Rebuilding America: Trump First Month Sees BOOM In Construction, Manufacturing Jobs...

Oh yeah, forgot to add this: Trump's cleaning up on ka-ching, not in any way separating himself from his businesses. He's got 38 trademarks being granted to him by China. So your fat-assed, orange-faced goon will soon be in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. Then we an impeach his sorry ass.
Opinion | Trump runs roughshod over the Constitution’s emoluments clause
China OKs 38 Trump Trademarks; Critics Say It Violates Emoluments Clause

In your previous post, you said " Trump isn't the President either. He's an impostor". So how can you impeach a guy who isn't the president?
Another big OUCH! for rabid Democrat Trump-Haters. But more winning for America and Trump. :thup:

Trump ran on the promise to create 25 million jobs over the next decade. Since taking office, the president has hammered industry leaders to increase U.S. production and employment, taking credit for keeping American companies such as Carrier and Ford from moving factories abroad. Trump has also promised a $1 trillion investment into U.S. infrastructure that will create “millions of jobs.”

The largest job growth in February came in the construction industry, which added 58,000 jobs -- and 177,000 jobs in the last six months. Manufacturing added 28,000 jobs in February, for an increase of 57,000 jobs over the past three months.

FOX Business dove into the February jobs data, and here is a sector breakdown of job creation and loss from last month:

  • Construction: 58,000 jobs added

  • Manufacturing: 28,000 jobs added...
Trump's First Full Month Sees Boom in Construction, Manufacturing Jobs
Trump's economic adviser says Trump had nothing to do with Friday's strong jobs report

According to Gary Cohn, the head of Trump's National Economic Council, there's no reason to credit Trump for the strong report.

For one thing, Cohn said, the jobs that were promised by CEOs who have met with Trump haven't been created yet.
Trump's economic adviser says Trump had nothing to do with Friday's strong jobs report
What Gary Cohn REALLY said.

Gary Cohn: We had a blowout February and we’re just getting started
Jobless claims were 200k for the same period, giving it a job creation of 33k, not much of a blowout..
Another big OUCH! for rabid Democrat Trump-Haters. But more winning for America and Trump. :thup:

Trump ran on the promise to create 25 million jobs over the next decade. Since taking office, the president has hammered industry leaders to increase U.S. production and employment, taking credit for keeping American companies such as Carrier and Ford from moving factories abroad. Trump has also promised a $1 trillion investment into U.S. infrastructure that will create “millions of jobs.”

The largest job growth in February came in the construction industry, which added 58,000 jobs -- and 177,000 jobs in the last six months. Manufacturing added 28,000 jobs in February, for an increase of 57,000 jobs over the past three months.

FOX Business dove into the February jobs data, and here is a sector breakdown of job creation and loss from last month:

  • Construction: 58,000 jobs added

  • Manufacturing: 28,000 jobs added...
Trump's First Full Month Sees Boom in Construction, Manufacturing Jobs

Oh wow! So Fox Noise now thinks, like Trump, that these numbers are real, whereas before they were fake.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth
Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

Obama isn't the President. Donald Trump is. Y'all haters are gonna have to deal with that.

Trump isn't the President either. He's an impostor.
Someone needs to tell the secret service that. They think he is.
Another big OUCH! for rabid Democrat Trump-Haters. But more winning for America and Trump. :thup:

Trump ran on the promise to create 25 million jobs over the next decade. Since taking office, the president has hammered industry leaders to increase U.S. production and employment, taking credit for keeping American companies such as Carrier and Ford from moving factories abroad. Trump has also promised a $1 trillion investment into U.S. infrastructure that will create “millions of jobs.”

The largest job growth in February came in the construction industry, which added 58,000 jobs -- and 177,000 jobs in the last six months. Manufacturing added 28,000 jobs in February, for an increase of 57,000 jobs over the past three months.

FOX Business dove into the February jobs data, and here is a sector breakdown of job creation and loss from last month:

  • Construction: 58,000 jobs added

  • Manufacturing: 28,000 jobs added...
Trump's First Full Month Sees Boom in Construction, Manufacturing Jobs

Oh wow! So Fox Noise now thinks, like Trump, that these numbers are real, whereas before they were fake.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth
Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth
I know those damn fast food joints were ALWAYS full of employees so yep Obama sure did get jobs going. :)
The only way to know that is to work at one..
Trump has exceeded our expectations...............:happy-1:

He's certainly has. He's embroiled his administration in more scandal in 45 days than other presidents have done in 4 years. Still won't answer about Obama's wire "tapp" of Trump Tower, the Russian investigation getting more intense now that Christopher Steele has come out of hiding. Just found out that Mike Flynn was a foreign agent while he was on the transition team. Just keeps getting better all the time.

I see your still getting your spoon feeding from MSM, you are addicted to it, it's going to lead to , we'll never mind y'all liberals are just to dumb to break away from them and see the light.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another big OUCH! for rabid Democrat Trump-Haters. But more winning for America and Trump. :thup:

Trump ran on the promise to create 25 million jobs over the next decade. Since taking office, the president has hammered industry leaders to increase U.S. production and employment, taking credit for keeping American companies such as Carrier and Ford from moving factories abroad. Trump has also promised a $1 trillion investment into U.S. infrastructure that will create “millions of jobs.”

The largest job growth in February came in the construction industry, which added 58,000 jobs -- and 177,000 jobs in the last six months. Manufacturing added 28,000 jobs in February, for an increase of 57,000 jobs over the past three months.

FOX Business dove into the February jobs data, and here is a sector breakdown of job creation and loss from last month:

  • Construction: 58,000 jobs added

  • Manufacturing: 28,000 jobs added...
Trump's First Full Month Sees Boom in Construction, Manufacturing Jobs

Remember when this number would not have impressed you?

U.S. Economy Added Only 103,000 Jobs In March
Things are only going to get better. He's going to go down as one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. And to think the guy only takes $1 in salary a year.
Things are only going to get better. He's going to go down as one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. And to think the guy only takes $1 in salary a year.

They better get better. He promised a lot more than 103,000 jobs a month. Hillary could have given us that.

He's going to make more in one weekend when the bible thumpers come stay at his hotel in June.

'Concerned' Evangelicals Plan To Meet With Trump As Sex Scandals Swirl

And his family has already cost us more than that salary stupid.

And did you know Trump does seem on pace to outstrip previous presidential spending by the end of his term.

The report said the Secret Service requested $60 million in additional funding for next year. $26.8 million would go to protecting Trump’s family in Trump Tower and $33 million would fund travel costs. The Management and Budget Office had rejected the request.

More recently, Secret Service Director Randolph Alles told USA Today that more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated annual caps for salary and overtime allowances.

He attributed the dearth to both an unprecedented number of White House protectees -- Trump has 42, including his 18 family members, whereas Obama had 31 -- and efforts to secure Trump’s multiple residences.

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