Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020

You say: Dems want to protect Healthcare
Isay:Thats a lie. Obama destroyed millions of peoples' plans.
You say: Dems want someone who will stand up for the environment
I say: The environment does not need any human being to stand up for it.
You say: Dems will point to the global instability under Trump
I say: There is none. Thats a lie.
You say: Dems will push an Education platform
I say: They push for unions and they hurt children. They are against school choice.
You say: Dems will rail against the unnecessary trade war
I say: There is no trade war. Thats hot air.
You say: Dems will highlight human rights abuses at the border
I say: Another lie. There are no human rights abuses.
You say: Dems will put up a candidate who is not batshit crazy
I say: LOL! Every one of those fucking morons is batshit crazy

30 million more Americans obtained Healthcare under the Great Obama
That number has dropped under Crooked Donnie

By the way, you are correct about the environment. There is nothing that humans can do that will hurt the earth. It is one tough, son of a bitch, piece of rock. It is only humans that will be harmed

That is not true. They can destroy wildlife habitats.
What does a 10 million vote difference look like in the electoral college?

Let's take a look at the electoral college and how the 2018 midterm results would have looked on the electoral college map. Obviously this is hypothetical, but just to get a frame of reference of the direction in which the country is going, at least for now.

If the 2018 midterm results happened in a presidential election (and that's a big if), then we would see the following states flip:

Iowa (6)
This state went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung to the Democrats by 4 points.

Michigan (16)
This state was a big surprise in 2016. It barely went to Trump by less than a quarter of a point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Pennsylvania (20)
This battleground state went to the Trump in 2016 by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 10 points.

Wisconsin (10)

This was another big surprise in 2016. It went to Trump by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Maine (1)
This state breaks their electoral college votes up. Maine's second district is worth 1 point. In 2016, Trump won this vote by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it went to the Democrats by 1 point.

That's a total of 53 EC votes.

In 2016, Trump won 300 to 238. If we remove the 53 from Trump and add it to the Democrat, we would have...

Republicans: 247
Democrats: 291

Obviously, there are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, we don't know what the voter turnout will look like in 2020. However, just think of this as a snapshot of where the country is right now and the direction it might be going.

To me, it looks like Democrats have regained control of the states they lost last election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (46 EC votes) appear to be firmly in Democrat control with margins of at least 8 points. Iowa and Maine's 2nd district are tenuous at best.

However, just these 46 EC votes would still be enough to change the outcome.

Republicans: 254
Democrats: 284

The key question may be: can the Republicans really hang on to Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin? The outcome of the election depends on it. The other states, even the "battle ground" states didn't show any signs of changing from the midterm election, but these three states did. Trump barely won each of these states by less than 1 point. Signs are definitely pointing to them being firmly in Democrat control once again.
Good analysis

But I think states like Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia may be in play
Also, you never know where Florida will go

Let's see...

Arizona went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. In 2018, Democrats won the popular vote but that was at least partly due to the fact that there were no Republicans running in District 7.

If we look closer at District 7 in 2016, the Republican only took about 25% of the votes in that district. Using those numbers for 2018, Arizona Republicans barely edge out Democrats by about a quarter of a point. You're right though - Arizona is definitely in play. It's really close and it's probably just a matter of time. I think it stays red for at least one more election.

North Carolina also went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. Republicans beat Democrats in the primary, but again, I think that was at least partly due to the fact that no Democrats ran in District 3. If a Democrat was running (or if they have the option to choose a Democrat like in the presidential election), based on 2016 we can expect about 33% to vote D. Using these numbers for the 2018 election in District 3, Dems beat Republicans by 1.5 points. You're right - North Carolina is definitely in play.

Florida went for Trump by 1.2 points in 2016. The popular vote in 2018 went for Republicans by 5 points. And I think that would go even lower if a Republican option was available in District 20. I disagree on Florida. If anything, this state has gone even more red since 2016.

Don't forget the big enchilada Texas. Even Republicans admit they will have to spend time and money in Texas.
What does a 10 million vote difference look like in the electoral college?

Let's take a look at the electoral college and how the 2018 midterm results would have looked on the electoral college map. Obviously this is hypothetical, but just to get a frame of reference of the direction in which the country is going, at least for now.

If the 2018 midterm results happened in a presidential election (and that's a big if), then we would see the following states flip:

Iowa (6)
This state went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung to the Democrats by 4 points.

Michigan (16)
This state was a big surprise in 2016. It barely went to Trump by less than a quarter of a point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Pennsylvania (20)
This battleground state went to the Trump in 2016 by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 10 points.

Wisconsin (10)

This was another big surprise in 2016. It went to Trump by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Maine (1)
This state breaks their electoral college votes up. Maine's second district is worth 1 point. In 2016, Trump won this vote by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it went to the Democrats by 1 point.

That's a total of 53 EC votes.

In 2016, Trump won 300 to 238. If we remove the 53 from Trump and add it to the Democrat, we would have...

Republicans: 247
Democrats: 291

Obviously, there are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, we don't know what the voter turnout will look like in 2020. However, just think of this as a snapshot of where the country is right now and the direction it might be going.

To me, it looks like Democrats have regained control of the states they lost last election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (46 EC votes) appear to be firmly in Democrat control with margins of at least 8 points. Iowa and Maine's 2nd district are tenuous at best.

However, just these 46 EC votes would still be enough to change the outcome.

Republicans: 254
Democrats: 284

The key question may be: can the Republicans really hang on to Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin? The outcome of the election depends on it. The other states, even the "battle ground" states didn't show any signs of changing from the midterm election, but these three states did. Trump barely won each of these states by less than 1 point. Signs are definitely pointing to them being firmly in Democrat control once again.
Good analysis

But I think states like Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia may be in play
Also, you never know where Florida will go

Let's see...

Arizona went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. In 2018, Democrats won the popular vote but that was at least partly due to the fact that there were no Republicans running in District 7.

If we look closer at District 7 in 2016, the Republican only took about 25% of the votes in that district. Using those numbers for 2018, Arizona Republicans barely edge out Democrats by about a quarter of a point. You're right though - Arizona is definitely in play. It's really close and it's probably just a matter of time. I think it stays red for at least one more election.

North Carolina also went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. Republicans beat Democrats in the primary, but again, I think that was at least partly due to the fact that no Democrats ran in District 3. If a Democrat was running (or if they have the option to choose a Democrat like in the presidential election), based on 2016 we can expect about 33% to vote D. Using these numbers for the 2018 election in District 3, Dems beat Republicans by 1.5 points. You're right - North Carolina is definitely in play.

Florida went for Trump by 1.2 points in 2016. The popular vote in 2018 went for Republicans by 5 points. And I think that would go even lower if a Republican option was available in District 20. I disagree on Florida. If anything, this state has gone even more red since 2016.

Don't forget the big enchilada Texas. Even Republicans admit they will have to spend time and money in Texas.

Texas went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points.

Texas also voted Republican in 2018 by 10 points.

I think demographic changes in Texas are eventually going to shift it to purple, but I don't think it's realistically in play in 2020.
The booming economy has nothing to do with this corrupt current POTUS. It’s Obama’s economy...........

Your a bald faced liar. That lie has already been disproven over and over in this forum.

You are just Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know about economy anyway?

Trump supporters are the most poorly un informed Americans.
On top of that some are very dishonest person. Like you.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will suddenly BOOM in January 20, 2017 without 2016 BOOMING ECONOMY?

If you know what you are talking about. All you have to do is lol at the unemployment in 2015 to December 2016.
LOL. Facing reality can't be easy for one such as you but DNC Chair Tom Perez is already admitting your future is a painful, miserable place. :D

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
“These numbers are daunting. We don't have to match Trump and the RNC dollar for dollar in order to beat them, but it's clear that we urgently need to turn up the heat on our fundraising to keep our eventual nominee and Democrats nationwide from being overwhelmed by the GOP's money machine in the general election,” said Perez.

He added: “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine unless we start making strategic, early investments right now.”

Desperation and scary time ....... Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
He said..... eventual nominee. and fund raising.
Do you know who are democrats eventual nominee?

Exactly what I’ve seen saying with Trumpy supporters. Poorly informed and ignorant.

And you think your silliness makes a lick of sense? The DNC is in big trouble again, the party chairman says your nominee won't stand a chance against Trump unless you pony up big bucks, and MORONS don't understand what any of this means.

No wonder your party is in such dire straights ... again. :lol:

Nah! Not scared at all. I’m very confident your leader will be dethroned by 2020. Guaranteed..
I remember that debate where ALL the Democrat candidates were asked if they approved of free health care for illegals and they all raised their hands. They summarily alienated probably more than half of the American people.

Not if half the population is made up of illegals and Marxists that hate America.
With a booming economy, Trump should easily win re-election

But with over 10,378 lies, mistruths, childish taunts and embarrassing acts.......most Americans will not vote for him

Wow, that’s a lot of lies. What are the most significant 3 lies?
What does a 10 million vote difference look like in the electoral college?

Let's take a look at the electoral college and how the 2018 midterm results would have looked on the electoral college map. Obviously this is hypothetical, but just to get a frame of reference of the direction in which the country is going, at least for now.

If the 2018 midterm results happened in a presidential election (and that's a big if), then we would see the following states flip:

Iowa (6)
This state went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung to the Democrats by 4 points.

Michigan (16)
This state was a big surprise in 2016. It barely went to Trump by less than a quarter of a point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Pennsylvania (20)
This battleground state went to the Trump in 2016 by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 10 points.

Wisconsin (10)

This was another big surprise in 2016. It went to Trump by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, it swung back to the Democrats by 8 points.

Maine (1)
This state breaks their electoral college votes up. Maine's second district is worth 1 point. In 2016, Trump won this vote by 10 points. In the 2018 midterm election, it went to the Democrats by 1 point.

That's a total of 53 EC votes.

In 2016, Trump won 300 to 238. If we remove the 53 from Trump and add it to the Democrat, we would have...

Republicans: 247
Democrats: 291

Obviously, there are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, we don't know what the voter turnout will look like in 2020. However, just think of this as a snapshot of where the country is right now and the direction it might be going.

To me, it looks like Democrats have regained control of the states they lost last election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (46 EC votes) appear to be firmly in Democrat control with margins of at least 8 points. Iowa and Maine's 2nd district are tenuous at best.

However, just these 46 EC votes would still be enough to change the outcome.

Republicans: 254
Democrats: 284

The key question may be: can the Republicans really hang on to Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin? The outcome of the election depends on it. The other states, even the "battle ground" states didn't show any signs of changing from the midterm election, but these three states did. Trump barely won each of these states by less than 1 point. Signs are definitely pointing to them being firmly in Democrat control once again.
Good analysis

But I think states like Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia may be in play
Also, you never know where Florida will go

Let's see...

Arizona went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. In 2018, Democrats won the popular vote but that was at least partly due to the fact that there were no Republicans running in District 7.

If we look closer at District 7 in 2016, the Republican only took about 25% of the votes in that district. Using those numbers for 2018, Arizona Republicans barely edge out Democrats by about a quarter of a point. You're right though - Arizona is definitely in play. It's really close and it's probably just a matter of time. I think it stays red for at least one more election.

North Carolina also went for Trump in 2016 by 3.5 points. Republicans beat Democrats in the primary, but again, I think that was at least partly due to the fact that no Democrats ran in District 3. If a Democrat was running (or if they have the option to choose a Democrat like in the presidential election), based on 2016 we can expect about 33% to vote D. Using these numbers for the 2018 election in District 3, Dems beat Republicans by 1.5 points. You're right - North Carolina is definitely in play.

Florida went for Trump by 1.2 points in 2016. The popular vote in 2018 went for Republicans by 5 points. And I think that would go even lower if a Republican option was available in District 20. I disagree on Florida. If anything, this state has gone even more red since 2016.

Don't forget the big enchilada Texas. Even Republicans admit they will have to spend time and money in Texas.

Texas went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points.

Texas also voted Republican in 2018 by 10 points.

I think demographic changes in Texas are eventually going to shift it to purple, but I don't think it's realistically in play in 2020.

There were 2 tracks. One track was the Governor's race which was never a serious contest. The second was the US Senate race which was close from start to finish with Cruz winning by only 2 points. Since then Trump and Republicans have done nothing but irritate suburban voters especially women.

The urban areas which are strongly Democrat made up 41% of the vote. Rural areas made up 13% and they are strongly Republican. That leaves the suburbs. In 2016, Clinton won in 3 suburban Congressional districts for the first time. In 2018, Democrats won 2 of the 3 House seats and came within 5 points in five other districts. Hurd has already decided to retire and 2 of the 5 incumbents who saw their margins slip to under 5 points have decided to retire. Obviously they did not like what they were seeing. Cruz won by 2 points with a 55-44 margin in the suburbs. If Republicans see further erosion in the suburban vote, Texas could be the first red state to see the effects since the suburban vote is so large. If Biden is the nominee then Trump could be in trouble in Texas.
I am not as confident in a 2020 Trump victory. If the socialist core of the modern Democratic Party intended to honor the long established election processes as prescribed by our laws then without doubt the President would landslide win a second term. But, the socialists have fought dirty since 2008 and before; so dirty many congressional races in question went hands-down to the Democrats in 2018. For the 2020 elections the Democrats will use all tools at their disposal to cheat their way into the White House or postpone election results for ages. They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with. They'll allow their constituents to phone in votes and they'll register or count millions of illegal immigrant votes. What ever lengths they must go to in order to take the Oval Office, they will do and then some. I have no doubt the Democrats will use our courts and election laws against the democratic process wherever possible.

The socialists have fought dirty since 1932 by putting FDR in charge for almost 4 terms of chaos and war. They flat stole the election from Nixon in 1960 when JFK's daddy made a deal with Sam Giancana to throw Nixon votes in the Chicago River to carry Illinois. It got both of the old bootlegers boys killed in the end when they betrayed the mob. Clinton took Chicom money to win in 1996 which is why their ICBMs are now accurate enough to hit American cities. Obama was born in Kenya...they all knew it and yet he was allowed to run and accept millions from the ME in campaign funds. The democrat party is a criminal organization now letting illegal mexicans vote in our elections. If Trump can win in 2020, despite voting machine fraud already set up and ready to go, it will be a minor miracle. I hope he does ask Putin for help this time...why not out-cheat the scumbags if that's what it takes?
I am not as confident in a 2020 Trump victory. If the socialist core of the modern Democratic Party intended to honor the long established election processes as prescribed by our laws then without doubt the President would landslide win a second term. But, the socialists have fought dirty since 2008 and before; so dirty many congressional races in question went hands-down to the Democrats in 2018. For the 2020 elections the Democrats will use all tools at their disposal to cheat their way into the White House or postpone election results for ages. They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with. They'll allow their constituents to phone in votes and they'll register or count millions of illegal immigrant votes. What ever lengths they must go to in order to take the Oval Office, they will do and then some. I have no doubt the Democrats will use our courts and election laws against the democratic process wherever possible.

The socialists have fought dirty since 1932 by putting FDR in charge for almost 4 terms of chaos and war. They flat stole the election from Nixon in 1960 when JFK's daddy made a deal with Sam Giancana to throw Nixon votes in the Chicago River to carry Illinois. It got both of the old bootlegers boys killed in the end when they betrayed the mob. Clinton took Chicom money to win in 1996 which is why their ICBMs are now accurate enough to hit American cities. Obama was born in Kenya...they all knew it and yet he was allowed to run and accept millions from the ME in campaign funds. The democrat party is a criminal organization now letting illegal mexicans vote in our elections. If Trump can win in 2020, despite voting machine fraud already set up and ready to go, it will be a minor miracle. I hope he does ask Putin for help this time...why not out-cheat the scumbags if that's what it takes?

Wow, you get a special award because you are so special.
The Two Ticking Time Bombs of the Coming Election
Read it and weep Dems: Trump will win in a landslide

You are the one who will be weeping. The first one is something no one in their right mind will care about. The second is that Republicans cannot beat something with nothing. For example, Republicans are increasingly agreeing that the party must have a plan for climate change even if it is less drastic than what Democrats are pushing.
There were 2 tracks. One track was the Governor's race which was never a serious contest. The second was the US Senate race which was close from start to finish with Cruz winning by only 2 points. Since then Trump and Republicans have done nothing but irritate suburban voters especially women.

The urban areas which are strongly Democrat made up 41% of the vote. Rural areas made up 13% and they are strongly Republican. That leaves the suburbs. In 2016, Clinton won in 3 suburban Congressional districts for the first time. In 2018, Democrats won 2 of the 3 House seats and came within 5 points in five other districts. Hurd has already decided to retire and 2 of the 5 incumbents who saw their margins slip to under 5 points have decided to retire. Obviously they did not like what they were seeing. Cruz won by 2 points with a 55-44 margin in the suburbs. If Republicans see further erosion in the suburban vote, Texas could be the first red state to see the effects since the suburban vote is so large. If Biden is the nominee then Trump could be in trouble in Texas.

That would be nice. I hope you're right.

I'm just looking at 2018 and I see that Republicans won Texas on three different fronts - the Senate, the House, and the Governor race.

Yes, I can see that Trump is pissing off a lot of people, particularly women. But that was already happening from 2016 to 2018, and he still won Texas in 2018. What exactly would be different between 2018 and 2020? I'm just not seeing it. I think it's going to take more time for Texas to turn. But we'll see.
Add these 34 reasons to why Trump will win, courtesy of kyzr
IMHO 2020 will be a bigger win for Trump than 2016.
1. The dems will have a weaker candidate in 2020 than "can't lose" Hillary Clinton
2. Trump is now a known quantity, and is doing a good job running the country, if you were a Trump voter in 2016, you will be one in again 2020
3. Trump will gain most of the "Never-Trump" voters based on his credible job, especially his superb judicial picks, and expect Amy Coney Barrett for RBG
4. Trump is also picking up black voters, union voters, and voters who like his no nonsense style of governing, especially his trade policies with China and strict immigration policies.
5. But the "coup-de-gras" for Trump are the many nonsensical democrat policies. He can beat them like baby seals with these crazy policies:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare, "Medicare for all"
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
Texas went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points.
Texas also voted Republican in 2018 by 10 points.
I think demographic changes in Texas are eventually going to shift it to purple, but I don't think it's realistically in play in 2020.

In fact, demographic changes should mean NOTHING. What means EVERYTHING is making people understand why they should vote for us. To assume that people of color will vote one way is not only its own form of racism, but it is the lazy way of not having to reach out to them.

Old country traditional Mexicans who come here should naturally vote Republican. Those folks don't go for gay marriage and abortion and all that crap.
Texas went for Trump in 2016 by 10 points.
Texas also voted Republican in 2018 by 10 points.
I think demographic changes in Texas are eventually going to shift it to purple, but I don't think it's realistically in play in 2020.

In fact, demographic changes should mean NOTHING. What means EVERYTHING is making people understand why they should vote for us. To assume that people of color will vote one way is not only its own form of racism, but it is the lazy way of not having to reach out to them.

Old country traditional Mexicans who come here should naturally vote Republican. Those folks don't go for gay marriage and abortion and all that crap.

In 2016, Texas was the state with the second highest percentage of Latino voters. 28.1% of the eligible voters were Latino.

In 2008, Latinos voted blue by 36 points.
In 2012, Latinos voted blue by 44 points.
In 2016, Latinos voted blue by 38 points.
In 2018, Latinos voted blue by 40 points.

This isn't racism. These are facts. You can choose to ignore historical trends of how people vote if you like.
In fact, demographic changes should mean NOTHING. What means EVERYTHING is making people understand why they should vote for us. To assume that people of color will vote one way is not only its own form of racism, but it is the lazy way of not having to reach out to them.
Old country traditional Mexicans who come here should naturally vote Republican. Those folks don't go for gay marriage and abortion and all that crap.

In 2016, Texas was the state with the second highest percentage of Latino voters. 28.1% of the eligible voters were Latino.

In 2008, Latinos voted blue by 36 points.
In 2012, Latinos voted blue by 44 points.
In 2016, Latinos voted blue by 38 points.
In 2018, Latinos voted blue by 40 points.

This isn't racism. These are facts. You can choose to ignore historical trends of how people vote if you like.

You don't understand my point. My point is that a human being is a human being and we all want the same things for ourselves and our children, and if we reach out to people and make them see why they should vote for us then it does not matter what color they are.

YOU make it sound like party affiliation is bread into their race and their skin color. Yes, that is quite racist, and stupid too.

Again: Old country traditional Mexicans who come here should naturally vote Republican. Those folks don't go for gay marriage and abortion and all that crap.

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