Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020

You say: Dems want to protect Healthcare
Isay:Thats a lie. Obama destroyed millions of peoples' plans.
You say: Dems want someone who will stand up for the environment
I say: The environment does not need any human being to stand up for it.
You say: Dems will point to the global instability under Trump
I say: There is none. Thats a lie.
You say: Dems will push an Education platform
I say: They push for unions and they hurt children. They are against school choice.
You say: Dems will rail against the unnecessary trade war
I say: There is no trade war. Thats hot air.
You say: Dems will highlight human rights abuses at the border
I say: Another lie. There are no human rights abuses.
You say: Dems will put up a candidate who is not batshit crazy
I say: LOL! Every one of those fucking morons is batshit crazy
You say: Dems want to protect Healthcare
Isay:Thats a lie. Obama destroyed millions of peoples' plans.
You say: Dems want someone who will stand up for the environment
I say: The environment does not need any human being to stand up for it.
You say: Dems will point to the global instability under Trump
I say: There is none. Thats a lie.
You say: Dems will push an Education platform
I say: They push for unions and they hurt children. They are against school choice.
You say: Dems will rail against the unnecessary trade war
I say: There is no trade war. Thats hot air.
You say: Dems will highlight human rights abuses at the border
I say: Another lie. There are no human rights abuses.
You say: Dems will put up a candidate who is not batshit crazy
I say: LOL! Every one of those fucking morons is batshit crazy

30 million more Americans obtained Healthcare under the Great Obama
That number has dropped under Crooked Donnie

By the way, you are correct about the environment. There is nothing that humans can do that will hurt the earth. It is one tough, son of a bitch, piece of rock. It is only humans that will be harmed
I tried and I still can't understand how someone can be that confident he will win considering that his side was beat by 3 million votes in 2016 and 10 million votes in 2018...........

2 things: The insanity of the Dems positions on issues, and trust that enough Americans recognize that insanity and that they also notice Trumps economic and jobs successes

Yet that didn't happen in 2018. In fact the exact opposite of that happened in 2018.

I get that you want that to happen, but I don't see any reason why any sensible person would expect that to happen based on the voter turnout of the last election. Looks like nothing more than wishful thinking to me.
What does a 10 million vote difference look like in the electoral college?

Let's take a look at the electoral college and how the 2018 midterm results would have looked on the electoral college map. Obviously this is hypothetical, but just to get a frame of reference of the direction in which the country is going, at least for now.

If the 2018 midterm results happened in a presidential election (and that's a big if), then we would see the following states flip:

Iowa (6)
This state went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung to the Democrats by 4 points.

Michigan (16)
This state was a big surprise in 2016. It barely went to Trump by less than a quarter of a point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Pennsylvania (20)
This battleground state went to the Trump in 2016 by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 10 points.

Wisconsin (10)

This was another big surprise in 2016. It went to Trump by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Maine (1)
This state breaks their electoral college votes up. Maine's second district is worth 1 point. In 2016, Trump won this vote by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it went to the Democrats by 1 point.

That's a total of 53 EC votes.

In 2016, Trump won 300 to 238. If we remove the 53 from Trump and add it to the Democrat, we would have...

Republicans: 247
Democrats: 291

Obviously, there are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, we don't know what the voter turnout will look like in 2020. However, just think of this as a snapshot of where the country is right now and the direction it might be going.

To me, it looks like Democrats have regained control of the states they lost last election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (46 EC votes) appear to be firmly in Democrat control with margins of at least 8 points. Iowa and Maine's 2nd district are tenuous at best.

However, just these 46 EC votes would still be enough to change the outcome.

Republicans: 254
Democrats: 284

The key question may be: can the Republicans really hang on to Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin? The outcome of the election depends on it. The other states, even the "battle ground" states didn't show any signs of changing from the midterm election, but these three states did. Trump barely won each of these states by less than 1 point. Signs are definitely pointing to them being firmly in Democrat control once again.
Good analysis

But I think states like Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia may be in play
Also, you never know where Florida will go

Let's see...

Arizona went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. In 2018, Democrats won the popular vote but that was at least partly due to the fact that there were no Republicans running in District 7.

If we look closer at District 7 in 2016, the Republican only took about 25% of the votes in that district. Using those numbers for 2018, Arizona Republicans barely edge out Democrats by about a quarter of a point. You're right though - Arizona is definitely in play. It's really close and it's probably just a matter of time. I think it stays red for at least one more election.

North Carolina also went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. Republicans beat Democrats in the primary, but again, I think that was at least partly due to the fact that no Democrats ran in District 3. If a Democrat was running (or if they have the option to choose a Democrat like in the presidential election), based on 2016 we can expect about 33% to vote D. Using these numbers for the 2018 election in District 3, Dems beat Republicans by 1.5 points. You're right - North Carolina is definitely in play.

Florida went for Trump by 1.2 points in 2016. The popular vote in 2018 went for Republicans by 5 points. And I think that would go even lower if a Republican option was available in District 20. I disagree on Florida. If anything, this state has gone even more red since 2016.
Speaking of reasons Trump will win, this takes the cake. If you want to see the depth of the patheticness and stupidity that Liberals have sunk toy, you have to watch this click. People calling each other"Comrade" and at the same time crying about gender pronouns. Absolutely unbelievable.

Democratic Socialist convention erupts over pronouns
'Sensory overload' caused some chaos at the annual gathering; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'

They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with.

Did you see that today, there is to be a test of old national defence program? Seems like they want to test shutting down all internet in the country as a test. You think Trump might have something up his sleeve besides his arm?
30 million more Americans obtained Healthcare under the Great Obama.........

And the deductibles are so high that the insurance is worthless. Your Kenyan socialist pig is a lying sack of shit.
First off, it is a lie to say 30 more million Americans obtained Healthcare under Obama. Everyone in the US has access to Healthcare.

25 Million were THROWN OFF OF THE HEALTHCARE PLANS due to Obamacare.

Another 25 million ObamaCare victims

An additional 3.5 Million were thrown off later.
At Least 3.5 Million Americans Have Now Had Their Health Insurance Policies Canceled Thanks To Obamacare

To completely upset The Healthcare Market Place to cover .014 of a percent more of The American Population and cause Healthcare costs to skyrocket 100-200% just so The Left can move us towards Socialism was a DISASTER.

It literally is so bad that someone should be tried and hung for proposing such a colossal failure of an idea.

To claim 30 Million "MORE" people are covered due to Obamacare is an outright lie. But it's what The Left does. They lie and hope that people do not check their lies out.

If 25 Million were thrown off their insurance, and were forced to change their insurance and doctors and sign up for Obamacare, and then another 3.5 Million were thrown off and forced on to Obamacare that is not 30 Million Additional. It is 25 Million were forced to switch to Obamacare, and 3.5 Million forced off their insurance and forced on to Obamacare.

Truth is only 5 Million people gained Health Care "INSURANCE" under Obamacare. Everyone in the US has access to Healthcare and is not denied treatment at any Emergency Centers.
Truth is, Obamacare fits The Law of Diminishing Returns. The Healthcare System was already balanced. It cost an additional 1 Trillion just to add only 5 Million to Health Care Insurance (Obamacare) No one in The US is denied Emergency Healthcare. Everyone has access to Healthcare.

Report: 5.4 Million Newly Insured Under Obamacare

We were already sharing the cost of that, including covering Illegals in this way.

At the cost of $685 Billion a year to as much as $1.75 Trillion, we cannot afford such an expensive and inefficient Health Care Rationing System that allows a bunch of Communists and Socialists to take over 1\6th of our economy which imo, was what Obamacare was ACTUALLY aboout.

If you think Obamacare was the most Expensive Disaster in American History, wait until you see "Medicare For All."
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30 million more Americans obtained Healthcare under the Great Obama.........

And the deductibles are so high that the insurance is worthless. Your Kenyan socialist pig is a lying sack of shit.
First off, it is a lie to say 30 more million Americans obtained Healthcare under Obama. Everyone in the US has access to Healthcare.

25 Million were THROWN OFF OF THE HEALTHCARE PLANS due to Obamacare.

Another 25 million ObamaCare victims

Only an additional 3.5 Million gained insurance.
At Least 3.5 Million Americans Have Now Had Their Health Insurance Policies Canceled Thanks To Obamacare

To completely upset The Healthcare Market Place to cover .014 of a percent more of The American Population and cause Healthcare costs to skyrocket 100-200% just so The Left can move us towards Socialism was a DISASTER.

It literally is so bad that someone should be tried and hung for proposing such a colossal failure of an idea.

To claim 30 Million "MORE" people are covered due to Obamacare is an outright lie. But it's what The Left does. They lie and hope that people do not check their lies out.

If 25 Million were thrown off their insurance, and were forced to change their insurance and doctors and sign up for Obamacare, and then another 3.5 Million were thrown off and forced on to Obamacare that is not 30 Million Additional. It is 25 Million were forced to switch to Obamacare, and 3.5 Million forced off their insurance and forced on to Obamacare.

Truth is only 5 Million people gained Health Care "INSURANCE" under Obamacare. Everyone in the US has access to Healthcare and is not denied treatment at any Emergency Centers.
Report: 5.4 Million Newly Insured Under Obamacare

We were already sharing the cost of that, including covering Illegals in this way.

At the cost of $685 Billion a year to as much as $1.75 Trillion, we cannot afford such an expensive and inefficient Health Care Rationing System that allows a bunch of Communists and Socialists to take over 1\6th of our economy which imo, was what Obamacare was ACTUALLY aboout.
Obamacare set minimum standards for health insurance. The plans that were lost werent plans at all.

Consumer Reports published a study of many of these plans and placed them in a special category: “junk health insurance.” Some plans, the magazine declared, may be worse than none at all.
Reasons why Trump will not win 2020.......

Write them on a piece of paper, roll it up, and shove it up your ass, moron. Trump will win. My dog could win against the idiots on that Democrat stage.

Nah! You are just in denial.

Fox News ran a polls which democrats can beat Trump. Several of them can beat trump. Easily.
Then trump got so piss off at Fox News.

Just an example. Candidate like Buttigieg...... his only major source of funding is the gay and lesbian communities. Look how much he is getting by the millions. That shows there is a big push by the LBQT community to oust your dog. At the end those fundings will be switched to Biden. Gay and lesbian communities are bigger than you think plus friends and families of these people that hates this POTUS.

Your dog will be gone by 2020.

And I just love the way you talk. A very LOW CLASS human being and a good example of a deplorable Trump supporter.
You just condemned a whole group- deplorable Trump supporter? I am not one but will defend those who did nothing wrong. And calling Trump a dog-WAY TO BE WOKE. Trump may win or lose, but keep talking like that and you will push more "deplorables" to vote and elect the MAN you don't want. And yes, the guy before you is no better.

Sorry but that’s the reality of trump supporters.
I tried and I still can't understand how someone can be that confident he will win considering that his side was beat by 3 million votes in 2016 and 10 million votes in 2018.. Definitely has a chance. But I sure as hell wouldn't be celebrating prematurely with those kinds of numbers.
The Dems couldn't win in 2016 with "the most uniquely qualified candidate evah." Do you really believe they can with any of the losers currently aboard the Dem clown car and the socialist pipe dreams they are promoting, or are you just whistling past the Dem boneyard?
Endless Lib Tard Trolling of late on USMB is proof positive of Trump in a Landslide in 2020.
Their panic and desperation are palpable and they have another 17 months of Trump's 1st term. The 2nd will see them totally surrender to their seething,mindless hatred.

Oh wait ... they already have.
Reasons why Trump will not win 2020.......

Write them on a piece of paper, roll it up, and shove it up your ass, moron. Trump will win. My dog could win against the idiots on that Democrat stage.

Nah! You are just in denial.

Fox News ran a polls which democrats can beat Trump. Several of them can beat trump. Easily.
Then trump got so piss off at Fox News.

Just an example. Candidate like Buttigieg...... his only major source of funding is the gay and lesbian communities. Look how much he is getting by the millions. That shows there is a big push by the LBQT community to oust your dog. At the end those fundings will be switched to Biden. Gay and lesbian communities are bigger than you think plus friends and families of these people that hates this POTUS.

Your dog will be gone by 2020.

And I just love the way you talk. A very LOW CLASS human being and a good example of a deplorable Trump supporter.
You just condemned a whole group- deplorable Trump supporter? I am not one but will defend those who did nothing wrong. And calling Trump a dog-WAY TO BE WOKE. Trump may win or lose, but keep talking like that and you will push more "deplorables" to vote and elect the MAN you don't want. And yes, the guy before you is no better.

Sorry but that’s the reality of trump supporters.
Or the American reality that so upsets Trump haters:

  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
I remember that debate where ALL the Democrat candidates were asked if they approved of free health care for illegals and they all raised their hands. They summarily alienated probably more than half of the American people.
That needs to be run as an ad EVERY DAY.
I tried and I still can't understand how someone can be that confident he will win considering that his side was beat by 3 million votes in 2016 and 10 million votes in 2018.. Definitely has a chance. But I sure as hell wouldn't be celebrating prematurely with those kinds of numbers.
The Dems couldn't win in 2016 with "the most uniquely qualified candidate evah." Do you really believe they can with any of the losers currently aboard the Dem clown car and the socialist pipe dreams they are promoting, or are you just whistling past the Dem boneyard?

Hillary was a terrible candidate. Whoever wins the Democrat primary will be an upgrade over our 2016 candidate.

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