sleeping giant..........

I think this is mostly correct. I would add that many Republicans who stayed home because they were sick of RINO's also got motivated to go to the poles. So both sides got motivated.

Now, here is another reason Trump will win. Here are some facts about the American economy:
  • Jobs have grown for 106 consecutive months, the longest streak on record.
  • At 121 months, this is the longest bull market in American history.
  • The unemployment rate has been at 4 percent or less for 16 consecutive months, the longest such streak in 50 years.
  • Inequality remains a crucial problem, but wages are now growing the fastest among the lowest-wage industries, thanks to state-by-state increases in the minimum wage and the effects of low unemployment.
  • The University of Michigan’s consumer-sentiment index, which peaked at 112 in 1999, has hovered above 90 for more than four years, something that hasn’t happened since the 1990s.
  • Latino unemployment has fallen to its lowest rate on record.
  • Black unemployment, too, has fallen to its lowest rate on record, and, as the investor and Bloomberg columnist Conor Sen points out, the unemployment rate for black teenagers, which peaked at 48.9 percent in 2010, has plunged to yet another record low in 2019.

- Trump has been President for 32 months not 106. Obama was President the other 74 months.
- Republicans have fought against state by state minimum wages.
- The markets have been going sideways since Trump started his trade wars.
You say: Dems want to protect Healthcare
Isay:Thats a lie. Obama destroyed millions of peoples' plans.
You say: Dems want someone who will stand up for the environment
I say: The environment does not need any human being to stand up for it.
You say: Dems will point to the global instability under Trump
I say: There is none. Thats a lie.
You say: Dems will push an Education platform
I say: They push for unions and they hurt children. They are against school choice.
You say: Dems will rail against the unnecessary trade war
I say: There is no trade war. Thats hot air.
You say: Dems will highlight human rights abuses at the border
I say: Another lie. There are no human rights abuses.
You say: Dems will put up a candidate who is not batshit crazy
I say: LOL! Every one of those fucking morons is batshit crazy

I say: That's a lie. Obama destroyed millions of peoples' plans.
Obamacare is far more popular than Trump is.

I say: The environment does not need any human being to stand up for it.
Trump doesn't care about dirty water, air or the destruction of wildlife habitats. All to save big business a few bucks.

You say: Dems will point to the global instability under Trump
I say: There is none. Thats a lie.
You are the liar. Not surprising for a Trump supporter.

You say: Dems will push an Education platform
I say: They push for unions and they hurt children. They are against school choice.
Republicans want to take money from public schools for their school choice schemes.

You say: Dems will rail against the unnecessary trade war
I say: There is no trade war. Thats hot air.
You are hot air, There is a trade war that has been started by Trump.

You say: Dems will highlight human rights abuses at the border
I say: Another lie. There are no human rights abuses.
The IG has documented evidence of human right abuses.

I say: LOL! Every one of those fucking morons is batshit crazy
Trump is batshit crazy.

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